Updated on 2023-08-04 GMT+08:00

Migrating Data Between File Systems

Solution Overview

You can migrate data from an SFS Capacity-Oriented file system to an SFS Turbo file system or the other way around.

This solution creates a Linux ECS to connect an SFS Capacity-Oriented file system with an SFS Turbo file system.

Limitations and Constraints

  • Only Linux ECSs can be used to migrate data.
  • The Linux ECS, SFS Capacity-Oriented file system, and SFS Turbo file system must be in the same VPC.
  • Incremental migration is supported, so that only changed data is migrated.


  • You have created a Linux ECS.
  • You have created an SFS Capacity-Oriented file system and an SFS Turbo file system and have obtained their mount points.


  1. Log in to the ECS console.
  2. Log in to the created Linux ECS that can access SFS Capacity-Oriented and SFS Turbo file systems.
  3. Run the following command to mount file system 1 (either the SFS Capacity-Oriented or SFS Turbo file system). After that, you can access file system 1 on the Linux ECS.

    mount -t nfs -o vers=3,timeo=600,noresvport,nolock [Mount point of file system 1] /mnt/src

  4. Run the following command to mount file system 2 (the other file system that you have not mounted in the previous step). After that, you can access file system 2 on the Linux ECS.

    mount -t nfs -o vers=3,timeo=600,noresvport,nolock [Mount point of file system 2] /mnt/dst

  5. Run the following commands on the Linux ECS to install the rclone tool:

    wget https://downloads.rclone.org/v1.53.4/rclone-v1.53.4-linux-amd64.zip --no-check-certificate
    unzip rclone-v1.53.4-linux-amd64.zip
    chmod 0755 ./rclone-*/rclone
    cp ./rclone-*/rclone /usr/bin/
    rm -rf ./rclone-*

  6. Run the following command to synchronize data:

    rclone copy /mnt/src /mnt/dst -P --transfers 32 --checkers 64 --links --create-empty-src-dirs
    Set transfers and checkers based on the system specifications. The parameters are described as follows:
    • --transfers: number of files that can be transferred concurrently
    • --checkers: number of local files that can be scanned concurrently
    • -P: data copy progress
    • --links: replicates the soft links from the source. They are saved as soft links in the destination.

      --copy-links: replicates the content of files to which the soft links point. They are saved as files rather than soft links in the destination.

    • --create-empty-src-dirs: replicates the empty directories from the source to the destination.

    After data synchronization is complete, go to the target file system to check whether data is migrated.


  1. Log in to the created Linux ECS.
  2. Run the following commands on the destination server to verify file synchronization:

    cd /mnt/dst
    ls | wc -l

  3. If the data volume is the same as that on the source server, the data is migrated successfully.