Updated on 2022-06-01 GMT+08:00

What Is AOM?


With the popularization of container technologies, lots of enterprises develop applications using microservice frameworks. Because the number of cloud services increases, enterprises gradually turn to cloud O&M. However, they face the following O&M challenges:

Figure 1 Existing O&M issues
  • Cloud O&M has high requirements on personnel skills. O&M tools are hard to configure. Multiple systems need to be maintained at the same time. Distributed tracing systems face high learning and usage costs, but have poor stability.
  • Distributed applications face analysis difficulties such as how to visualize the dependency between microservices, improve user experience, associate scattered logs for analysis, and quickly trace problems.

Introduction to AOM

Figure 2 One-stop O&M platform

Application Operations Management (AOM) is a one-stop, multi-dimensional O&M management platform for cloud applications. It monitors your applications and related cloud resources, analyzes application health status in real time, and provides flexible data visualization functions, helping you detect faults in a timely manner and monitor running status of applications, resources, and services in real time.