CCE Dashboard Templates
CCE provides highly scalable, high-performance, enterprise-class Kubernetes clusters.
CCE dashboard templates support Viewing CCE Logs: Node Operations, Viewing CCE Logs Kubernetes Object Operations, Viewing CCE Logs Kubernetes Event Queries, Viewing CCE Logs Kubernetes Event Center, Viewing CCE Logs Aggregation Search, Viewing CCE Logs Account Operations, and Viewing CCE Audit Log Center.
- Logs have been collected from CCE. For details, see Ingesting CCE Application Logs to LTS.
- Logs have been structured. For details, see Setting Cloud Structuring Parsing.
Viewing CCE Logs: Node Operations
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CCE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CCE Logs: Node Operations to view the chart details.
- Filter by node name. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("")
- Filter by user. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("user.username")
- Filter by status code. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("responseStatus.code")
- Filter by operation type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("verb")
- Node Quantity Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT time_series( TIME_PARSE(LEFT(requestReceivedTimestamp, 23),'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss.SSS'), 'PT1H', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH', '0' ) as "dt", count(DISTINCT("")) as "Nodes" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "objectRef.subresource" = 'status' and "verb" in ('update', 'patch') and "user.username" = 'system:node' group by "dt" order by "dt" desc limit 10000
- Non-System User Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT time_series( TIME_PARSE(LEFT(requestReceivedTimestamp, 23),'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss.SSS'), 'PT1H', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH', '0' ) as "dt", count(*) as "Requests", "user.username" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "user.username" not in ( 'kube-controller-manager','kube-apiserver-kubelet-client','apiserver') and "user.username" not like 'system:%' and "verb" in ('create','delete','update','patch') group by "dt", "user.username" order by "dt","Requests" desc limit 10000
- create Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" = 'create' group by "Status code"
- delete Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" = 'delete' group by "Status code"
- patch Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" = 'patch' group by "Status code"
- update Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" = 'update' group by "Status code"
- Node Blocking/Unblocking Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "requestObject" in ('{"spec":{"unschedulable":false}}','{"spec":{"unschedulable":true}}') group by "Status code"
- Label Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" in ('patch','update') and "requestObject" = 'labels' and "requestObject" = 'metadata' group by "Status code"
- Taint Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" in ('patch','update') and "requestObject" = 'taints' group by "Status code"
- Eviction Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.subresource" = 'eviction' and "objectRef.resource" = 'pods' and "verb" = 'create' group by "Status code"
- Node Addition/Deletions. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "auditID" AS "Audit ID", "" AS "Node", "verb" AS "Operation", "stageTimestamp" AS "Occurred", "user.username" AS "Operator", "responseStatus.code" AS "Status Code" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" in ('create','delete')
- Taint Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "auditID" AS "Audit ID", "" AS "Node","requestObject" AS "Taints", "requestReceivedTimestamp" AS "Occurred", "user.username" AS "Operator", "responseStatus.code" AS "Status Code" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" = 'patch' and "requestObject" = 'taints'
- Eviction Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "auditID" AS "Audit ID", "" AS "pod", "sourceIPs" AS "Source IP", "requestReceivedTimestamp" AS "Occurred", "user.username" AS "Operator", "responseStatus.code" AS "Status Code" where "objectRef.resource" = 'pods' and "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.subresource" = 'eviction'
- Label Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "auditID" AS "Audit ID", "" AS "Node", "requestObject" AS "Label", "requestReceivedTimestamp" AS "Occurred", "user.username" AS "Operator", "responseStatus.code" AS "Status Code" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "verb" = 'patch' and "requestObject" = 'labels'
- Blocking Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "auditID" AS "Audit ID", "" AS "Node", "requestReceivedTimestamp" AS "Occurred", "user.username" AS "Operator", "responseStatus.code" AS "Status Code" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "requestObject" ='true' and "requestObject" = 'unschedulable'
- Unblocking Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "auditID" AS "Audit ID", "" AS "Node", "requestReceivedTimestamp" AS "Occurred", "user.username" AS "Operator", "responseStatus.code" AS "Status Code" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "requestObject" not in ('true','taints','unschedulable')
- Filter by node name. The associated query and analysis statement is:
Viewing CCE Logs Kubernetes Object Operations
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CCE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CCE Logs Kubernetes Object Operations to view the chart details.
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.namespace")
- Filter by operation type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("verb")
- Filter by status code. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("responseStatus.code")
- Filter by resource object. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("")
- Filter by resource type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.resource")
- Filter by user. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("user.username")
- Major Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(requestReceivedTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS "dt", "verb" as "Operation Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" in ('create','delete','update','patch') and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "dt","Operation Type" order by "dt" limit 10000
- Non-System User Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(requestReceivedTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS "dt", count(*) as "Requests ","user.username" WHERE "user.username" not in ('kube-controller-manager','kube-apiserver-kubelet-client','apiserver') and "user.username" not like 'system:%' and "verb" in ('create','delete','update','patch') and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresss','configmaps','secrets','pvcs') group by "dt", "user.username" limit 10000
- create Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- delete Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- update Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- patch Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- create Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- delete Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- update Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- patch Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- create Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- delete Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- update Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- patch Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- create Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- delete Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- update Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- patch Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
Viewing CCE Logs Kubernetes Event Queries
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CCE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CCE Logs Kubernetes Event Queries to view the chart details.
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.namespace")
- Filter by operation type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("verb")
- Filter by status code. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("responseStatus.code")
- Filter by resource object. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("")
- Filter by resource type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.resource")
- Filter by user. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("user.username")
- Major Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(requestReceivedTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS "dt", "verb" as "Operation Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" in ('create','delete','update','patch') and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "dt","Operation Type" order by "dt" limit 10000
- Non-System User Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(requestReceivedTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS "dt", count(*) as "Requests ","user.username" WHERE "user.username" not in ('kube-controller-manager','kube-apiserver-kubelet-client','apiserver') and "user.username" not like 'system:%' and "verb" in ('create','delete','update','patch') and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresss','configmaps','secrets','pvcs') group by "dt", "user.username" limit 10000
- create Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- delete Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- update Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- patch Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource Type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "objectRef.resource"
- create Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- delete Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- update Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- patch Users. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "user.username"
- create Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- delete Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- update Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- patch Codes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Status code", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by "responseStatus.code"
- create Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'create' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- delete Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- update Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'update' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- patch Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" = 'patch' and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','cronjobs','daemonsets','jobs','pods','services','ingresses','configmaps','configmaps','persistentvolumeclaims') group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
Viewing CCE Logs Kubernetes Event Center
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CCE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CCE Logs Kubernetes Event Center to view the chart details.
- Event Severity: The options are Warning and Normal.
- Filter by event type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("name")
- Filter by cluster ID. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("cluster_id")
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("namespace")
- Filter by name. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("resource_name")
- Conntrack Full. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'ConntrackFull' ) )
- Event Sync Error. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'NTPIsDown') )
- Insufficient Node PIDs. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name" in ('PIDPressure','NodeHasPIDPressure') ) )
- Insufficient Node FDs. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'NodeHasFDPressure') )
- Insufficient Node Disk Space. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'NodeHasDiskPressure') )
- Pod OOM. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "reason" in ('OOMKilling','PodOOMKilling')) )
- DockerHung. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'Failed' and "reason" = 'DockerHung') )
- Node Restart. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'NodeRebooted') )
- Pull Image Failed. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'Failed' and "reason" = 'ImagePullBackOff') )
- Node OOM. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name" = 'SystemOOM') )
- Start Pod Failed. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( "total", 3600) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where "name"= 'Failed' and "resource_kind" = 'Pod' and "reason" = 'ImagePullBackOff') )
- Event Distribution. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "type", count(*) as "Events" group by "type"
- Warning Event Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select time_series(__time, 'PT1H', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH', '0') as "dt",count(1) as "count" from log where "type" = 'Warning' group by "dt" order by "dt"
- Error Event Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select time_series(__time, 'PT1H', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH', '0') as "dt",count(1) as "count" from log where "type" = 'Error' group by "dt" order by "dt"
- Pod OOM Events. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select TIME_FORMAT( __time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', '+08:00') as "Time", "resource_kind" as "Event Target", "name" as "Type", "resource_name" as "Target Name", "reason" as "Details" from log where "name" in ('OOMKilling','PodOOMKilling') order by __time desc limit 100
- Pod Drive Event List. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select TIME_FORMAT( __time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', '+08:00' ) as "Time", "resource_kind" as "Event Target", "name" as "Type", "resource_name" as "Target Name", "reason" as "Details" from log where "name" = 'NodeControllerEviction' order by __time desc limit 100
- Major Events. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select TIME_FORMAT( __time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', '+08:00' ) as "Time", "type" as "Level", "resource_kind" as "Event Target", "name" as "Type", "resource_name" as "Target Name", "reason" as "Details" from log where "type" in ('Warning','Error') order by __time desc limit 100
Viewing CCE Logs Aggregation Search
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CCE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CCE Logs Aggregation Search to view the chart details.
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.namespace")
- Filter by user. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("user.username")
- Filter by status code. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("responseStatus.code")
- Filter by operation type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("verb")
- Filter by resource object. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("")
- Filter by resource type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.resource")
- Filter by request URL. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("requestURI")
- Filter by userAgent. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("userAgent")
- User Distribution Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "user.username" as "User", count(*) as "count" group by dt, "user.username" order by dt limit 10000
- Namespace Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.namespace" as "Namespace", count(*) as "count" group by dt, "objectRef.namespace" order by dt limit 10000
- Operation Type Distribution Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.namespace" as "Namespace", count(*) as "count" group by dt, "objectRef.namespace" order by dt limit 10000
- Status Code Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, cast("responseStatus.code" as varchar) as "Return code", count(*) as "count" group by dt, "Return code" order by dt limit 10000
- Resource Type Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000 SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(stageTimestamp, 16),'T',' ') AS dt, "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" group by dt, "objectRef.resource" order by dt limit 10000
- Major Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "auditID" AS "Audit ID", "verb" AS "Operation Type", "requestReceivedTimestamp" AS "Started", "stageTimestamp" AS "Ended", "user.username" AS "Operator", "sourceIPs" AS "Operation Source","userAgent","objectRef.namespace" AS "Namespace", CONCAT(CONCAT("objectRef.resource", '/'), "objectRef.subresource") AS "Operation Object", "" AS "Resource Name", "responseStatus.code" AS "Return Code"
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
Viewing CCE Logs Account Operations
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CCE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CCE Logs Account Operations to view the chart details.
- Filter by username. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("user.username")
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.namespace")
- Filter by status code. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("responseStatus.code")
- Resources Created. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(1) as total from log where "verb" = 'create') )
- Resources Modified. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(*) as "total" from log where "verb" in ('update','patch')) )
- Resources Deleted. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(*) as "total" from log where "verb" = 'delete') )
- Affected Namespaces. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select case when "objectRef.namespace" is null then '_all__' else "objectRef.namespace" end as ns, count(1) as total group by ns limit 10000
- Deleted Resource. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT "objectRef.resource" as "resource", count(1) as "count" where "verb" = 'delete' group by "resource"
- Operation History. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select case when "Operation" is null then 'None' else "Operation" end as "Operation", "Time", v from (select concat(CASE WHEN "objectRef.subresource" is null then "objectRef.resource" else "objectRef.subresource" end, '[', verb, ']' ) as "Operation", time_series(__time, 'PT1H', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH', '0') as "Time", count(1) as v from log where "verb" in ('create', 'patch', 'update', 'delete') group by "Operation", "Time" order by "Time" desc limit 10000 )
- Resource Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select CASE WHEN "objectRef.subresource" is null then "objectRef.resource" else "objectRef.subresource" end as "Resource", verb as "Operation", count(1) as total where "verb" in ('create','update','patch','delete') group by "Resource", "Operation" limit 10000
- Created Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT "auditID" as "Event ID", time_format("__time",'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as "Occurred", "requestURI" as "Resource", "" as "Resource Name", "responseStatus.code" as "Status Code","sourceIPs" as "Source IP", "requestObject" as "Details" where "verb" = 'create' order by __time desc limit 1000
- Modified Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT auditID as "Event ID", time_format("__time",'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as "Occurred","requestURI" as "Resource", "" as "Resource Name", "responseStatus.code" as "Status Code","sourceIPs" as "Source IP", requestObject as "Details" where "verb" in ('upate','patch') order by __time desc limit 1000
- Accessed Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT auditID as "Event ID", time_format("__time",'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as "Occurred", "requestURI" as "Resource", "" as "Resource Name", "responseStatus.code" as "Status Code","sourceIPs" as "Source IP", requestObject as "Details" where "verb" in ('get','list') order by __time desc limit 1000
- Deleted Resources. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT auditID as "Event ID", time_format("__time",'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as "Occurred", "requestURI" as "Resource", "" as "Resource Name", "responseStatus.code" as "Status Code","sourceIPs" as "Source IP", requestObject as "Details" where "verb" = 'delete' order by __time desc limit 1000
- Filter by username. The associated query and analysis statement is:
Viewing CCE Audit Log Center
- Log in to the LTS console. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.
- Choose CCE dashboard templates under Dashboard Templates and click CCE Audit Log Center to view the chart details.
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.namespace")
- Filter by user. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("user.username")
- Filter by operation type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("verb")
- Filter by status code. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("responseStatus.code")
- Filter by resource object. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("")
- Filter by resource type. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("objectRef.resource")
- Filter by request URL. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("requestURI")
- Filter by UserAgent. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select distinct("userAgent")
- Total Audit Records. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total" , round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(1) as total from log ) )
- The query analysis statements associated with the Number of Operators chart are as follows:
select diff[1] as "total" , round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(distinct("user.username")) as total from log ) )
- Active Nodes. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(DISTINCT "user.username") as total from log where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' and "objectRef.subresource" = 'status' and "verb" in ('update','put','patch') and "user.username" in ('node','system')) )
- Abnormal Visits. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(1) as total from log where "responseStatus.code" >= 400) )
- Sensitive Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total" , round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(1) as "total" from log where ("verb" = 'create' AND "objectRef.subresource" = 'exec') OR ("verb" = 'create' AND "objectRef.subresource" = 'attach' AND "objectRef.resource" = 'pods') OR ("objectRef.resource" = 'secrets' AND "verb"= 'get' AND ( "user.username" != 'apiserver') AND ("user.username" not like 'system:node:%')) OR ("verb"= 'delete' AND ( "user.username" not like 'system:node:%') AND ( "user.username" not like 'system:serviceaccount:kube-system:%') AND ( "user.username" != 'system:apiserve') AND ( "user.username" != 'system:apiserve') AND ( "user.username" != 'system:kube-scheduler') AND ("user.username" != 'system:kube-controller-manager'))) )
- Creation Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(1) as total from log where verb = 'create') )
- Update Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total" , round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(1) as total from log where verb in ('update','patch')) )
- Deletion Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select diff[1] as "total", round((diff[1] - diff[2]) / diff[2] * 100 , 2 ) as "inc" from (select compare( total , 86400) as diff from( select count(1) as total from log where verb = 'delete') )
- Operators. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "user.username" as "Username", count(*) as "count" group by "Username" order by "count" desc
- Namespaces. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.namespace" as "Namespace", count(*) as "count" group by "Namespace"
- Resource Types. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "objectRef.resource" as "Resource type", count(*) as "count" group by "Resource type" order by "count" desc limit 20
- Operation Types. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select verb as "Operation type", count(*) as "count" group by "Operation type" order by "count" desc
- Node Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "verb" as "Operation type", count(*) as "count" where "objectRef.resource" = 'nodes' AND ("verb" in ('create','delete') ) group by "Operation type" order by "count" desc
- Workload Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "verb" as "Operation type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" in ('create', 'delete') and "objectRef.resource" in ('deployments','statefulsets','daemonsets','jobs','cronjobs') group by "Operation type" order by "count" desc
- Service/Ingress Operations. The associated query and analysis statement is:
select "verb" as "Operation type", count(*) as "count" where "verb" in ('create', 'delete') and "objectRef.resource" in ('ingressess','services') group by "verb" order by "count" desc
- Major Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT("stageTimestamp", 16),'T',' ') AS "dt", "verb", count(*) as "count" where "verb" in ('create','delete','update','patch') group by "dt", "verb" order by "dt" limit 10000
- Non-System User Operation Trend. The associated query and analysis statement is:
SELECT REPLACE(LEFT("stageTimestamp", 16),'T',' ') AS "dt", count(*) as "count", "user.username" as "Username" where "user.username" not in ('kube-controller-manager','kube-apiserver-kubelet-client','system','apiserver') group by "dt", "Username" order by "dt" limit 10000
- Filter by namespace. The associated query and analysis statement is:
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