Updated on 2024-04-11 GMT+08:00

Modifying Queue Resources


If resources need to be adjusted based on service requirements, you can scale up or down a queue by modifying the queue configuration of a specified tenant on FusionInsight Manager. Yarn queues are associated with resource pools for resource allocation and scheduling.


A tenant who uses the Superior scheduler has been added.


  1. On FusionInsight Manager, choose Tenant Resources.
  2. Choose Dynamic Resource Plan.
  3. Click the Queue Configurations tab.
  4. In All tenants resources area, locate the row that contains the target tenant resource and click Modify in the Operation column.

    • You can also access the Modify Queue Configuration page as follows: In the tenant list on the Tenant Resources Management page, click the target tenant, click the Resource tab, and click next to Queue Configurations (Queue name).
    • A queue can be bound to only one non-default resource pool.
    • For parameters such as Max Allocated vCores, Max Allocated Memory(MB), Max Running Apps, Max Running Apps per User, and Max Pending Apps, if the value of a sub-tenant is -1, the value of the parent tenant can be set to a specific limit. If the parent tenant value is a specific limit, the sub-tenant value can be set to -1.
    • Max Allocated vCores and Max Allocated Memory(MB) must be both changed to values other than -1.
    • For queues with cross-resource-pool scheduling enabled, existing resource pools cannot be deleted during job running. Otherwise, running jobs may be continuously blocked because they cannot obtain resources. Similarly, if a new resource pool is configured for a queue during job running, the queue in the running state may not immediately use the resources in the new resource pool. The new resources are available only for jobs submitted after modification.
    Table 1 Queue configuration parameters



    Max Master Shares(%)

    Indicates the maximum percentage of resources occupied by all ApplicationMasters in the current queue.

    Max Allocated vCores

    Indicates the maximum number of cores that can be allocated to a single Yarn container in the current queue. The default value is -1, indicating that the number of cores is not limited within the value range.

    Max Allocated Memory(MB)

    Indicates the maximum memory that can be allocated to a single Yarn container in the current queue. The default value is -1, indicating that the memory is not limited within the value range.

    Max Running Apps

    Indicates the maximum number of tasks that can be executed at the same time in the current queue. The default value is -1, indicating that the number is not limited within the value range (the meaning is the same if the value is empty). Value 0 indicates that tasks cannot be executed. The value ranges from -1 to 2147483647.

    Max Running Apps per User

    Indicates the maximum number of tasks that can be executed by each user in the current queue at the same time. The default value is -1, indicating that the number is not limited within the value range (the meaning is the same if the value is empty). Value 0 indicates that tasks cannot be executed. The value ranges from -1 to 2147483647.

    Max Pending Apps

    Indicates the maximum number of tasks that can be suspended at the same time in the current queue. The default value is -1, indicating that the number is not limited within the value range (the meaning is the same if the value is empty). Value 0 indicates that tasks cannot be suspended. The value ranges from -1 to 2147483647.

    Resource Allocation Rule

    Indicates the rule for allocating resources to different tasks of a user. The rule can be FIFO or FAIR.

    If a user submits multiple tasks in the current queue and the rule is FIFO, the tasks are executed one by one in sequential order; If the rule is FAIR, resources are evenly allocated to all tasks.

    Default Resource Label

    Indicates that tasks are executed on a node with a specified resource label.

    Cross-Pool Scheduling

    Indicates whether containers in the current queue support cross-pool scheduling. This parameter is available for clusters of MRS 3.3.0 or later.

    This function cannot be enabled for the default queue.

    Cross-Pool AM Scheduling

    Indicates whether ApplicationMasters in the current queue support cross-pool scheduling. This parameter is available for clusters of MRS 3.3.0 or later.

    This function cannot be enabled for the default queue.


    • ACTIVE: indicates that the current queue can receive and execute tasks.
    • INACTIVE: indicates that the current queue can receive but cannot execute tasks. Tasks submitted to the queue are suspended.


    • OPEN: indicates that the current queue is opened.
    • CLOSED: indicates that the current queue is closed. Tasks submitted to the queue are rejected.

    Migrate Queue Upon Fault

    If cross-AZ HA is enabled for a cluster and an AZ is faulty, set Migrate Queue Upon Fault to TRUE to migrate running queues of the tenant to other AZs.

  5. Click OK.