Updated on 2022-09-23 GMT+08:00

Creating a Table

You can create a table on the DataArts Factory console, in DDL mode, or using a SQL script.

  • (Recommended) Console: You can directly create a table on the DataArts Studio DataArts Factory console with no code.
  • (Recommended) DDL mode: You can select the DDL mode in DataArts Studio's DataArts Factory mode to create a table using a SQL script.
  • SQL script: You can also develop and execute a SQL script for creating a table in the SQL editor of DataArts Studio's DataArts Factory module or a data lake product, and then use the script to create a table.

This section describes how to create a table on the DataArts Factory console and in DDL mode.


  • A database has been created in the cloud service.
  • A data connection that matches the table type has been created in DataArts Factory. For details, see Creating a Data Connection.

Creating a Table (GUI Mode)

  1. Log in to the DataArts Studio console. Locate an instance and click Access. On the displayed page, locate a workspace and click DataArts Factory.
  2. In the left navigation pane of DataArts Factory, choose Development > Develop Script or Development > Develop Job.
  3. Choose from the menu on the left and expand the directory of a data connection to tables under Data Connections. Right-click tables and choose Create Data Table from the shortcut menu.
  4. In the displayed dialog box, configure basic properties. Specific settings vary depending on the data connection type you select. Table 1 lists the links for viewing property parameters of each type of data connection.
    Table 1 Basic property parameters

    Data Connection Type



    For details, see the Basic Property part in Table 5.


    For details, see the Basic Property part in Table 6.

    MRS Hive

    For details, see the Basic Property part in Table 7.

  5. Click Next. On the Configure Table Structure page, configure tbe table structure parameters based on Table 2.
    Table 2 Table structure

    Data Connection Type



    For details, see the Table Structure part in Table 5.


    For details, see the Table Structure part in Table 6.

    MRS Hive

    For details, see the Table Structure part in Table 7.

  6. Click OK.

Creating a Table (DDL Mode)

  1. Log in to the DataArts Studio console. Locate an instance and click Access. On the displayed page, locate a workspace and click DataArts Factory.
  2. In the left navigation pane of DataArts Factory, choose Development > Develop Script or Development > Develop Job.
  3. Choose from the menu on the left and expand the directory of a data connection to tables under Data Connections. Right-click tables and choose Create Data Table from the shortcut menu.
  4. Click DDL-based Table Creation, configure the parameters based on Table 3, and enter SQL statements in the editor in the lower part.
    Table 3 Data table parameters



    Data Connection Type

    Type of data connection to which the table belongs.

    • DLI
    • DWS
    • HIVE

    Data Connection

    Data connection to which the table belongs.


    Database to which the table belongs.

  5. Click OK.

Viewing Table Details

  1. In the left navigation pane of DataArts Factory, choose Development > Develop Script or Development > Develop Job.
  2. Choose from the menu on the left and expand the directory of a data connection to a table name under Data Connections. Right-click the table name and choose View Details from the shortcut menu.
  3. In the displayed dialog box, view the table information listed in .
    Table 4 Table details

    Tab Name


    Table Information

    Displays the basic information and storage information about the table.

    Field Information

    Displays the field information about the table.

    Data Preview

    Displays 10 records in the table.


    Displays the DDL of the DWS, DLI, or MRS Hive data table.

Viewing Table Column Details

  1. In the left navigation pane of DataArts Factory, choose Development > Develop Script or Development > Develop Job.
  2. Choose from the menu on the left and expand the data connection directory to view column information under a desired table.

Deleting a Table

  1. In the left navigation pane of DataArts Factory, choose Development > Develop Script or Development > Develop Job.
  2. Choose from the menu on the left and expand the directory of a data connection to a table name under Data Connections. Right-click the table name and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
  3. In the Delete Data Table dialog box, click OK.

Parameter Description

Table 5 DLI data table




Basic Property

Table Name


Name of a table. The name must contain 1 to 63 characters, including only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores (_). It cannot contain only numbers or start with an underscore.



Alias of a table. The alias must contain 1 to 63 characters, including only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). It cannot contain only numbers or start with an underscore.

Data Connection


Data connection to which the table belongs.



Database to which the table belongs.

Data Location


Location to save data. Possible values:

  • OBS
  • DLI

Data Format


Format of data. This parameter is available only when Data Location is set to OBS. Possible values:

  • parquet: DLF can read non-compressed parquet data and parquet data compressed using Snappy or gzip.
  • csv: DLF can read non-compressed CSV data and CSV data compressed using gzip.
  • orc: DLF can read non-compressed ORC data and ORC data compressed using Snappy.
  • json: DLF can read non-compressed JSON data and JSON data compressed using gzip.



OBS path where the data is stored. This parameter is available only when Data Location is set to OBS.

Table Description


Descriptive information about the table.

Table Structure

Column Name


Name of the column. The name must be unique.



Type of data.

Column Description


Descriptive information about the column.



To add a column, click .

Table 6 DWS data table




Basic Property

Table Name


Name of a table. The name must contain 1 to 63 characters, including only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). It cannot contain only numbers or start with an underscore.



Alias of a table. The alias must contain 1 to 63 characters, including only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). It cannot contain only numbers or start with an underscore.

Data Connection


Data connection to which the table belongs.



Database to which the table belongs.



Schema of the database.

Table Description


Descriptive information about the table.

Advanced Settings


The following advanced options are available:

  • Storage method of a table. Possible values:
    • Row store
    • Column store
  • Compression level of a table
    • Available values when the storage method is row store: YES or NO.
    • Available values when the storage method is column store: YES, NO, LOW, MIDDLE, or HIGH. For the same compression level in column store mode, you can configure compression grades from 0 to 3. Within any compression level, the higher the grade, the greater the compression ratio.

Table Structure

Column Name


Name of the column. The name must be unique.

Data Classification


Classification of data. Possible values:

  • Value
  • Currency
  • Boolean
  • Binary
  • Character
  • Time
  • Geometric
  • Network address
  • Bit string
  • Text search
  • UUID
  • JSON
  • OID

Data Type


Type of data.

Column Description


Descriptive information about the column.

Create ES Index


If you click the check box, an ES index needs to be created. When creating the ES index, select the created CSS cluster from the CloudSearch Cluster Name drop-down list. For details about how to create a CSS cluster, see Cloud Search Service User Guide.

Index Data Type


Data type of the ES index. The options are as follows:

  • text
  • keyword
  • date
  • long
  • integer
  • short
  • byte
  • double
  • boolean
  • binary



To add a column, click .

Table 7 Basic property parameters of an MRS Hive data table




Basic Property

Table Name


Name of a table. The name must contain 1 to 63 characters, including only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores (_). It cannot contain only numbers or start with an underscore.



Alias of a table. The alias must contain 1 to 63 characters, including only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). It cannot contain only numbers or start with an underscore.

Data Connection


Data connection to which the table belongs.



Database to which the table belongs.

Table Description


Descriptive information about the table.

Table Structure

Column Name


Name of the column. The name must be unique.

Data Classification


Classification of data. Possible values:

  • Original type
  • MAP

Data Type


Type of data. See LanguageManual DDL.

Column Description


Descriptive information about the column.



To add a column, click .