Help Center/ Enterprise Router/ User Guide/ Attachments/ Adding VPC Attachments to an Enterprise Router
Updated on 2024-01-16 GMT+08:00

Adding VPC Attachments to an Enterprise Router


This section describes how to attach VPCs to an enterprise router so that these VPCs can communicate with each other.

Notes and Constraints

  • If you use the propagated routes of a VPC attachment, the route table of the enterprise router automatically learns the VPC CIDR block as the destination of routes. The CIDR block cannot be changed. To ensure that routes in the route table do not conflict, the CIDR blocks of all VPCs attached to the enterprise router cannot overlap. Otherwise, communication fails.
  • If your existing VPCs have overlapping CIDR blocks, do not use propagated routes. Instead, manually add static routes to the route table of the enterprise router. The destination of the routes can be VPC subnet CIDR blocks or smaller ones.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.
  3. Click Service List and choose Networking > Enterprise Router.

    The Enterprise Router homepage is displayed.

  4. Search for the target enterprise router by name.

    Figure 1 Searching for an enterprise router

  5. Go to the Attachments tab using either of the following methods:

    • In the upper right corner of the enterprise router, click Manage Attachment.
    • Click the enterprise router name and click Attachments.

  6. On the Attachments tab, click Create Attachment.

    The Create Attachment dialog box is displayed.

  7. Configure the parameters based on Table 1.

    Table 1 Parameters for adding a VPC attachment



    Example Value



    Enter the attachment name. The name:
    • Must contain 1 to 64 characters.
    • Can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).


    Attachment Type


    1. Select the attachment type. Select VPC, indicating that the instance to be attached to the enterprise router is a VPC.

      The methods for creating attachments vary depending on the attachment type. For details, see Attachment Overview.

    2. Select the VPC to be attached to the enterprise router. You can enter a VPC name to quickly find the target VPC.
    3. Select a subnet in the selected VPC. You can enter a subnet name to quickly find the target subnet.
      • You can select any subnet in the VPC. All subnets in the same VPC can communicate with each other by default and the enterprise router can connect to the entire VPC.
      • You are advised to select a subnet that is dedicated for connecting to the enterprise router. To ensure that the subnet has enough IP addresses for the system and the enterprise router, make the subnet mask /28 or smaller.
    • Attachment Type: VPC
    • VPC: vpc-A
    • Subnet: subnet-A01

    Auto Add Routes


    • Enable this option if you want to automatically add routes (with this enterprise router as the next hop and,, and as the destinations) to all route tables of the selected VPC.
    • Do not enable this option if an existing route in the VPC route tables has a destination set to,, or because the routes will fail to be added. After the attachment is created, manually add routes to the VPC route tables.




    Describe the attachment for easy identification.




    Add tags to help you quickly find your attachment.

    For details, see Overview.

    Tag key: test

    Tag value: 01

  8. Click OK.

    The attachment list is displayed.

  9. Check the attachment status.

    If the status changes from Creating to Normal, the attachment is successfully created.

Follow-up Procedure

If Default Route Table Association and Default Route Table Propagation are not enabled for an enterprise router, you need to:
  1. Create a custom route table for the enterprise router. For details, see Creating a Route Table.
  2. Create associations for the attachments of the enterprise router. For details, see Creating an Association for an Attachment in a Route Table.
  3. Use either of the following methods to add routes for the attachment to the route table: