Getting Started

Updated on 2023-11-28 GMT+08:00

Medium- and large-sized enterprises normally have their own pipeline tools, but in-house assets such as CI/CD and open-source tools, after migrated to the cloud, may fail to be inherited or reused and thus lead to repetitive construction. CodeArts Pipeline provides a collection of standard pipeline extensions for enterprises to quickly connect legacy tools to the extension platform, or to develop and release their own extensions to share and co-deploy, accelerating cloudification. CodeArts Pipeline builds a visualized, low-code, and open extension market so that you can focus on the ecosystem, reusability, and customization of DevOps extensions. Custom extensions are available only to enterprises.

This section describes how to develop a log printing extension.

Step 1: Register a Custom Extension

  1. Log in to CodeArts.
  2. Choose Services > Extensions from the top navigation bar.
  3. Click to register an extension.
    • Basic information
      • Icon: icon of the extension to display. If none is uploaded, a system icon is generated. The icon can be in PNG, JPEG, or JPG format, with a file size less than or equal to 512 KB. The recommended size is 128 x 128 pixels.
      • Name: name of the extension.
      • Unique Identifier: ID of the extension. Once set, this parameter cannot be changed.
      • Type: type of the extension, which can be Build, Check, Test, Deploy, or Normal. Once set, this parameter cannot be changed.
      • Description: purposes and functions of the extension. This parameter can be modified later.
    • Version information

      Enter the shell command in the Shell Command area to implement service logic. In the following figure, the output will be the controls displayed on the Input Configuration page and pipeline system parameters.

    • Input configuration

      Drag and drop widgets to generate forms and connect pipeline data at lower development costs.

      The following describes how to configure a single-line text box and change its unique ID to input.

  4. Release the extension.

    After the design is complete, click Release or Release Draft. Drafts can be deleted.

Step 2: Configure a Custom Extension

  1. Configure a custom extension on a pipeline.

    After the custom extension is developed, create or edit a pipeline, add the extension, and enter Low-code input in the single-line input box.

  2. Execute the pipeline to execute the extension.

    After the execution is complete, the extension log contains Low-code input and pipeline system variables.





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