Adding Tags to Resources

Updated on 2023-12-05 GMT+08:00

On the TMS console, you can search for all tags in a specified region. You can add a tag to up to 500 resources at a time.

Searching for Tags

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Under Management & Governance, select Tag Management Service.
  3. Select a Region to display all the resource tags and predefined tags in the region.

    The search results are displayed in the Search Result list.

Attaching Resources to Tags

You can use the searched tags to tag resources.

  1. In the Search Result area, locate target tags and click Tag Resource in the Operation column.
  2. Select a region.
  3. Select a resource type.
  4. Specify Tagged by.
    • ID: Enter one or more resource IDs.
    • List: Select one or more resources in the resource list.

    You can add a tag to up to 500 resources at a time. If you need to tag more resources, repeat the operation for multiple times.

  5. Click OK.




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