Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00


This section describes parameters of a timeline component.


  • Size/Position
    • Size: width and height of the component. Unit: pixel.
    • Position: position where the component is located in the canvas. Unit: pixel.
    Figure 1 Timeline
  • Global Style
    • Font: font type of the component text.
    • Scrolled Playback: when Scrolled Playback is selected, the text will be scrolled.
    • Interval: to set the interval for scrolling the text by entering a value or clicking . Interval is valid only when Scrolled Playback is selected.
    • Pause Duration: to set the play pause duration by entering a value or clicking . Pause Duration is valid only when Scrolled Playback is selected.
    • Left/Right Margin: to set the left and right margins of the component by entering a value or clicking .
  • Event Node
    • Type: event node type, including Time, Category, and Value.
    • Shape: shape of the node, including Rhombus, Circle, Upright triangle, Inverted triangle, Square, and Cross.
    • Size: to set the node size by entering a value or clicking .
    • Default Style: default style of the node, including Fill Color, Border Color, and Border Width.
    • Selected Style: style of the selected node, including Fill Color, Border Color, and Border Width.
  • Lower Label
    • Offset: offset of the text below the node label.
    • Default Style: default style of the text below the node label, including the font size, color, and font width.
    • Selected Style: selected style of the text below the node label, including the font size, color, and font width.
  • Upper Label
    • Offset: offset of the text above the node label.
    • Default Style: default style of the text above the node label, including the font size, color, and font width.
    • Selected Style: selected style of the text below the node label, including the font size, color, and font width.
  • Background
    • Width: to set the width of the background by entering a value or clicking .
    • Default Style: to set the default background color by clicking the color editor.
    • Selected Style: to set the selected background color by clicking the color editor.


The example data in the preceding figure is as follows:

"name": "1983",
    "value": 1983,
"text": " Event 1"
"name": "1989",
    "value": 1989,
"text": " Event 2"
"name": "2009",
    "value": 2009,
"text": " Event 3"
"name": "2017",
    "value": 2017,
"text": " Event 4"
  • name: text displayed below the time axis node label.
  • value: value of the event node.
  • text: text displayed above the time axis node label.


For details about whether the component supports the interaction function and how to use the interaction function, see Configuring Component Interaction.