Updated on 2025-01-06 GMT+08:00

My Gallery

View your information and the AI assets you have published and subscribed to in My Gallery.

Table 1 My Gallery



My Assets > Algorithms

Displays your published algorithms and algorithms that have been subscribed to.

  • My Publishes: View your published algorithms, such as the number of views, favorites, and subscriptions. Click Release, Discontinue, or Delete on the right to manage published algorithms. After an asset is discontinued, users who have subscribed to the asset can continue using it, but other users cannot view or subscribe to it. Discontinued assets can be released again. You can delete an asset that has no subscribers.
  • My Subscriptions: View your subscribed algorithms, such as the publisher, application console, and remaining quota. Click Cancel Subscription or Retrieve Subscription on the right to manage subscribed algorithms. After a subscription is canceled, the algorithm will not be available in Subscription on the ModelArts console. You can retrieve the subscription of an algorithm that has been unsubscribed from and continue to use the algorithm under the original quota constraints.

My Information

View your information, including the account, profile photo, nickname, email, and description.

  • Click Edit to edit the nickname and description.
  • Click Change to change the profile photo.