CSE Dashboard Templates
CSE is a cloud middleware used for microservice applications. You can also use it with other cloud services to quickly build a cloud-native microservice system for quick development and high-availability O&M of microservice applications.
CSE dashboard templates support Viewing CSE Layer Access Center, Viewing CSE Layer Monitoring Center, and Viewing CSE Layer Monitoring in Seconds.
- CSE logs have been collected to LTS.
- Logs have been structured. For details, see Setting Cloud Structuring Parsing.
Viewing CSE Layer Access Center
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CSE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CSE Layer Access Center to view the chart details.
- upstream_host allows you to filter upstream IP addresses. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct(upstream_host)
- trace_id allows you to filter traces. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct(trace_id)
- Day-over-day PV Change. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100, 2) as inc from(select compare( "pv" , 86400) as diff from (select count(1) as "pv" from log))
- Week-on-week PV Change. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100, 2) as inc from(select compare( "pv" , 604800) as diff from (select count(1) as "pv" from log))
- Day-over-day UV Change. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100, 2) as inc from(select compare( "uv" , 86400) as diff from (select APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(authority) as "uv" from log))
- Week-on-week UV Change. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100, 2) as inc from(select compare( "uv" , 604800) as diff from (select APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(authority) as "uv" from log))
- PV Distribution (China). The associated query and analysis statement is:
select ip_to_province(authority) as province, sum(ori_pv) as pv from (select authority, count(1) as ori_pv group by authority ORDER BY ori_pv desc LIMIT 10000) where IP_TO_COUNTRY (authority) = 'China' group by province HAVING province not in ('','Reserved address','*')
- PV Distribution (Global). The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT ip_to_country(authority) as country,sum(ori_pv) as PV from (select authority, count(1) as ori_pv group by authority ORDER BY ori_pv desc LIMIT 10000) GROUP BY country HAVING country not in ('','Reserved address','*')
- Average Latency Distribution (China). The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT province,round( CASE WHEN "Average latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average latency (ms)" FROM (SELECT ip_to_province(authority) as province,sum(rt)/sum(ori_pv) * 1000 AS "Average latency (ms)" from (select authority, sum(duration) as rt,count(1) as ori_pv group by authority ORDER BY ori_pv desc LIMIT 10000) WHERE IP_TO_COUNTRY (authority) = 'China' GROUP BY province ) where province not in ('','Reserved address','*')
- Average Latency Distribution (Global). The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT country,round( CASE WHEN "Average latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Average latency (ms)" FROM (SELECT ip_to_country(authority) as country,sum(rt)/sum(ori_pv) * 1000 AS "Average latency (ms)" from (select authority, sum(duration) as rt,count(1) as ori_pv group by authority ORDER BY ori_pv desc LIMIT 10000) GROUP BY country ) where country not in ('','Reserved address','*')
- PV/UV Today. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT TIME_FORMAT( _time_, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as _time_,PV,UV FROM (select TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT600S') AS _time_ , count(1) as PV, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(authority) as UV from log WHERE __time <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and __time >= DATE_TRUNC( 'DAY',(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '8' HOUR)) - INTERVAL '8' HOUR group by _time_ order by _time_)
- Top 10 Provinces by Visits. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select ip_to_province(authority) as "province", sum(ori_pv) as "Visits" from (select authority, count(1) as ori_pv group by authority ORDER BY ori_pv desc LIMIT 10000) group by "province" HAVING "province" <> '-1' order by "Visits" desc limit 10
- Top 10 Cities by Visits. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select ip_to_city(authority) as "city", sum(ori_pv) as "Visits" from (select authority, count(1) as ori_pv group by authority ORDER BY ori_pv desc LIMIT 10000) group by "city" HAVING "city" <> '-1' order by "Visits" desc limit 10
- Top 10 Hosts by Visits. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select upstream_host as "Host", count(1) as "PV" group by "Host" order by "PV" desc limit 10
- Top 10 UserAgents by Visits. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select user_agent as "UserAgent", count(1) as "PV" group by "UserAgent" order by "PV" desc limit 10
- Device Distribution by Type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select case when regexp_like(lower(user_agent), 'iphone|ipod|android|ios') then 'Mobile' else 'PC' end as type , count(1) as total group by type
- Device Distribution by System. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select case when regexp_like(lower(user_agent), 'iphone|ipod|ios') then 'IOS' when regexp_like(lower(user_agent), 'android') then 'Android' else 'other' end as type , count(1) as total group by type HAVING type != 'other'
- TOP URL. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select path , count(1) as pv, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(authority) as UV, round(sum( case when response_code < 400 then 1 else 0 end ) * 100.0 / count(1), 2) as "Access Success Rate" group by path ORDER by pv desc
- Top IP Addresses by Visits. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select authority as "Source IP Address",ip_to_country(authority) as "Country/Region",ip_to_province(authority) as "Province",ip_to_city(authority) as "City",ip_to_provider(authority) as "Carrier",count(1) as "PV" group by authority ORDER by "PV" desc limit 100
- upstream_host allows you to filter upstream IP addresses. The associated query and analysis statement is:
Viewing CSE Layer Monitoring Center
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CSE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CSE Layer Monitoring Center to view the chart details.
- upstream_host allows you to filter upstream IP addresses. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct(upstream_host)
- trace_id allows you to filter traces. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct(trace_id)
- PV. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT TIME_FORMAT( _time_, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as _time_,PV FROM ( SELECT TIME_CEIL ( TIME_PARSE(start_time), 'PT300S' ) AS _time_, count( 1 ) AS PV FROM log GROUP BY _time_ )
- Request Success Rate. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select ROUND(sum(case when response_code < 400 then 1 else 0 end) * 100.0 / count(1),2) as cnt
- Average Latency. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select round(avg(duration) * 1000, 3) as cnt
- 4xx Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT COUNT(1) as cnt WHERE "response_code" >= 400 and "response_code" < 500
- 404 Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT COUNT(1) as cnt WHERE "response_code" = 404
- 429 Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT COUNT(1) as cnt WHERE "response_code" = 429
- 504 Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT COUNT(1) as cnt WHERE "response_code" = 504
- 5xx Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT TIME_FORMAT( _time_, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as _time_,cnt FROM ( SELECT TIME_CEIL ( TIME_PARSE(start_time), 'PT300S' ) AS _time_, count( 1 ) AS cnt FROM log where "response_code" >= 500 GROUP BY _time_ )
- Status Code Distribution. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT response_code, COUNT(1) AS rm GROUP BY response_code
- UV. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT TIME_FORMAT( _time_, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as _time_,UV FROM (select TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT600S') AS _time_ , APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(authority) as UV from log group by _time_)
- Traffic. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select TIME_FORMAT(_time_,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS _time_,round( CASE WHEN "Inbound" > 0 THEN "Inbound" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Inbound",round( CASE WHEN "Outbound" > 0 THEN "Outbound" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Outbound" FROM (SELECT TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT600S') AS _time_,sum(bytes_received) / 1024.0 AS "Inbound",sum(bytes_sent) / 1024.0 AS "Outbound" group by _time_)
- Access Failure Rate. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT TIME_FORMAT( _time_, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as _time_,round( CASE WHEN "Failure rate" > 0 THEN "Failure rate" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Failure rate",round( CASE WHEN "5xx ratio" > 0 THEN "5xx ratio" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "5xx ratio" from (select TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT600S') AS _time_,sum(case when response_code >= 400 then 1 else 0 end) * 100.0 / count(1) as 'Failure rate' , sum(case when response_code >=500 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)*100.0/COUNT(1) as '5xx ratio' group by _time_)
- Latency. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select TIME_FORMAT( _time_, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as _time_,round( CASE WHEN "Avg" > 0 THEN "Avg" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Avg",round( CASE WHEN "P50" > 0 THEN "P50" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "P50",round( CASE WHEN "P90" > 0 THEN "P90" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "P90",round( CASE WHEN "P99" > 0 THEN "P99" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "P99",round( CASE WHEN "P9999" > 0 THEN "P9999" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "P9999" from (select TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT600S') as _time_,avg(duration) * 1000 as "Avg", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS("duration", 0.50)*1000 as "P50", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS("duration", 0.90)*1000 as "P90" ,APPROX_QUANTILE_DS("duration", 0.99)*1000 as 'P99',APPROX_QUANTILE_DS("duration", 0.9999)*1000 as 'P9999' group by _time_)
- Top Host Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT "host", pv, uv, round( CASE WHEN "Access Success Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Success Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "Inbound (KB)" > 0 THEN "Inbound (KB)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Inbound (KB)", round( CASE WHEN "Outbound (KB)" > 0 THEN "Outbound (KB)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Outbound (KB)" FROM ( SELECT "host", count( 1 ) AS pv, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT ( my_remote_addr ) AS uv, sum( CASE WHEN "status" < 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", avg( request_time ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)", sum( request_length ) / 1024.0 AS "Inbound (KB)", sum( bytes_sent ) / 1024.0 AS "Outbound (KB)" WHERE "host" != '' GROUP BY "host" ) ORDER BY pv DESC
- Top Host Latencies. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT "upstream_host", pv, round( CASE WHEN "Access Success Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Success Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P90 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P90 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P90 Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P99 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P99 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P99 Latency (ms)" FROM ( SELECT "upstream_host", count( 1 ) AS pv, sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" < 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)",APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.9) * 1000 AS "P90 Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.99) * 1000 AS "P99 Latency (ms)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' GROUP BY "upstream_host" ) ORDER BY "Average Latency (ms)" desc
- Top Host Failure Rates. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT "upstream_host", pv,round( CASE WHEN "Access Failure Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Failure Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Failure Rate (%)", round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P90 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P90 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P90 Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P99 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P99 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P99 Latency (ms)" FROM ( SELECT "upstream_host", count( 1 ) AS pv, sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" >= 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Failure Rate (%)", avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.9) * 1000 AS "P90 Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.99) * 1000 AS "P99 Latency (ms)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' GROUP BY "upstream_host") ORDER BY "Access Failure Rate (%)" desc
- Top URL Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT path, pv,uv, round( CASE WHEN "Access Success Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Success Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "Inbound (KB)" > 0 THEN "Inbound (KB)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Inbound (KB)", round( CASE WHEN "Outbound (KB)" > 0 THEN "Outbound (KB)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Outbound (KB)" FROM ( SELECT path, count( 1 ) AS pv, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT ( authority ) AS uv, sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" < 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)", sum( bytes_received ) / 1024.0 AS "Inbound (KB)", sum( bytes_sent ) / 1024.0 AS "Outbound (KB)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' GROUP BY path ) ORDER BY pv desc
- Top URL Failure Rates. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT path, pv, round( CASE WHEN "Access Failure Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Failure Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Failure Rate (%)", round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P90 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P90 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P90 Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P99 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P99 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P99 Latency (ms)" FROM( SELECT path, count( 1 ) AS pv, sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" >= 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Failure Rate (%)", avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.9) * 1000 AS "P90 Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.99) * 1000 AS "P99 Latency (ms)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' GROUP BY path ) ORDER BY "Access Failure Rate (%)" desc
- Top Backend Requests. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT addr, pv, uv, round( CASE WHEN "Access Success Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Success Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "Inbound (KB)" > 0 THEN "Inbound (KB)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Inbound (KB)", round( CASE WHEN "Outbound (KB)" > 0 THEN "Outbound (KB)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Outbound (KB)" FROM ( SELECT authority as addr, count( 1 ) AS pv, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT ( authority ) AS uv, sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" < 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)", sum( bytes_received ) / 1024.0 AS "Inbound (KB)", sum( bytes_sent ) / 1024.0 AS "Outbound (KB)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' GROUP BY addr having length(authority) > 2) ORDER BY "pv" desc
- Top Backend Latencies. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT addr,pv,round( CASE WHEN "Access Success Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Success Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)",round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)",round( CASE WHEN "P90 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P90 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P90 Latency (ms)",round( CASE WHEN "P99 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P99 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P99 Latency (ms)" FROM (SELECT authority as addr,count( 1 ) AS pv,sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" < 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)",avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)",APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.9) * 1000 AS "P90 Latency (ms)",APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.99) * 1000 AS "P99 Latency (ms)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' and "authority" != '-' GROUP BY addr ) ORDER BY "Average Latency (ms)" desc
- Top Backend Failure Rates. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT addr, pv, round( CASE WHEN "Access Failure Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Failure Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Failure Rate (%)", round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P90 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P90 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P90 Latency (ms)", round( CASE WHEN "P99 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P99 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P99 Latency (ms)" FROM ( SELECT authority as addr, count( 1 ) AS pv, sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" >= 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Failure Rate (%)", avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.9) * 1000 AS "P90 Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.99) * 1000 AS "P99 Latency (ms)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' and "authority" != '-' GROUP BY addr) ORDER BY "Access Failure Rate (%)" desc
- Top URL Latencies. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT path, pv,round( CASE WHEN "Access Success Rate (%)" > 0 THEN "Access Success Rate (%)" ELSE 0 END, 2 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)",round( CASE WHEN "Average Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "Average Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Average Latency (ms)",round( CASE WHEN "P90 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P90 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P90 Latency (ms)",round( CASE WHEN "P99 Latency (ms)" > 0 THEN "P99 Latency (ms)" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "P99 Latency (ms)" FROM (SELECT path, count( 1 ) AS pv, sum( CASE WHEN "response_code" < 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 / count( 1 ) AS "Access Success Rate (%)", avg( duration ) * 1000 AS "Average Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.9) * 1000 AS "P90 Latency (ms)", APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(duration, 0.99) * 1000 AS "P99 Latency (ms)" WHERE "upstream_host" != '' GROUP BY path ) ORDER BY "Average Latency (ms)" desc
- upstream_host allows you to filter upstream IP addresses. The associated query and analysis statement is:
Viewing CSE Layer Monitoring in Seconds
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CSE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CSE Layer Monitoring in Seconds to view the chart details.
- upstream_host allows you to filter upstream IP addresses. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct(upstream_host)
- trace_id allows you to filter traces. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct(trace_id)
- QPS. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT TIME_FORMAT(TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT5S'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') AS _time_ , COUNT(*) as QPS from log group by _time_
- Success Rate. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select __time,round(CASE WHEN "Success rate" > 0 THEN "Success rate" else 0 end,2) as "Success rate" from (select TIME_FORMAT(TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT5S'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as __time, sum(case when response_code < 400 then 1 else 0 end) * 100.0 / count(1) as 'Success rate' from log group by __time)
- Latency. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select __time,round(CASE WHEN "Access latency" > 0 THEN "Access latency" else 0 end,2) as "Access latency",round(CASE WHEN "Upstream latency" > 0 THEN "Upstream latency" else 0 end,2) as "Upstream latency" from (select TIME_FORMAT(TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT5S'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as __time, avg(duration)* 1000 as 'Access latency',avg(upstream_service_time)* 1000 as 'Upstream latency' from log group by __time)
- Traffic. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select __time,round( CASE WHEN "Incoming" > 0 THEN "Incoming" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Incoming",round( CASE WHEN "Outgoing body" > 0 THEN "Outgoing body" ELSE 0 END, 3 ) AS "Outgoing body" from (select TIME_FORMAT(TIME_CEIL(TIME_PARSE(start_time),'PT5S'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as __time , sum("bytes_received") / 1024.0 as "Incoming", sum("bytes_sent") / 1024.0 as "Outgoing body" group by __time)
- Status Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT TIME_CEIL ( TIME_PARSE ( start_time ), 'PT5S' ) AS "time", SUM( CASE WHEN "response_code" >= 200 AND "response_code" < 300 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "2XX", SUM( CASE WHEN "response_code" >= 300 AND "response_code" < 400 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "3XX", SUM( CASE WHEN "response_code" >= 400 AND "response_code" < 500 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "4XX", SUM( CASE WHEN "response_code" >= 500 AND "response_code" < 600 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "5XX", SUM( CASE WHEN "response_code" < 200 OR "response_code" >= 600 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS "Other" FROM log WHERE TIME_PARSE ( start_time ) IS NOT NULL GROUP BY "time" ORDER BY "time" ASC LIMIT 100000
- upstream_host allows you to filter upstream IP addresses. The associated query and analysis statement is:
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