Updated on 2024-06-20 GMT+08:00


You can access a DCS instance through any Redis client. For details about Redis clients, see the Redis official website.

  • To access a DCS Redis instance through a client on an ECS in the same VPC as the instance, note that:
    • The ECS where the Redis client is installed must be in the same VPC as the DCS Redis instance. An ECS and a DCS instance can communicate with each other only when they belong to the same VPC. The IP address of the ECS must be on the whitelist of the DCS instance.

      For details about how to configure a whitelist, see Managing IP Address Whitelist.

    • If the ECS and DCS Redis instance are not in the same VPC, connect them by establishing a VPC peering connection. For details, see Does DCS Support Cross-VPC Access?