Updated on 2023-01-31 GMT+08:00

Publishing a Text Message


After you publish a text message to a topic, SMN will deliver the message to all confirmed subscription endpoints in the topic.


Subscribers in the topic must have confirmed the subscription, or they will not be able to receive any messages.


  1. and select Simple Message Notification under Application Service.

    The SMN console is displayed.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Topic Management > Topics.

    The Topics page is displayed.

  3. In the topic list, locate the topic that you need to publish a message to and click Publish Message in the Operation column.
  4. Configure the required parameters based on Table 1.
    The topic name is provided by default and cannot be changed.
    Table 1 Parameter descriptions




    (Optional) The message subject must be fewer than 512 bytes.

    Message Format

    The message format can be Text, JSON, or Template. In this context, select Text.


    This is the message content, which cannot be left blank nor exceed 256 KB.

  5. Click OK.

    SMN delivers your message to all subscription endpoints. For details about the messages received by each endpoint, see Messages of Different Protocols.