Updated on 2023-11-29 GMT+08:00

Transferring Logs to DMS

You can use DMS APIs to retrieve logs in real time.


  • Logs have been ingested to LTS.
  • Before registering a DMS Kafka instance, configure an inbound rule to allow access from over port 9011.


  1. Log in to the LTS console and choose Log Transfer in the navigation pane on the left.
  2. Click Create Log Transfer in the upper right corner.
    Figure 1 Creating a transfer task (DMS)
  3. On the displayed page, configure the log transfer parameters.

    After a transfer task is created, you can modify parameters except the log group name, log source account, agency name, delegator account name, and transfer mode.

    Table 1 Transfer parameters



    Example Value

    Log Source Account

    • Current: Logs of the current account will be transferred.
    • Other: Logs of the delegator account will be transferred. Ensure that the delegator has created an agency for log transfer delegation. For details, see Creating an Agency.


    Agency Name

    This parameter is required when Log Source Account is set to Other. Enter the name of the IAM agency created by the delegator.


    Delegator Account Name

    This parameter is required when Log Source Account is set to Other. Enter the account name of the delegator.


    Enable Transfer

    Enabled by default.


    Transfer Destination

    Select a cloud service for log transfer.


    Log Group Name

    Select a log group.


    Enterprise Project Name

    Select an enterprise project.

    • This parameter is displayed only when the enterprise project function is enabled for the current account.
    • If the enterprise project function is enabled for the current account:
      • All enterprise projects under the current account are displayed in the drop-down list when Log Source Account is set to Current.
      • default is displayed when Log Source Account is set to Other and the enterprise project function is not enabled for the delegator account.
      • All enterprise projects under the delegator account are displayed when Log Source Account is set to Other and the enterprise project function is enabled for the delegator account.


    Log Stream Name

    Select a log stream.


    Log streams that have been configured with DMS transfer settings cannot be configured again.


    Kafka Instance

    Select a Kafka instance. If no instances are available, click View Kafka Instances to access the DMS console and create a Kafka premium instance.

    If a Kafka instance has been registered, you can modify it. For details about how to register a Kafka instance, see Registering a Kafka Instance.



    Select a topic for the Kafka instance. If no topics are available, access the DMS console and create a topic for the Kafka premium instance.



    Only the raw log format is supported. The following is an example:

    (Logs displayed on the LTS console are in the raw format.)
    Sep 30 07:30:01 ecs-bd70 CRON[3459]: (root) CMD (/opt/oss/servicemgr/ICAgent/bin/manual/mstart.sh > /dev/null 2>&1)

    Raw Log Format

    Log Transfer Interval

    Logs are transferred to the Kafka instance in real time.

    Real time

    Filter by Tag Fields

    During transfer, logs will be filtered by tag fields collected by ICAgent.

    • Disabled: Logs will not be filtered by tag fields.
    • Enabled: Default tag fields include those for hosts (hostIP, hostId, hostName, pathFile, and collectTime) and for Kubernetes (clusterName, clusterId, nameSpace, podName, containerName, and appName). Optional public tag fields are regionName, logStreamName, logGroupName, and projectId.
    • Filter by Tag Fields: When this parameter is enabled, logs will be filtered by tags.


  4. Click OK. When the log transfer status changes to Normal, the transfer task has been created. If you transfer logs of another account, the log group and stream belong to the delegator. When you click the name of the delegator's log group or stream on the Log Transfer page, you will be directed to the log group or stream through the agency.
  5. Click the Kafka premium instance in the Transfer Destination column to access its basic information page.

Registering a Kafka Instance

  1. If you select a Kafka instance that is not registered, access the page for registering the Kafka instance.
  2. Configure the parameters for registering a Kafka instance.



    Example Value

    Kafka Instance

    DMS instance name.


    Create DMS Network

    Connect the Kafka instance to LTS so that LTS can send data through this network.



    If SASL authentication is enabled for the Kafka instance, enter the username for SASL authentication.



    If SASL authentication is enabled for the Kafka instance, enter the password for SASL authentication.


  3. Click OK.