Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ User Guide (Paris Region)/ Troubleshooting/ Using Hive/ WebHCat Failed to Start Because the mapred-default.xml File Cannot Be Parsed
Updated on 2024-10-11 GMT+08:00

WebHCat Failed to Start Because the mapred-default.xml File Cannot Be Parsed


The Hive service of MRS is faulty. After the Hive service is restarted, the HiveServer and WebHCat processes on the Master2 node fail to start, but the processes on the Master1 node are normal.

Cause Analysis

Log in to the Master2 node and check the /var/log/Bigdata/hive/hiveserver/hive.log file. It is found that HiveServer keeps loading /opt/Bigdata/*/*_HiveServer/etc/hive-site.xml. Check the /var/log/Bigdata/hive/hiveserver/hiveserver.out log generated when HiveServer exits. It is found that an exception occurs when the mapred-default.xml file is parsed.


  1. Log in to the Master2 node and run the following command to query the path of mapred-default.xml:

    find /opt/ -name 'mapred-default.xml'

    The configuration file is in the /opt/Bigdata/*/*_WebHCat/etc/ directory but is empty.

  2. Log in to the Master1 node, copy the /opt/Bigdata/*/*_WebHCat/etc/mapred-default.xml file to the Master2 node, and change the owner group of the file to omm:wheel.
  3. Log in to Manager and restart the abnormal HiveServer and WebHCat instances.