Help Center> VPC Endpoint> User Guide> VPC Endpoints> Managing Tags of a VPC Endpoint
Updated on 2023-08-18 GMT+08:00

Managing Tags of a VPC Endpoint


After a VPC endpoint is created, you can view its tags, or add, edit, or delete a tag.

Tags help identify VPC endpoints. You can add up to 10 tags to each VPC endpoint.

If a predefined tag has been created on TMS, you can directly select the corresponding tag key and value.

For details about predefined tags, see Predefined Tag Overview.

Add a Tag

Perform the following operations to tag an existing VPC endpoint:

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select the required region and project.
  1. Click Service List and choose Networking > VPC Endpoint.
  1. In the VPC endpoint list, locate the target VPC endpoint and click its ID.
  1. On the displayed page, select the Tags tab.
  2. Click Add Tag.
  3. In the displayed Add Tag dialog box, enter a key and a value.
    Table 1 describes the tag requirements.
    Table 1 Tag requirements for VPC endpoints



    Tag key

    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Must be unique for each resource.
    • Can contain a maximum of 36 characters.
    • Cannot start or end with a space or contain special characters =*<>\,|/

    Tag value

    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Can contain a maximum of 43 characters.
    • Cannot start or end with a space or contain special characters =*<>\,|/
  4. Click OK.

Edit a Tag

Perform the following operations to edit a tag of a VPC endpoint:

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select the required region and project.
  1. Click Service List and choose Networking > VPC Endpoint.
  1. In the VPC endpoint list, locate the target VPC endpoint and click its ID.
  1. On the displayed page, select the Tags tab.
  2. In the tag list, locate the target tag and click Edit in the Operation column.
  3. Enter a new value.

    You can only edit tag values.

  4. Click OK.

Delete a Tag

Perform the following operations to delete a tag of a VPC endpoint:

Deleted tags cannot be recovered. Exercise caution when performing this operation.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select the required region and project.
  1. Click Service List and choose Networking > VPC Endpoint.
  1. In the VPC endpoint list, locate the target VPC endpoint and click its ID.
  1. On the displayed page, select the Tags tab.
  1. In the tag list, locate the target tag and click Delete in the Operation column.
  2. Click Yes.