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Option Overview

Updated on 2023-02-27 GMT+08:00

KooCLI options are system parameters that can be added to commands for calling APIs. The following table describes the options supported by KooCLI. Any option except help, debug, dryrun, cli-username, cli-password, cli-domain, cli-output, cli-query, cli-output-num, cli-jsonInput, and cli-endpoint can be set in profiles. When a command is executed, the value of a parameter in the command takes precedence over that in the profile.

Table 1 KooCLI options





Prints help information.

hcloud RDS ListCollations --cli-region="eu-west-101" --help


Prints debugging information during command invocation. For example, the steps of API calling and the complete request URL.

hcloud VPC ShowVpc/v3 --cli-region="eu-west-101" --project_id="0dd8cb****************19b5a84546" --vpc_id="0bbe****-****-****-****-****235be6e7" --debug


Checks a command. The system prints the request message after verification. It does not call the target API.

hcloud RDS CreateConfiguration --cli-region="eu-west-101" --project_id="4ff018c******************df31948" --datastore.type="MySQL" --datastore.version="5.7" --values.max_connections="10" --name="test-001" --description="test create configuration" --dryrun


Region where the cloud service resources to be managed are located.

hcloud EVS DeleteVolume --cli-region="eu-west-101" --volume_id="aed9****-****-****-****-****0e3219cf" --project_id="0dd8cb****************19b5a84546"

cli-username, cli-password, cli-domain

  • cli-username: IAM user name
  • cli-password: IAM user password
  • cli-domain: the name of the account to which the IAM user belongs

These options are used to call cloud service APIs using an account in non-configuration mode.

hcloud EVS UpdateVolume --cli-region="eu-west-101" --volume_id="aed9****-****-****-****-****0e3219cf" --project_id="0dd8cb****************19b5a84546""ecs-abcd" --volume.description="volume test" --cli-username=s******1 --cli-password=****** --cli-domain=s******1

cli-access-key, cli-secret-key, cli-security-token

  • cli-access-key: access key ID (AK). This parameter must be used together with SK.
  • cli-secret-key: secret access key (SK). This parameter must be used together with AK.
  • cli-security-token: temporary security credential. This parameter is required when you use a temporary AK/SK for identity authentication.

These options are used to call cloud service APIs using an AK/SK in non-configuration mode.

Call cloud service APIs using an AK/SK in non-configuration mode.

  • Use an access key (permanent AK/SK):
    hcloud RDS ListApiVersion --cli-region="eu-west-101" --cli-access-key=8NVT************KIOV --cli-secret-key=VHMQjoC**************************lsk3cGf
  • Use temporary security credentials (temporary AK/SK and SecurityToken):
    hcloud RDS ListApiVersion --cli-region="eu-west-101" --cli-access-key=5FSU************607T --cli-secret-key=VoyjgLh**************************qRc8pSq --cli-security-token=******


The access token issued to an IAM user. This option is used to call cloud service APIs using a token in non-configuration mode.

hcloud ECS ListServersDetails --cli-region="eu-west-101" --project_id="2cc60f5****************efa5019ef" --enterprise_project_id="441d5677-****-****-****-ef7fd6336666" --cli-x-auth-token=******

cli-agency-domain-id/cli-agency-domain-name, cli-agency-name, cli-source-profile

  • cli-agency-domain-name: Account name of a delegating party. This parameter must be used together with cli-agency-name.

    cli-agency-domain-id: Account ID of the delegating party. This parameter must be used together with cli-agency-name.

  • cli-agency-name: Agency name. It must be used together with cli-agency-domain-id or cli-agency-domain-name.
  • cli-source-profile: The profile that stores the authentication information of the delegated party. The value of this option cannot be the current profile.

These options are used to call cloud service APIs using an agency in non-configuration mode.

hcloud VPC ListAddressGroup/v3 --cli-region="eu-west-101" --project_id="2cc60****************caefa5019ef" --cli-agency-domain-id=13534326******************5cf67b --cli-agency-name=****** --cli-source-profile=test


ID of the account to which the IAM user belongs. This option is required when global service APIs are called in AK/SK authentication mode. In this case, KooCLI automatically obtains this parameter from your authentication information.

hcloud CDN ListDomains --cli-region="eu-west-101" --cli-domain-id="08e09a6e******************1bb800"


Name of a KooCLI profile. A profile stores a group of common information (such as the AK/SK, region, and project ID) required for calling cloud service APIs.

hcloud EVS ListSnapshots --cli-profile=test


Authentication mode of a profile. Options:

  • AKSK
  • token
  • ecsAgency
  • agency

If a profile contains different authentication parameters (such as AK/SK and token), the mode specified by cli-mode is used. Use --cli-mode in a command to specify the authentication mode for a profile.

  • Set cli-mode to AKSK.
    hcloud CCE ListNodes --cluster_id="f288****-****-****-****-****ac101534" --project_id="0dd8cb****************19b5a84546" --cli-profile=test --cli-mode=AKSK
  • Set cli-mode to token.
    hcloud CCE ListNodes --cluster_id="f288****-****-****-****-****ac101534" --project_id="0dd8cb****************19b5a84546" --cli-profile=test --cli-mode=token

cli-output, cli-query, cli-output-num

Output format.

  • cli-output
    Output format of the response data. The options include:
    • json
    • table
    • tsv
  • cli-query

    JMESPath for filtering response data.

  • cli-output-num

    Indicates whether to print the row numbers during table output. The value can be true or false.

  • When the value of cli-output is json:
    • Call a cloud service API
      hcloud CCE ListClusters --cli-region="eu-west-101" --type="VirtualMachine" --project_id="0dd8cb****************19b5a84546" --cli-query="items[0]"
    • Call a CLI system command
      hcloud configure list --cli-output=json --cli-query="profiles[].{Name:name,Mode:mode,Ak:accessKeyId,SK:secretAccessKey}"
  • When the value of cli-output is table:
    hcloud configure list --cli-output=table --cli-query="profiles[].{Name:name,Mode:mode,Ak:accessKeyId,SK:secretAccessKey}"
  • When the value of cli-output is tsv:
    hcloud configure list --cli-output=tsv --cli-query="profiles[].{Name:name,Mode:mode,Ak:accessKeyId,SK:secretAccessKey}"


Specifies a JSON file to pass API parameters. If a cloud service API has too many parameters, you can define the parameters in a JSON file. KooCLI then parses the parameters in the file.

hcloud ECS CreateServers --cli-region="eu-west-101" --cli-read-timeout=60 --cli-jsonInput=C:\cli\Ecs_CreateServers.json

cli-connect-timeout and cli-read-timeout

Request timeouts.

  • cli-connect-timeout: request connection timeout, in seconds. The default value is 5, and the minimum value is 1.
  • cli-read-timeout: I/O timeout, in seconds. The default value is 10, and the minimum value is 1.
hcloud ECS DeleteServerPassword --cli-region="eu-west-101" --project_id="2cc60f5****************efa5019ef" --server_id="e6b99563-****-****-****-1820d4fd2a67" --cli-connect-timeout=10 --cli-read-timeout=15


Number of connection attempts. The system retries automatically if the connection times out. The value ranges from 0 to 5, and the default value is 0.

hcloud RDS ListInstances --cli-region="eu-west-101" --Content-Type="application/json" --project_id="2cc60****************caefa5019ef" --cli-retry-count=3


Specifies whether to skip HTTPS certificate verification (not recommended). The value can be true or false. The default value is false. Skipping certificate verification has security risks. If you set this parameter to true, KooCLI will display a message asking for your confirmation.

hcloud ECS NovaListServers --cli-region="eu-west-101" --project_id="2cc6****************6caefa5019ef" --cli-skip-secure-verify=true


Custom domain name.

By default, requests are sent to the target cloud service in the relevant region. You can also specify an endpoint of this cloud service.

hcloud IoTDA UpdateDevice --cli-region="eu-west-101" --description="test update device" --device_id="testz*********************0802" --cli-endpoint=""




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