Help Center/ ModelArts/ FAQs/ Notebook (New Version)/ Data Upload or Download/ Failed to View the Local Mount Point of a Dynamically Mounted OBS Parallel File System in JupyterLab of a Notebook Instance
Updated on 2024-06-15 GMT+08:00

Failed to View the Local Mount Point of a Dynamically Mounted OBS Parallel File System in JupyterLab of a Notebook Instance


When an OBS parallel file system is dynamically mounted to a notebook instance, the local mount directory is /data/demo-yf/, which, however, is not displayed in the navigation pane on the left of JupyterLab.

Figure 1 Local mount directory
Figure 2 JupyterLab of notebook

Possible Causes

The local mount directory is the demo-yf folder created in the ~/data directory of the notebook container. However, the default path of the navigation pane on the left of JupyterLab is the ~/work directory, which means that /data and /work are of the same level. As a result, the directory cannot be displayed in JupyterLab.

After Terminal is opened, the default directory is ~work. Run the following commands to go to the ~data directory and view the local mount directory:

(PyTorch-1.8) [ma-user work]$cd
(PyTorch-1.8) [ma-user ~]$cd /data
(PyTorch-1.8) [ma-user data]$ls