Updated on 2023-07-04 GMT+08:00

Features of v1.6

  • Control plane components are integrated, simplifying control plane installation and O&M.
  • The official community version of Virtual Service Delegation is updated. (This feature is provided by Huawei. The APIs are the same as those of Huawei v1.3.)
  • Workload Entry facilitates the definition and management of non-Kubernetes workloads.
  • SDS is enabled by default.
  • Data-plane-based monitoring data collection in Telemetry V2 non-mixer mode is supported.
  • Multi-port service governance based on the port granularity is supported.
  • CCE clusters of v1.15 and v1.17 are supported.

For details, see https://istio.io/latest/news/releases/1.6.x/announcing-1.6/change-notes/.