Updated on 2024-01-12 GMT+08:00


Visualization allows you to query and analyze structured log fields using SQL statements. After log structuring, wait about 1–2 minutes for SQL query and analysis.



  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
  3. In the navigation pane, click and choose Security & Compliance > Cloud Firewall. The Dashboard page will be displayed, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 CFW Dashboard

  4. (Optional) If the current account has only one firewall instance, the firewall details page is displayed. If there are multiple firewall instances, click View in the Operation column to go to the details page.
  5. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Log Audit > Log Management. Select the target log group and log stream.
  6. Click the Visualization tab and select the chart type you want to use to display your query results.

    Currently, five chart types are supported, as described in Chart parameters.

    Table 1 Chart parameters

    Chart Type


    Table Chart

    • Records per Page: number of log events displayed per page. The value can be 10 (default), 20, 30, or 50.
    • Filtering: After the filtering function is enabled, you can filter results the right of the table header. Currently, only single-column search is supported.
    • Sorting: After the sorting function is enabled, you can select the ascending or descending order on the table header.

    Bar Chart

    • X Axis: Select a field from the drop-down list box as the X axis. Digits and strings are supported.
    • Y Axis: Select a field from the drop-down list box as the Y axis. Only numeric data is supported.
    • X Axis Title and Y Axis Title: Set the titles for the X axis and Y axis.
    • Y Axis Range: Set the minimum and maximum values for the Y axis.
    • Max Shown Categories: The value can be 20, 40, 50 (default), 80, and 100.
    • Show Labels: Set this parameter based on your requirements.
    • Stacked: Set this parameter based on your requirements. If you enable it, labels cannot be shown.

    Line Chart

    • X Axis: Select a field from the drop-down list box as the X axis. The value can be a number or a string.
    • Y Axis: Select a field from the drop-down list box as the Y axis. Only numeric data is supported.
    • X Axis Title and Y Axis Title: Set the titles for the X axis and Y axis.
    • Y Axis Range: Set the minimum and maximum values for the Y axis.
    • Line: Select Curved or Straight.
    • Show Data Markers: Set this parameter based on your requirements.

    Pie Chart

    • Category: Select a field from the drop-down list box as the category. Only strings are supported.
    • Value: Select a field from the drop-down list box. Only numeric data is supported.
    • Label Position: Select Inside or Outside. This parameter can be set only after you enable Show Labels.
    • Shown Categories: The value can be 5, 10 (default), 20, 30, or 40.

      For example, if there are 20 categories and you only want to show 10, the first 10 categories will be represented by 10 slices, and the rest are grouped as one slice labeled as Others.

    • Coxcomb Chart: In a coxcomb chart, the radius of pie slices differs depending on the percentage of the data that the slices represent.
    • Show Labels: Set this parameter based on your requirements.

    Number Chart

    • Data Column: Select a field as the data source. Numeric data is recommended. After you select a field, the first data in the field column is displayed in the chart.
    • Add Comparison Data: Set this parameter based on your requirements.
    • Comparison Data: Select a field as the source of the comparison data. Numeric data is recommended. After you select the absolute value of the comparison data, the difference between the absolute value and the values in the selected data column is displayed in the chart. Comparison data can be used only after the comparison value is set.
    • Description: You can add a description for numbers.
    • Data Unit and Comparison Data Unit: Set the units based on your requirements.
    • Advanced Settings: You can set Number Format, Data Text Size, Comparison Data Text Size, and Unit Text Size.