Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ FAQs/ Node Management/ What Do I Do If Trust Relationships Between Nodes Are Abnormal?
Updated on 2024-08-16 GMT+08:00

What Do I Do If Trust Relationships Between Nodes Are Abnormal?

If "ALM-12066 Inter-Node Mutual Trust Fails" is reported on Manager or there is no SSH trust relationship between nodes, rectify the fault by performing the following operations:

  1. Run the ssh-add -l command on both nodes of the trusted cluster to check whether there are identities.

  2. If no identities are displayed, run the ps -ef|grep ssh-agent command to find the ssh-agent process, kill the process, and wait for the process to automatically restart.

  3. Run the ssh-add -l command to check whether the identities have been added. If yes, manually run the ssh command to check whether the trust relationship is normal.

  4. If identities exist, check whether the authorized_keys file in the /home/omm/.ssh directory contains the information in the file in the /home/omm/.ssh of the peer node. If no, manually add the information about the peer node.
  5. Check whether the permissions on the files in /home/omm/.ssh directory are correct.
  6. Check the /var/log/Bigdata/nodeagent/scriptlog/ssh-agent-monitor.log file.
  7. If the ommuser directory has been deleted, contact MRS support personnel.