هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة حاليًا بلغتك المحلية. نحن نعمل جاهدين على إضافة المزيد من اللغات. شاكرين تفهمك ودعمك المستمر لنا.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Bulletin
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Process of Using APIG
- Creating a User and Granting APIG Permissions
- Creating a Gateway
- Opening APIs
- (Optional) Configuring Authorization for API Calling
- Calling APIs
Managing APIs
- Overview
- Viewing or Modifying API Information
- Configuring Custom API Authentication
- Configuring API Parameter Orchestration Rules
- Customizing Error Response for APIs
- Cloning an API
- Taking an API Offline
- Importing and Exporting APIs
API Design File Extension Definitions
- x-apigateway-auth-type
- x-apigateway-request-type
- x-apigateway-match-mode
- x-apigateway-cors
- x-apigateway-is-send-fg-body-base64
- x-apigateway-any-method
- x-apigateway-backend
- x-apigateway-backend.parameters
- x-apigateway-backend.httpEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.httpVpcEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.functionEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.mockEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend-policies
- x-apigateway-backend-policies.conditions
- x-apigateway-ratelimit
- x-apigateway-ratelimits
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy.special
- x-apigateway-access-control
- x-apigateway-access-controls
- x-apigateway-access-controls.policy
- x-apigateway-plugins
- x-apigateway-auth-opt
- x-apigateway-result-normal-sample
- x-apigateway-result-failure-sample
- x-apigateway-authorizer
- x-apigateway-response
- x-apigateway-responses
- x-apigateway-pass-through
- x-apigateway-sample
- x-apigateway-content-type
- x-apigateway-orchestrations
- Configuring API Policies
- Configuring a Credential Policy
- Managing APIG Gateways
- Viewing Metrics and Configuring Alarms
- Viewing Audit Logs
- Shared Gateway (for Existing Users)
Best Practices
- Overview
API Openness
- Selectively Exposing CCE Workloads with a Dedicated Gateway
- Selectively Exposing Service Capabilities of a Data Center Using a Dedicated Gateway
- Exposing Backend Services Across VPCs Using a Dedicated Gateway
- Routing gRPC Service Requests Using a Dedicated Gateway
- Forwarding WebSocket Service Requests Using a Dedicated Gateway
- HTTP-to-HTTPS Auto Redirection with a Dedicated Gateway
- Calling Different Backend Services Using a Dedicated Gateway
- API Authentication
- API Policies
- API Security
- Developer Guide
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Dedicated Gateway APIs (V2)
- API Group Management
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
API Management
- Creating an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API or Taking an API Offline
- Querying API Details
- Querying APIs
- Verifying the API Definition
- Debugging an API
- Publishing APIs or Taking APIs Offline
- Querying Historical Versions of an API
- Switching the Version of an API
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Querying API Version Details
- Taking an API Version Offline
- Signature Key Management
- Binding/Unbinding Signature Keys
- Binding/Unbinding Request Throttling Policies
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- App Authorization Management
- Resource Query
- Domain Name Management
- Access Control Policy Management
- Binding/Unbinding Access Control Policies
- Custom Authorizer Management
- API Import and Export
VPC Channel Management
- Creating a VPC Channel
- Updating a VPC Channel
- Deleting a VPC Channel
- Querying VPC Channel Details
- Querying VPC Channels
- Adding or Updating Backend Instances
- Querying Backend Servers of a VPC Channel
- Updating Backend Instances
- Removing a Backend Server
- Enabling Backend Servers
- Disabling Backend Servers
- Modifying VPC Channel Health Check
- Adding or Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Querying Backend Server Groups of a VPC Channel
- Querying a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Deleting a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Monitoring Information Query
- Group Response Management
- Tag Management
- Gateway Feature Management
- Configuration Management
Gateway Management
- Creating a Dedicated Gateway (Pay-Per-Use)
- Querying Dedicated Gateway Details
- Updating a Dedicated Gateway
- Querying the Creation Progress of a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating or Binding an EIP to a Dedicated Gateway
- Unbinding the EIP of a Dedicated Gateway
- Enabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating the Outbound Access Bandwidth of a Dedicated Gateway
- Disabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Enabling Public Inbound Access
- Updating Public Inbound Access Bandwidth of a Gateway
- Disabling Public Inbound Access for a Gateway
- Querying AZs
- Querying Dedicated Gateways
- Deleting a Dedicated Gateway
- Modifying the Specifications of a Pay-Per-Use Gateway
- Querying Gateway Constraints
- VPC Endpoint Management
- Gateway Tag Management
- Microservice Center Management
SSL Certificate Management
- Querying SSL Certificates
- Creating an SSL Certificate
- Binding a Domain Name with SSL Certificates
- Unbinding a Domain Name's SSL Certificates
- Querying Certificate Details
- Deleting an SSL Certificate
- Modifying an SSL Certificate
- Binding an SSL Certificate to a Domain Name
- Unbinding an SSL Certificate from a Domain Name
- Querying Domain Names of an SSL Certificate
Plug-in Management
- Creating a Plug-in
- Modifying a Plug-in
- Deleting a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins
- Querying Plug-in Details
- Binding a Plug-in to APIs
- Binding an API with Plug-ins
- Unbinding a Plug-in from All APIs
- Unbinding an API's Plug-ins
- Querying APIs Bound with a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins Bound to an API
- Querying APIs to Which a Plug-in Can Be Bound
- Querying Plug-ins That Can Be Bound to an API
Credential Management
- Creating an App
- Modifying an App
- Deleting an App
- Resetting the AppSecret of an App
- Verifying an App
- Querying App Details
- Querying Apps
- Creating an AppCode
- Generating an AppCode
- Deleting an AppCode
- Querying AppCode Details
- Querying AppCodes of an App
- Querying Quotas Associated with a Credential
- Configuring Access Control Settings for an App
- Querying Access Control Details About an App
- Deleting Access Control Settings of an App
Credential Quota Management
- Creating a Credential Quota
- Querying Credential Quota Details
- Querying Credential Quotas
- Modifying a Credential Quota
- Deleting a Credential Quota
- Querying the Credentials Bound to a Specified Quota
- Binding a Credential Quota with Credentials
- Unbinding a Credential Quota from a Credential
- Querying Credentials That Can Be Bound to a Credential Quota
- Asynchronous Task Management
- Orchestration Rule Management
- Gateway Custom Inbound Port Management
Shared Gateway APIs (for Existing Users)
- API Group Management
API Management
- Object Model
- Creating an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API
- Taking an API Offline
- Publishing Multiple APIs or Taking Multiple APIs Offline
- Querying API Details
- Querying an API List
- Querying Historical API Versions
- Taking an Effective Version of an API Offline
- Querying Details of an API Version
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Debugging an API
- App Management
- App Authorization Management
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
- Binding Request Throttling Policies
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- Access Control Policy Management
Binding Access Control Policies
- Object Model
- Binding an Access Control Policy to an API
- Querying the List of Access Control Policies Bound to an API
- Querying the List of APIs Bound to an Access Control Policy
- Querying the List of APIs Not Bound to an Access Control Policy
- Unbinding an Access Control Policy from an API
- Unbinding Multiple Access Control Policies from APIs
- Querying Subscription Information in KooGallery
- Configuration Management
- Resource Query
- Signature Key Management
- Binding Signature Keys
- Domain Name Management
- VPC Channel Management
- Querying Metrics
- OpenAPI
- Custom Authorizer Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
- SDK Reference
- Common FAQs
- Product Consulting FAQs
Opening APIs
- Why Can't I Create APIs?
- How Do I Define Response Codes for an API?
- Can I Specify a Private Network Load Balancer Address for the Backend Service?
- Can I Specify the Backend Address as a Subnet IP Address?
- Does APIG Support Multiple Backend Endpoints?
- Can I Bind Private Domain Names for API Access?
- Why Do I Fail to Call an API Across Domains?
- How Do I Use APIG to Open Up Services Deployed on Huawei Cloud?
- Publishing an API
Calling APIs
- What Are the Possible Causes for an API Calling Failure?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "414 Request URI too large" When I Call an API?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment" When I Call an API?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "No backend available" When I Call an API?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Backend unavailable" or "Backend timeout" When I Invoke the Backend Service?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Backend domain name resolution failed" When I Invoke the Backend Service?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Incorrect IAM authentication information" When I Call an API?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Incorrect app authentication information" When I Call an API?
- Why Doesn't Modification of the backend_timeout Parameter Take Effect?
- Does APIG Have a Limit on the Size of the API Request Body?
- Is There a Limit on the Size of the Response to an API Request?
- How Do I Call an API Using App Authentication in iOS System?
- Why Can't I Create a Header Parameter Named x-auth-token for an API Called Through IAM Authentication?
- Can Mobile Apps Call APIs?
- Can Applications Deployed in a VPC Call APIs?
- Does APIG Support WebSocket Data Transmission?
- How Will the Requests for an API with Multiple Backend Policies Be Matched and Executed?
- How Can I Access Backend Services over Public Networks Through APIG?
- API Authentication
API Policies
- Can I Configure the Maximum Number of Concurrent Requests?
- Is the Restriction of 1,000 Requests Per Day to a Debugging Domain Name Applied to Enterprise Accounts?
- Does APIG Have Bandwidth Limits?
- Why Doesn't a Request Throttling Policy Take Effect?
- How Do I Provide an Open API to Specific Users?
- Are Client IP Addresses Verified for Access Control?
- Importing and Exporting APIs
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Comparing Versions
- Overview
API Management
- Creating an API Group
- Binding a Domain Name
- Creating an Environment Variable
- Creating a Gateway Response
- Creating an API
- Cloning an API
- Debugging an API
- Authorizing API Access
- Publishing an API
- Taking an API Offline
Importing and Exorting APIs
- Restrictions and Compatibility
- Importing APIs
- Exporting APIs
Extended Definition
- x-apigateway-auth-type
- x-apigateway-request-type
- x-apigateway-match-mode
- x-apigateway-cors
- x-apigateway-any-method
- x-apigateway-backend
- x-apigateway-backend.parameters
- x-apigateway-backend.httpEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.httpVpcEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.functionEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.mockEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend-policies
- x-apigateway-backend-policies.conditions
- x-apigateway-ratelimit
- x-apigateway-ratelimits
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy.special
- x-apigateway-access-control
- x-apigateway-access-controls
- x-apigateway-access-controls.policy
- x-apigateway-plugins
- Viewing APIs
- HTTP 2.0
- API Policies
- Credentials
- Monitoring & Analysis
- Gateway Management
- SDKs
- Published API Calling
- Permissions Management
- Auditing
- Common FAQs
API Creation
- How Do I Define Response Codes for an API?
- How Do I Specify the Host Port for a VPC Channel (or Load Balance Channel)?
- How Do I Set the Backend Address If I Will Not Use a VPC Channel (or Load Balance Channel)?
- How Can I Configure the Backend Service Address?
- Can I Specify a Private Network Load Balancer Address for the Backend Service?
- Can I Specify the Backend Address as a Subnet IP Address?
- Does APIG Support Multiple Backend Endpoints?
- What Should I Do After Applying for an Independent Domain Name?
- Can I Bind Private Domain Names for API Access?
- Why Does an API Failed to Be Called Across Domains?
API Calling
- What Are the Possible Causes for an API Calling Failure?
- What Should I Do If an Error Code Is Returned During API Calling?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "414 Request URI too large" When I Call an API?
- What Should I Do If "The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment." Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message "No backend available"?
- What Are the Possible Causes If the Message "Backend unavailable" or "Backend timeout" Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message "Backend domain name resolution failed" When a Backend Service Is Called?
- Why Doesn't Modification of the backend_timeout Parameter Take Effect?
- How Do I Switch the Environment for API Calling?
- What Is the Maximum Size of an API Request Package?
- How Do I Perform App Authentication in iOS System?
- Why Can't I Create a Header Parameter Named x-auth-token for an API Called Through IAM Authentication?
- App (Credential) FAQs
- Can Mobile Apps Call APIs?
- Can Applications Deployed in a VPC Call APIs?
- Does APIG Support WebSocket Data Transmission?
- Does APIG Support Persistent Connections?
- How Will the Requests for an API with Multiple Backend Policies Be Matched and Executed?
- Is There a Limit on the Size of the Response to an API Request?
- How Can I Access Backend Services over Public Networks Through APIG?
API Authentication
- Does APIG Support HTTPS Two-Way Authentication?
- How Do I Call an API That Does Not Require Authentication?
- Which TLS Versions Does APIG Support?
- Does APIG Support Custom Authentication?
- Will the Request Body Be Signed for Security Authentication?
- Common Errors Related to IAM Authentication Information
- What Should I Do If the App Authentication Information Is Incorrect?
- API Control Policies
- API Publishing
- API Import and Export
- API Security
- Other FAQs
- Change History
- Developer Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
Dedicated Gateway APIs (V2)
- API Group Management
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
API Management
- Creating an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API or Taking an API Offline
- Querying API Details
- Querying APIs
- Verifying the API Definition
- Debugging an API
- Publishing APIs or Taking APIs Offline
- Querying Historical Versions of an API
- Switching the Version of an API
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Querying API Version Details
- Taking an API Version Offline
- Signature Key Management
- Binding/Unbinding Signature Keys
- Binding/Unbinding Request Throttling Policies
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- App Authorization Management
- Resource Query
- Domain Name Management
- Access Control Policy Management
- Binding/Unbinding Access Control Policies
- Custom Authorizer Management
- API Import and Export
VPC Channel Management
- Creating a VPC Channel
- Updating a VPC Channel
- Deleting a VPC Channel
- Querying VPC Channel Details
- Querying VPC Channels
- Adding or Updating Backend Instances
- Querying Backend Servers of a VPC Channel
- Updating Backend Instances
- Removing a Backend Server
- Enabling Backend Servers
- Disabling Backend Servers
- Modifying VPC Channel Health Check
- Adding or Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Querying Backend Server Groups of a VPC Channel
- Querying a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Deleting a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Monitoring Information Query
- Group Response Management
- Tag Management
- Gateway Feature Management
- Configuration Management
Gateway Management
- Creating a Dedicated Gateway (Pay-Per-Use)
- Querying Dedicated Gateway Details
- Updating a Dedicated Gateway
- Querying the Creation Progress of a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating or Binding an EIP to a Dedicated Gateway
- Unbinding the EIP of a Dedicated Gateway
- Enabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating the Outbound Access Bandwidth of a Dedicated Gateway
- Disabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Enabling Public Inbound Access
- Updating Public Inbound Access Bandwidth of a Gateway
- Disabling Public Inbound Access for a Gateway
- Querying AZs
- Querying Dedicated Gateways
- Deleting a Dedicated Gateway
- Modifying the Specifications of a Pay-Per-Use Gateway
- Querying Gateway Constraints
- VPC Endpoint Management
- Gateway Tag Management
SSL Certificate Management
- Querying SSL Certificates
- Creating an SSL Certificate
- Binding a Domain Name with SSL Certificates
- Unbinding a Domain Name's SSL Certificates
- Querying Certificate Details
- Deleting an SSL Certificate
- Modifying an SSL Certificate
- Binding an SSL Certificate to a Domain Name
- Unbinding an SSL Certificate from a Domain Name
- Querying Domain Names of an SSL Certificate
Plug-in Management
- Creating a Plug-in
- Modifying a Plug-in
- Deleting a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins
- Querying Plug-in Details
- Binding a Plug-in to APIs
- Binding an API with Plug-ins
- Unbinding a Plug-in from All APIs
- Unbinding an API's Plug-ins
- Querying APIs Bound with a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins Bound to an API
- Querying APIs to Which a Plug-in Can Be Bound
- Querying Plug-ins That Can Be Bound to an API
Credential Management
- Creating an App
- Modifying an App
- Deleting an App
- Resetting the AppSecret of an App
- Verifying an App
- Querying App Details
- Querying Apps
- Creating an AppCode
- Generating an AppCode
- Deleting an AppCode
- Querying AppCode Details
- Querying AppCodes of an App
- Querying Quotas Associated with a Credential
- Configuring Access Control Settings for an App
- Querying Access Control Details About an App
- Deleting Access Control Settings of an App
Credential Quota Management
- Creating a Credential Quota
- Querying Credential Quota Details
- Querying Credential Quotas
- Modifying a Credential Quota
- Deleting a Credential Quota
- Querying the Credentials Bound to a Specified Quota
- Binding a Credential Quota with Credentials
- Unbinding a Credential Quota from a Credential
- Querying Credentials That Can Be Bound to a Credential Quota
- Asynchronous Task Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Comparing Versions
- Overview
API Management
- Creating an API Group
- Importing a CCE Workload
- Binding a Domain Name
- Creating an Environment Variable
- Creating a Gateway Response
- Creating an API
- Creating a gRPC API
- Cloning an API
- Debugging an API
- Authorizing API Access
- Publishing an API
- Taking an API Offline
Importing and Exorting APIs
- Restrictions and Compatibility
- Importing APIs
- Exporting APIs
Extended Definition
- x-apigateway-auth-type
- x-apigateway-request-type
- x-apigateway-match-mode
- x-apigateway-cors
- x-apigateway-is-send-fg-body-base64
- x-apigateway-any-method
- x-apigateway-backend
- x-apigateway-backend.parameters
- x-apigateway-backend.httpEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.httpVpcEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.functionEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.mockEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend-policies
- x-apigateway-backend-policies.conditions
- x-apigateway-ratelimit
- x-apigateway-ratelimits
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy.special
- x-apigateway-access-control
- x-apigateway-access-controls
- x-apigateway-access-controls.policy
- x-apigateway-plugins
- Viewing APIs
- HTTP 2.0
- API Policies
- Credentials
- Monitoring & Analysis
- Gateway Management
- SDKs
- Published API Calling
- Permissions Management
- Auditing
- Common FAQs
API Creation
- Why Can't I Create APIs?
- How Do I Define Response Codes for an API?
- How Do I Specify the Host Port for a VPC Channel (or Load Balance Channel)?
- How Do I Set the Backend Address If I Will Not Use a VPC Channel (or Load Balance Channel)?
- How Can I Configure the Backend Service Address?
- Can I Specify a Private Network Load Balancer Address for the Backend Service?
- Can I Specify the Backend Address as a Subnet IP Address?
- Does APIG Support Multiple Backend Endpoints?
- What Should I Do After Applying for an Independent Domain Name?
- Can I Bind Private Domain Names for API Access?
- Why Does an API Failed to Be Called Across Domains?
API Calling
- What Are the Possible Causes for an API Calling Failure?
- What Should I Do If an Error Code Is Returned During API Calling?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "414 Request URI too large" When I Call an API?
- What Should I Do If "The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment." Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message "No backend available"?
- What Are the Possible Causes If the Message "Backend unavailable" or "Backend timeout" Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message "Backend domain name resolution failed" When a Backend Service Is Called?
- Why Doesn't Modification of the backend_timeout Parameter Take Effect?
- How Do I Switch the Environment for API Calling?
- What Is the Maximum Size of an API Request Package?
- How Do I Perform App Authentication in iOS System?
- Why Can't I Create a Header Parameter Named x-auth-token for an API Called Through IAM Authentication?
- App (Credential) FAQs
- Can Mobile Apps Call APIs?
- Can Applications Deployed in a VPC Call APIs?
- Does APIG Support WebSocket Data Transmission?
- Does APIG Support Persistent Connections?
- How Will the Requests for an API with Multiple Backend Policies Be Matched and Executed?
- Is There a Limit on the Size of the Response to an API Request?
- How Can I Access Backend Services over Public Networks Through APIG?
API Authentication
- Does APIG Support HTTPS Two-Way Authentication?
- How Do I Call an API That Does Not Require Authentication?
- Which TLS Versions Does APIG Support?
- Does APIG Support Custom Authentication?
- Will the Request Body Be Signed for Security Authentication?
- Common Errors Related to IAM Authentication Information
- What Should I Do If the App Authentication Information Is Incorrect?
- API Control Policies
- API Publishing
- API Import and Export
- API Security
- Other FAQs
- Change History
- Developer Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
Dedicated Gateway APIs (V2)
- API Group Management
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
API Management
- Creating an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API or Taking an API Offline
- Querying API Details
- Querying APIs
- Verifying the API Definition
- Debugging an API
- Publishing APIs or Taking APIs Offline
- Querying Historical Versions of an API
- Switching the Version of an API
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Querying API Version Details
- Taking an API Version Offline
- Signature Key Management
- Binding/Unbinding Signature Keys
- Binding/Unbinding Request Throttling Policies
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- App Authorization Management
- Resource Query
- Domain Name Management
- Access Control Policy Management
- Binding/Unbinding Access Control Policies
- Custom Authorizer Management
- API Import and Export
VPC Channel Management
- Creating a VPC Channel
- Updating a VPC Channel
- Deleting a VPC Channel
- Querying VPC Channel Details
- Querying VPC Channels
- Adding or Updating Backend Instances
- Querying Backend Servers of a VPC Channel
- Updating Backend Instances
- Removing a Backend Server
- Enabling Backend Servers
- Disabling Backend Servers
- Modifying VPC Channel Health Check
- Adding or Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Querying Backend Server Groups of a VPC Channel
- Querying a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Deleting a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Updating a Backend Server Group of a VPC Channel
- Monitoring Information Query
- Group Response Management
- Tag Management
- Gateway Feature Management
- Configuration Management
Gateway Management
- Creating a Dedicated Gateway (Pay-Per-Use)
- Querying Dedicated Gateway Details
- Updating a Dedicated Gateway
- Querying the Creation Progress of a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating or Binding an EIP to a Dedicated Gateway
- Unbinding the EIP of a Dedicated Gateway
- Enabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating the Outbound Access Bandwidth of a Dedicated Gateway
- Disabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Enabling Public Inbound Access
- Updating Public Inbound Access Bandwidth of a Gateway
- Disabling Public Inbound Access for a Gateway
- Querying AZs
- Querying Dedicated Gateways
- Deleting a Dedicated Gateway
- Modifying the Specifications of a Pay-Per-Use Gateway
- Querying Gateway Constraints
- VPC Endpoint Management
- Gateway Tag Management
- Microservice Center Management
SSL Certificate Management
- Querying SSL Certificates
- Creating an SSL Certificate
- Binding a Domain Name with SSL Certificates
- Unbinding a Domain Name's SSL Certificates
- Querying Certificate Details
- Deleting an SSL Certificate
- Modifying an SSL Certificate
- Binding an SSL Certificate to a Domain Name
- Unbinding an SSL Certificate from a Domain Name
- Querying Domain Names of an SSL Certificate
Plug-in Management
- Creating a Plug-in
- Modifying a Plug-in
- Deleting a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins
- Querying Plug-in Details
- Binding a Plug-in to APIs
- Binding an API with Plug-ins
- Unbinding a Plug-in from All APIs
- Unbinding an API's Plug-ins
- Querying APIs Bound with a Plug-in
- Querying Plug-ins Bound to an API
- Querying APIs to Which a Plug-in Can Be Bound
- Querying Plug-ins That Can Be Bound to an API
Credential Management
- Creating an App
- Modifying an App
- Deleting an App
- Resetting the AppSecret of an App
- Verifying an App
- Querying App Details
- Querying Apps
- Creating an AppCode
- Generating an AppCode
- Deleting an AppCode
- Querying AppCode Details
- Querying AppCodes of an App
- Querying Quotas Associated with a Credential
- Configuring Access Control Settings for an App
- Querying Access Control Details About an App
- Deleting Access Control Settings of an App
Credential Quota Management
- This API is used to creat a credential quota.
- Querying Credential Quota Details
- Querying Credential Quotas
- Modifying a Credential Quota
- Deleting a Credential Quota
- Querying the Credentials Bound to a Specified Quota
- Binding a Credential Quota with Credentials
- Unbinding a Credential Quota from a Credential
- Querying Credentials That Can Be Bound to a Credential Quota
- Asynchronous Task Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
Best Practices (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Selectively Exposing CCE Workloads with a Dedicated Gateway
- Selectively Exposing Service Capabilities of a Data Center Using a Dedicated Gateway
- Developing a Custom Authorizer with FunctionGraph
- Exposing Backend Services Across VPCs Using a Dedicated Gateway
- Interconnecting a Dedicated Gateway with WAF
- Request Throttling 2.0 with a Dedicated Gateway
- Two-Factor Authentication with a Dedicated Gateway
- HTTP-to-HTTPS Auto Redirection with a Dedicated Gateway
- Client Authentication with a Dedicated Gateway
- Invoking an API Policy Backend via Frontend Authentication Parameters (System Parameter)
- Forwarding WebSocket Services Using Dedicated Gateway
- Change History
- User Guide (Paris Region)
Developer Guide (Paris Region)
- Application Scenarios
- Calling APIs Through App Authentication
- Calling APIs Through IAM Authentication
- Creating Signatures for Backend Requests
Importing and Exporting APIs
- Restrictions and Compatibility
- Extended Definition
- API Import Precautions
- Examples of Importing APIs
- API Export Precautions
- Change History
API Reference (Paris Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Shared Gateway APIs
- API Group Management
API Management
- Object Model
- Registering an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API
- Taking an API Offline
- Publishing Multiple APIs or Taking Multiple APIs Offline
- Querying API Details
- Querying an API List
- Querying Historical API Versions
- Taking an Effective Version of an API Offline
- Querying Details of an API Version
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Debugging an API
- App Management
- App Authorization Management
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
- Binding Request Throttling Policies
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- Access Control Policy Management
Binding Access Control Policies
- Object Model
- Binding an Access Control Policy to an API
- Querying the List of Access Control Policies Bound to an API
- Querying the List of APIs Bound to an Access Control Policy
- Querying the List of APIs Not Bound to an Access Control Policy
- Unbinding an Access Control Policy from an API
- Unbinding Multiple Access Control Policies from APIs
- Querying Subscription Information in the Marketplace
- Resource Query
- Signature Key Management
- Binding Signature Keys
- Domain Name Management
- VPC Channel Management
- OpenAPI
- Custom Authorizer Management
- Appendix
- Change History
Dedicated API Gateway User Guide (Paris Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Comparing Versions
- Overview
API Management
- Creating an API Group
- Binding a Domain Name
- Creating an Environment Variable
- Creating a Gateway Response
- Creating an API
- Debugging an API
- Authorizing API Access
- Publishing an API
- Taking an API Offline
Importing and Exorting APIs
- Restrictions and Compatibility
- Importing APIs
- Exporting APIs
Extended Definition
- x-apigateway-auth-type
- x-apigateway-request-type
- x-apigateway-match-mode
- x-apigateway-cors
- x-apigateway-any-method
- x-apigateway-backend
- x-apigateway-backend.parameters
- x-apigateway-backend.httpEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.httpVpcEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.functionEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend.mockEndpoints
- x-apigateway-backend-policies
- x-apigateway-backend-policies.conditions
- x-apigateway-ratelimit
- x-apigateway-ratelimits
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy
- x-apigateway-ratelimits.policy.special
- x-apigateway-access-control
- x-apigateway-access-controls
- x-apigateway-access-controls.policy
- x-apigateway-plugins
- Viewing APIs
- API Policies
- Credentials
- Monitoring & Analysis
- Gateway Management
- Published API Calling
- Permissions Management
- Auditing
- Common FAQs
API Creation
- How Do I Define Response Codes for an API?
- How Do I Specify the Host Port for a VPC Channel (or Load Balance Channel)?
- How Do I Set the Backend Address If I Will Not Use a VPC Channel (or Load Balance Channel)?
- How Can I Configure the Backend Service Address?
- Can I Specify a Private Network Load Balancer Address for the Backend Service?
- Can I Specify the Backend Address as a Subnet IP Address?
- Does APIG Support Multiple Backend Endpoints?
- What Should I Do After Applying for an Independent Domain Name?
- Can I Bind Private Domain Names for API Access?
- Why Does an API Failed to Be Called Across Domains?
API Calling
- What Are the Possible Causes for an API Calling Failure?
- What Should I Do If an Error Code Is Returned During API Calling?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "414 Request URI too large" When I Call an API?
- What Should I Do If "The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment." Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message "No backend available"?
- What Are the Possible Causes If the Message "Backend unavailable" or "Backend timeout" Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message "Backend domain name resolution failed" When a Backend Service Is Called?
- Why Doesn't Modification of the backend_timeout Parameter Take Effect?
- How Do I Switch the Environment for API Calling?
- What Is the Maximum Size of an API Request Package?
- How Do I Perform App Authentication in iOS System?
- Why Can't I Create a Header Parameter Named x-auth-token for an API Called Through IAM Authentication?
- App (Credential) FAQs
- Can Mobile Apps Call APIs?
- Can Applications Deployed in a VPC Call APIs?
- Does APIG Support WebSocket Data Transmission?
- Does APIG Support Persistent Connections?
- How Will the Requests for an API with Multiple Backend Policies Be Matched and Executed?
- Is There a Limit on the Size of the Response to an API Request?
- How Can I Access Backend Services over Public Networks Through APIG?
API Authentication
- Does APIG Support HTTPS Two-Way Authentication?
- How Do I Call an API That Does Not Require Authentication?
- Which TLS Versions Does APIG Support?
- Does APIG Support Custom Authentication?
- Will the Request Body Be Signed for Security Authentication?
- Common Errors Related to IAM Authentication Information
- API Control Policies
- API Publishing
- API Import and Export
- API Security
- Other FAQs
- Change History
- Dedicated API Gateway Developer Guide (Paris Region)
Dedicated API Gateway API Reference (Paris Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
Dedicated Gateway APIs (V2)
- API Group Management
- Environment Management
- Environment Variable Management
- Request Throttling Policy Management
API Management
- Creating an API
- Modifying an API
- Deleting an API
- Publishing an API or Taking an API Offline
- Querying API Details
- Querying APIs
- Debugging an API
- Publishing APIs or Taking APIs Offline
- Querying Historical Versions of an API
- Switching the Version of an API
- Querying the Runtime Definition of an API
- Querying API Version Details
- Taking an API Version Offline
- Signature Key Management
- Binding/Unbinding Signature Keys
- Binding/Unbinding Request Throttling Policies
- Excluded Request Throttling Configuration
- App Authorization Management
- Resource Query
- App Management
- Domain Name Management
- Access Control Policy Management
- Binding/Unbinding Access Control Policies
- Custom Authorizer Management
- API Import and Export
- VPC Channel Management
- Monitoring Information Query
- Group Response Management
- Tag Management
- Gateway Feature Management
- Configuration Management
Gateway Management
- Creating a Dedicated Gateway (Pay-Per-Use)
- Querying Dedicated Gateway Details
- Updating a Dedicated Gateway
- Querying the Creation Progress of a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating or Binding an EIP to a Dedicated Gateway
- Unbinding the EIP of a Dedicated Gateway
- Enabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Updating the Outbound Access Bandwidth of a Dedicated Gateway
- Disabling Public Access for a Dedicated Gateway
- Querying AZs
- Querying Dedicated Gateways
- Deleting a Dedicated Gateway
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- General Reference
Show all
Error Codes
Table 1 lists the error codes that you may encounter when calling APIs.
- For details about the error codes that may occur when you manage APIs, see .
- If an error occurs when you use API Gateway, find the error message and description in the following table according to the error code, for example, APIG.0101. The error messages are subject to change without prior notice.
Error Code |
Error Message |
HTTP Status Code |
Description |
Solution |
APIG.0101 |
The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment. |
404 |
The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment. |
Check whether the domain name, method, and path are consistent with those of the registered API. Check whether the API has been published. If it has been published in a non-production environment, check whether the X-Stage header in the request is the environment name. Check whether the domain name used to call the API has been bound to the group to which the API belongs. |
APIG.0101 |
The API does not exist. |
404 |
The API request method does not exist. |
Check whether the API request method is the same as the method defined by the API. |
APIG.0103 |
The backend does not exist. |
500 |
The backend service was not found. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0104 |
The plug-ins do not exist. |
500 |
No plug-in configurations were found. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0105 |
The backend configurations do not exist. |
500 |
No backend configurations were found. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0106 |
Orchestration error. |
400 |
An orchestration error occurred. |
Check whether the frontend and backend parameters of the API are correct. |
APIG.0201 |
API request error. |
400 |
Invalid request parameters. |
Set valid request parameters. |
APIG.0201 |
Request entity too large. |
413 |
The request body exceeds 12 MB. |
Reduce the size of the request body. |
APIG.0201 |
Request URI too large. |
414 |
The request URI exceeds 32 KB. |
Reduce the size of the request URI. |
APIG.0201 |
Request headers too large. |
494 |
The request headers are too large because one of them exceeds 32 KB or the total length exceeds 128 KB. |
Reduce the size of the request headers. |
APIG.0201 |
Backend unavailable. |
502 |
The backend service is unavailable. |
Check whether the backend address configured for the API is accessible. |
APIG.0201 |
Backend timeout. |
504 |
The backend service has timed out. |
Increase the timeout duration of the backend service or shorten the processing time. |
APIG.0201 |
An unexpected error occurred |
500 |
An internal error occurred. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0204 |
SSL protocol is not supported: TLSv1.1 |
400 |
The SSL protocol version is not supported. |
Use a supported SSL protocol version. |
APIG.0301 |
Incorrect IAM authentication information. |
401 |
The IAM authentication details are incorrect. |
Check whether the token is correct. |
APIG.0302 |
The IAM user is not authorized to access the API. |
403 |
The IAM user is not allowed to access the API. |
Check whether the user is controlled by a blacklist or whitelist. |
APIG.0303 |
Incorrect app authentication information. |
401 |
The app authentication details are incorrect. |
Check whether the request method, path, query strings, and request body are consistent with those used for signing; check whether the date and time on the client are correct; and check whether the signing code is correct by referring to . |
APIG.0304 |
The app is not authorized to access the API. |
403 |
The app is not allowed to access the API. |
Check whether the app has been authorized to access the API. |
APIG.0305 |
Incorrect authentication information. |
401 |
The authentication information is incorrect. |
Check whether the authentication information is correct. |
APIG.0306 |
API access denied. |
403 |
Access to the API is not allowed. |
Check whether you have been authorized to access the API. |
APIG.0307 |
The token must be updated. |
401 |
The token needs to be updated. |
Obtain a new token from IAM. |
APIG.0308 |
The throttling threshold has been reached. |
429 |
The throttling threshold has been reached. |
Try again after the throttling resumes. If the number of subdomain requests per day is reached, bind an independent domain name to the API. |
APIG.0310 |
The project is unavailable. |
403 |
The project is currently unavailable. |
Select another project and try again. |
APIG.0311 |
Incorrect debugging authentication information. |
401 |
The debugging authentication details are incorrect. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0401 |
Unknown client IP address. |
403 |
The client IP address cannot be identified. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0402 |
The IP address is not authorized to access the API. |
403 |
The IP address is not allowed to access the API. |
Check whether the IP address is controlled by a blacklist or whitelist. |
APIG.0404 |
Access to the backend IP address has been denied. |
403 |
The backend IP address cannot be accessed. |
Check whether the backend IP address or the IP address corresponding to the backend domain name is accessible. |
APIG.0502 |
The app has been frozen. |
405 |
The app has been frozen. |
Check whether your account balance is sufficient. |
APIG.0601 |
Internal server error. |
500 |
An internal error occurred. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0602 |
Bad request. |
400 |
Invalid request. |
Check whether the request is valid. |
APIG.0605 |
Domain name resolution failed. |
500 |
Domain name resolution failed. |
Check whether the domain name is correct and has been bound to a correct backend address. |
APIG.0606 |
Failed to load the API configurations. |
500 |
API configurations could not be loaded. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0607 |
The following protocol is supported: {xxx} |
400 |
The protocol is not supported. Only xxx is supported. xxx is subject to the actual value in the response. |
Use HTTP or HTTPS to access the API. |
APIG.0608 |
Failed to obtain the admin token. |
500 |
The administrator account details cannot be obtained. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0609 |
The VPC backend does not exist. |
500 |
The VPC backend service cannot be found. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0610 |
No backend available. |
502 |
No backend services are available. |
Check whether all backend services are available. For example, check whether the API calling information is consistent with the actual configuration. |
APIG.0611 |
The backend port does not exist. |
500 |
The backend port was not found. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0612 |
An API cannot call itself. |
500 |
An API cannot call itself. |
Modify the backend configurations, and ensure that the number of layers the API is recursively called does not exceed 10. |
APIG.0613 |
The IAM service is currently unavailable. |
503 |
IAM is currently unavailable. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0705 |
Backend signature calculation failed. |
500 |
Backend signature calculation failed. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.0802 |
The IAM user is forbidden in the currently selected region |
403 |
The IAM user is disabled in the current region. |
Contact technical support. |
APIG.1009 |
AppKey or AppSecret is invalid |
400 |
The AppKey or AppSecret is invalid. |
Check whether the AppKey or AppSecret in the request is correct. |
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