Updated on 2023-12-05 GMT+08:00

Asset Catalog

You can view data statistics about different service domains or different types on the Asset Catalog page.



  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, click and choose Security & Compliance > Data Security Center.
  4. In the navigation pane, choose Asset Management > Asset Catalog.
  5. On the Service Domain or Data Type tab page, view the added data asset information. Data catalog parameters describes related parameters.

    You can select a group of data asset on the left to view statistics of a specific data asset on the Service Domain tab page, or select a data type on the left tree to view data asset of a data type on the Data Type tab.
    Table 1 Data catalog parameters




    • Sensitive Databases: the percentage of sensitive databases in all databases.
    • Sensitive Tables: the percentage of sensitive data tables in all data tables.
    • Sensitive Columns: the percentage of sensitive data columns in all data columns.

    WoW indicates the data changes compared with the previous week.

    Percentage of Sensitive Columns

    Pie chart showing the proportion of sensitive data columns of different security levels in the total data columns

    Top 5 Categories

    Top 5 data type with the highest proportion

    Data Volume

    Line chart showing the change of data volume over time

    Database Scale Table

    • Database instance: database instance name
    • Instance ID: instance ID
    • Host port: host port number
    • User: username