Help Center/ Distributed Database Middleware/ User Guide/ Data Migration/ Scenario 3: Migrating Data from a Third-Party RDS for MySQL Instance to DDM
Updated on 2022-09-16 GMT+08:00

Scenario 3: Migrating Data from a Third-Party RDS for MySQL Instance to DDM


You are using a third-party RDS for MySQL instance and want to use DDM for distributed data storage.

Services may be interrupted during migration. The duration of the interruption depends on the amount of data to be migrated and on network conditions.

Migration Process

Figure 1 Migrating data from a third-party RDS for MySQL instance to DDM


  • The destination DDM instance can communicate with the ECS where the target RDS for MySQL instance is deployed.
  • Before data migration, you have to stop your workloads to ensure data integrity.
  • Before migrating data, you have to prepare a new DDM instance and create schemas, sharded tables, or broadcast tables with the same names and structures as the source. Methods for creating various types of logical tables are described in Table 2.
  • The target DB instance is of the same version as the source DB instance.

Prepare for the Migration

  • Prepare an ECS that can access the source DB instance.
    1. Ensure that the ECS can access the source DB instance, destination DDM instance, and target DB instance. If they cannot communicate with each other, export data as a file and upload the file to the ECS through a transit server.
    2. Install an official MySQL (5.6 or 5.7) client on the ECS and the following OSs by running the required commands:
      • Red Hat Linux: yum install mysql mysql-devel
      • Debian Linux: apt install mysql-client-5.7 mysql-client-core-5.7
    1. Ensure that there is enough disk space and memory on the ECS to store and compare dump files.
  • Prepare a DDM instance and create the required DDM accounts, schemas, and logical tables.
    1. Apply for a DDM instance and create a DDM account and schema on the DDM console.
    2. Export table structures of the source DB instance to a SQL text file.
      • If the MySQL client version is 5.6 or 5.7, run the following command:
        mysqldump -h {DB_ADDRESS} -P {DB_PORT} -u {DB_USER} -p --no-data --skip-add-locks --add-locks=false --skip-tz-utc {DB_NAME} {TABLE_NAME} > {mysql_table_schema.sql}
      • If the MySQL client version is 8.0, run the following command:
        mysqldump -h {DB_ADDRESS} -P {DB_PORT} -u {DB_USER} -p --no-data --skip-add-locks --add-locks=false --column-statistics=0 --skip-tz-utc {DB_NAME} {TABLE_NAME} > {mysql_table_schema.sql}

      Table 1 describes the parameters in the command.

      Table 1 Parameter description





      Indicates the connection address of the target database.

      This parameter is mandatory.


      Indicates the listening port of the target database.

      This parameter is mandatory.


      Indicates the database account.

      This parameter is mandatory.


      Indicates that data is exported when tables are not locked.

      The declaration for table locking is enabled for some parameters by default. Add this parameter to the end of each data export statement.


      Indicates that no locks are added to tables.



      Indicates that only database table structures are exported.

      This parameter is used to export table structures.


      Indicates column statistics is disabled when the MySQL client version is 8.0.

      If the MySQL client version is 8.0, this parameter is mandatory.


      Indicates the database name.

      This parameter is mandatory.


      Indicates the table name.

      Separate every table names of the same type using a space. Exporting only service-related table structures is recommended.


      Indicates the name of the generated table structure file.

      The file varies depending on the table whose structure is exported.

      You can name the file in the format of schema name_logical table name_schema to prevent data from being overwritten, for example, mysql_table_schema.sql.

      The parameters listed above are commonly used for data export. Not all mysqldump parameters are listed here. To optimize certain parameters, log in to the official MySQL website or contact DDM technical support.

    3. Create a logical table.
      Ensure that structures of the logical table are consistent with those exported in 2. Map source tables to the logical table of the destination DDM instance, and specify migration policies for different table structures and data.

      Before creating a logical table, execute SHOW CREATE TABLE {TABLE_NAME} to query table structure of the source DB instance.

      Table 2 Table migration policies

      Schema Type

      Logical Table Type

      Table Structure Migration Policy

      Table Data Migration Policy



      Specify a sharding key in each SQL statement for creating original tables, connect to DDM, and execute the new SQL statement on the corresponding schema. For details about how to add a sharding key, see documents about CREATE TABLE statement.

      Import source table data using DDM.



      Specify a broadcast table in each SQL statement for creating original tables, connect to DDM, and execute the new SQL statement on the corresponding schema. For details about how to add a broadcast table, see documents about CREATE TABLE statement.



      Obtain the SQL statement for creating original tables, connect to DDM, and execute it on the corresponding schema.



    1. Clear test data in the destination DDM instance to prevent conflicts with the data to be migrated.
  • Prepare an RDS for MySQL instance.

Export Data

Connect to the source DB instance using an IP address and export data from the instance using mysqldump.

  • Prerequisites
    • The destination DDM instance is in the same subnet and VPC as the required ECS.
    • Security group rules allow DDM access.

Export table data from the source DB instance to a separate SQL text file, and upload the file to the prepared ECS.

  1. Stop the service system of the source DB instance to ensure that exported data is up to date.
  2. Export table data from the source DB instance to a SQL text file.

    • If the MySQL client version is 5.6 or 5.7, run the following command:
      mysqldump -h {DB_ADDRESS} -P {DB_PORT} -u {DB_USER} -p --single-transaction --hex-blob --complete-insert --set-gtid-purged=OFF --quick --no-create-info --skip-comments  --skip-add-locks --add-locks=false --skip-tz-utc [--where=""] {DB_NAME}{TABLE_NAME} > {mysql_table_data.sql}
    • If the MySQL client version is 8.0, run the following command:
      mysqldump -h {DB_ADDRESS} -P {DB_PORT} -u {DB_USER} -p --single-transaction --hex-blob --complete-insert --set-gtid-purged=OFF --quick --no-create-info --skip-comments  --skip-add-locks --add-locks=false --column-statistics=0 --skip-tz-utc [--where=""] {DB_NAME}{TABLE_NAME} > {mysql_table_data.sql}
    • If the source DB instance contains multiple schemas, export data from each schema separately.
    • If the source DB instance does not support table data export using mysqldump, contact the administrator.

    Table 3 describes the parameters in the above command.

    Table 3 Parameter description





    Indicates the connection address of the target database.

    This parameter is mandatory.


    Indicates the listening port of the target database.

    This parameter is mandatory.


    Indicates the database account.

    This parameter is mandatory.


    Indicates the database name.

    This parameter is mandatory.


    Indicates the table name.

    Separate every table names of the same type using a space.

    Exporting only service-related table structures is recommended.


    Indicates the name of the generated table data file.

    The file name varies depending on the table whose data is exported.

    You can name the file in the format of schema name_logical table name_data to prevent data from being overwritten, for example, mysql_table_data.sql.


    Uses a complete INSERT statement (including column names).



    After this parameter is configured, a BEGIN SQL statement is submitted before data is exported. The BEGIN SQL statement does not block any application and ensures data consistency when the data is exported. It applies only to the multi-version storage engine, InnoDB.



    Directly exports data to standard output files without buffering queries.

    This avoids sharply increasing memory usage if there is massive volumes of data.


    Exports binary string fields in hexadecimal format. This parameter is mandatory if there is binary data to be exported.



    Exports data without adding any CREATE TABLE statements.

    This parameter is used for data export.


    Disables additional comments.



    Indicates that data is exported when tables are not locked.

    The declaration for table locking is enabled for some parameters by default. Add this parameter to the end of each data export statement.


    Indicates that no locks are added to tables.



    Controls lock operations during data export to avoid performance issues.



    If the MySQL version is 8.0 or 5.7, configure this parameter.

    If the MySQL version is 5.6 or earlier, do not configure this parameter.


    Dumps only the records selected based on a specified WHERE condition.

    If the condition contains command comment symbols such as special spaces or characters, put the condition in quotes.

    The parameters listed above are commonly used for data export. Not all mysqldump parameters are listed here. To optimize certain parameters, log in to the official MySQL website or contact DDM technical support.

  3. Check the size of the SQL text file and check whether data is successfully exported.

    • If the file size is not 0 bytes, data export is successful.
    • If the file size is 0 bytes, data export failed. Contact DDM administrator.

  4. Upload the SQL file to the prepared ECS.

Import Data

  1. Enable read-only access to DDM databases on your application.
  2. Clear test data in the destination DDM instance to prevent conflicts with the data to be migrated.
  3. Use a MySQL client to connect to the target DDM instance and run the following commands to import structure and data files of unsharded or common tables:

    mysql -f -h {DDM_ADDRESS} -P {DDM_PORT} -u {DDM_USER} -p {DB_NAME} < {mysql_table_schema.sql}
    Enter password: **********
    mysql -f -h {DDM_ADDRESS} -P {DDM_PORT} -u {DDM_USER} -p {DB_NAME} < {mysql_table_data.sql}
    Enter password: **********
    • DDM_ADDRESS indicates the address of the DDM instance.
    • DDM_PORT indicates the port number of the DDM instance.
    • DDM_USER indicates the username for logging in to the DDM instance.
    • DB_NAME indicates the name of the schema. If data of unsharded tables is to be imported, DB_NAME indicates the name of the first shard in the DDM instance.
    • mysql_table_schema.sql indicates the name of the table structure file to be imported.
    • mysql_table_data.sql indicates the name of the table data file to be imported.

      Before importing data of unsharded or common tables, delete the last line (for example, Dump completed on 2018-06-28 19:53:03) in the table structure file. Otherwise, data import may fail.

  4. For sharded or broadcast tables, connect to DDM on your MySQL client and import the data file.

    mysql -h {DDM_ADDRESS} -P {DDM_PORT} -u {DDM_USER} -p {DB_NAME} < {mysql_table_data.sql}
    Enter password: ********** 
    • DDM_ADDRESS indicates the address of the destination DDM instance into which data is imported.
    • DDM_PORT indicates the listening port of the destination DDM instance.
    • DDM_USER indicates the DDM account.
    • DB_NAME indicates the name of the target schema.
    • mysql_table_data.sql indicates the name of the table data file to be imported.
      • Import data during off-peak hours. Performance of the destination DDM instance and target DB instance may be affected during data import.
      • If an interruption or exception occurs during data import, execute TRUNCATE TABLE {TABLE_NAME} to clear and import data again, to prevent primary key conflicts. Executing this statement will clear all table data. Exercise caution when executing it.
      • Ensure that the number of data records to be imported into a broadcast table is less than 5 million.

Verify Data

  1. Back up logical information of the destination DDM instance on the ECS.

    • Export table structures:
      • If the MySQL client version is 5.6, run the following command:
        mysqldump -h {DDM_ADDRESS} -P {DDM_PORT} -u {DDM_USER} -p --skip-lock-tables --default-auth=mysql_native_password  --set-gtid-purged=OFF --skip-tz-utc --no-data {DB_NAME} {TABLE_NAME} > {mysql_table_schema_new.sql}
      • If the MySQL client version is 8.0, run the following command:
        mysqldump -h {DDM_ADDRESS} -P {DDM_PORT} -u {DDM_USER} -p --skip-lock-tables --default-auth=mysql_native_password --column-statistics=0 --set-gtid-purged=OFF --skip-tz-utc --no-data {DB_NAME} {TABLE_NAME} > {mysql_table_schema_new.sql}
    • Export table data:
      • If the MySQL client version is 5.6, run the following command:
        mysqldump -h {DDM_ADDRESS} -P {DDM_PORT} -u {DDM_USER} -p --single-transaction --hex-blob --complete-insert --set-gtid-purged=OFF --quick --no-create-info --skip-comments --skip-tz-utc [--where=""] {DB_NAME}{TABLE_NAME} > {mysq_table_data_new.sql}
      • If the MySQL client version is 8.0, run the following command:
        mysqldump -h {DDM_ADDRESS} -P {DDM_PORT} -u {DDM_USER} -p --single-transaction --hex-blob --complete-insert --set-gtid-purged=OFF --quick --no-create-info --skip-comments --column-statistics=0 --skip-tz-utc [--where=""] {DB_NAME}{TABLE_NAME} > {mysq_table_data_new.sql}

  2. Check data consistency.

    1. Execute the following SQL statement on the source DB instance and destination DDM instance to check whether the number of records in each table is the same. {TABLE_NAME} indicates the table name.
      select count(*) from {TABLE_NAME};
    2. On the ECS, check whether table structures and data records are consistent before and after the export:
      diff -B -w -q -i {mysql_table_schema.sql} {mysql_table_schema_new.sql};echo $?
      diff -B -w -q -i {mysql_table_data.sql} {mysql_table_data_new.sql};echo $?
      • The command for exporting table structures is available to only unsharded and common tables.
      • Table structures and data records cannot be compared if they are exported in a sequence different from before.
      • If yes, the data is successfully migrated.
      • If no, contact DDM technical support.

  3. Verify in an E2E manner whether your application's read-only access is normal.
  4. Disable read-only access.

Verify Services

  1. Switch the service data source to DDM.
  2. Check whether you can read and write data from and to DDM normally.
    • If yes, data migration is completed.
    • If no, switch services to the source DB instance and contact DDM technical support.