Graph Description

Updated on 2025-01-07 GMT+08:00

The dashboard displays the query and analysis results of metric, log, data in graphs (such as line/digit/status graphs).

Metric Data Graphs (Line/Digit/Top N/Table/Bar/Digital Line Graphs)

  • Line graph: used to analyze the data change trend in a certain period. Use this type of graph when you need to monitor the metric data trend of one or more resources within a period.

    You can use a line graph to compare the same metric of different resources. The following figure shows the CPU usage of different hosts.

    Figure 1 Line graph
    Table 1 Line graph parameters





    X Axis Title

    Title of the X axis.

    Y Axis Title

    Title of the Y axis.

    Fit as Curve

    Whether to fit a smooth curve.

    Hide X Axis Label

    Whether to hide the X axis label.

    Hide Y Axis Label

    Whether to hide the Y axis label.

    Y Axis Range

    Value range of the Y axis.

    Advanced Settings

    Left Margin

    Distance between the axis and the left boundary of the graph.

    Right Margin

    Distance between the axis and the right boundary of the graph.

    Top Margin

    Distance between the axis and the upper boundary of the graph.

    Bottom Margin

    Distance between the axis and the lower boundary of the graph.

  • Digit Graph: used to highlight a single value. Use this type of graph to monitor the latest value of a metric in real time.

    In the following figure, you can view the CPU usage of a host in real time.

    Figure 2 Digit graph
    Table 2 Digit graph parameters



    Show Miniature

    After this function is enabled, the icon will be zoomed out based on a certain proportion. Also, a line graph is added.

  • Top N: The statistical unit is a cluster and statistical objects are resources such as hosts, components, or instances in the cluster. The top N graph displays top N resources in a cluster. By default, top 5 resources are displayed.

    To view the top N resources, add a top N graph to the dashboard. You only need to select resources and metrics, for example, host CPU usage. AOM then automatically singles out top N hosts for display. If the number of resources is less than N, actual resources are displayed.

    In the following graph, the top 5 hosts with the highest CPU usage are displayed.
    Figure 3 Top N graph
    Table 3 Top N graph parameters





    Sorting Order

    Sorting order of data. Default: Descending.

    Upper Limit

    The maximum number of resources to be displayed in the top N graph. Default: 5.


    Metric dimensions to be displayed in the top N graph.

    Column Width

    Column width. Options: auto (default), 16, 22, 32, 48, and 60.


    Unit of the data to be displayed. Default: %.

    Display X-Axis Scale

    After this function is enabled, the scale of the X axis is displayed.

    Show Value

    After this function is enabled, the value on the Y axis is displayed.

    Display Y-Axis Line

    After this function is enabled, the line on the Y axis is displayed.

    Advanced Settings

    Left Margin

    Distance between the axis and the left boundary of the graph.

    Right Margin

    Distance between the axis and the right boundary of the graph.

    Top Margin

    Distance between the axis and the upper boundary of the graph.

    Bottom Margin

    Distance between the axis and the lower boundary of the graph.

  • Table: A table lists content in a systematic, concise, centralized, and comparative manner, and intuitively shows the relationship between different categories or makes comparison, ensuring accurate display of data.
    In the following figure, you can view the CPU usage of different hosts in a table.
    Figure 4 Table
    Table 4 Table parameters



    Field Name

    Name of a field.

    Field Rename

    Rename a table header field when necessary.

  • Bar graph: A vertical or horizontal bar graph compares values between categories. It shows the data of different categories and counts the number of elements in each category. You can also draw multiple rectangles for the same type of attributes. Grouping and cascading modes are available so that you can analyze data from different dimensions.
    In the following figure, you can view the CPU usage of different hosts.
    Figure 5 Bar graph
    Table 5 Bar graph parameters





    X Axis Title

    Title of the X axis.

    Y Axis Title

    Title of the Y axis.

    Y Axis Range

    Value range of the Y axis.

    Hide X Axis Label

    Whether to hide the X axis label.

    Hide Y Axis Label

    Whether to hide the Y axis label.

    Advanced Settings

    Top Margin

    Distance between the axis and the upper boundary of the graph.

    Right Margin

    Distance between the axis and the right boundary of the graph.

    Left Margin

    Distance between the axis and the left boundary of the graph.

    Bottom Margin

    Distance between the axis and the lower boundary of the graph.

  • Digital line graph: used to analyze the data change trend in a certain period and intuitively display related data. Use this type of graph when you need to monitor the metric data trend of one or more resources within a period.
    In the following figure, you can view the CPU usage in different periods in a graph.
    Figure 6 Digital line graph
    Table 6 Digital line graph parameters



    Fit as Curve

    Whether to fit a smooth curve.

    Show Legend

    Whether to display legends.

    Hide X Axis Label

    Whether to hide the X axis label.

    Hide Y Axis Background Line

    Whether to hide the Y axis background line.

    Show Data Markers

    Whether to display the connection points.

Log Graphs (Table/Bar/Line/Pie/Number/Digital Line/Map Graphs)

  • Table: A table lists content in a systematic, concise, centralized, and comparative manner, and intuitively shows the relationship between different categories or makes comparison, ensuring accurate display of data.

    In the following figure, you can view the CFW traffic log data in different periods.

    Figure 7 CFW traffic log table
    Table 7 Table parameters



    Records per Page

    Number of log events displayed per page. Options: 10 (default), 20, 30, and 50.


    Filtering allows you to select specific data.


    Sorting allows you to sort data in ascending or descending order.

  • Bar graph: A vertical or horizontal bar graph compares values between categories. It shows the data of different categories and counts the number of elements in each category. You can also draw multiple rectangles for the same type of attributes. Grouping and cascading modes are available so that you can analyze data from different dimensions.
    In the following figure, you can view the average used CPU cores.
    Figure 8 Bar graph
    Table 8 Bar graph parameters





    X Axis

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, a categorical field is used.

    Y Axis

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, one or more numbers are selected.

    Graph Type

    Both basic and horizontal bar graphs are supported.

    X Axis Title

    Title of the X axis.

    Y Axis Title

    Title of the Y axis.

    Hide Legend

    After this function is enabled, legends are hidden.

    Show Labels

    After this function is enabled, labels are displayed.


    After this function is enabled, the Y axis data is displayed in stack mode and labels cannot be shown.

    Sorting Dialog Boxes

    Set the sorting order of data.

    When you move the cursor on the target bar, the data is displayed according to the configured sorting order.

    Advanced Settings

    Legend Position

    Position of a legend in a graph. It can be on the top, bottom, left, or right.

    Top Margin

    Distance between the axis and the upper boundary of the graph.

    Right Margin

    Distance between the axis and the right boundary of the graph.

    Left Margin

    Distance between the axis and the left boundary of the graph.

    Bottom Margin

    Distance between the axis and the lower boundary of the graph.

  • Line graph: used to analyze the data change trend in a certain period. Use this type of graph when you need to monitor the log data trend of one or more resources within a period.

    In the following graph, you can view the CPU usage.

    Figure 9 Line graph
    Table 9 Line graph parameters





    X Axis

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, it is an ordinal variable (time series).

    Y Axis

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, one or more numbers are selected.

    X Axis Title

    Title of the X axis.

    Y Axis Title

    Title of the Y axis.

    Line Shape

    Line type. Options: Straight and Curved.

    Hide Legend

    After this function is enabled, legends are hidden.

    Show Data Markers

    Whether to display the connection points.


    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, it is an ordinal variable.

    Sorting Dialog Boxes

    Set the sorting order of data.

    When you move the cursor on the target bar, the data is displayed according to the configured sorting order.

    Advanced Settings

    Legend Position

    Position of a legend in a graph. It can be on the top, bottom, left, or right.

    Top Margin

    Distance between the axis and the upper boundary of the graph.

    Right Margin

    Distance between the axis and the right boundary of the graph.

    Left Margin

    Distance between the axis and the left boundary of the graph.

    Bottom Margin

    Distance between the axis and the lower boundary of the graph.

  • Pie graph: used to show the proportion of different categories. Different categories are compared by radian. A pie is divided into multiple blocks based on the proportion of each category. The entire pie indicates the total volume. Each block indicates the proportion of the category to the total amount. The sum of all blocks is 100%.

    As shown in the following figure, you can view the log data of different places.

    Figure 10 Pie graph
    Table 10 Pie graph parameters






    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, a number or string is selected.


    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, a number is selected.

    Label Position

    Options: Outside and Inside. This parameter can be set only after you enable Show Labels.

    Shown Categories

    Number of data records displayed in the pie graph.

    Coxcomb Chart

    After this function is enabled, a Coxcomb chart is displayed.

    Hide Legend

    After this function is enabled, the legends on the pie graph are hidden.

    Show Labels

    After this function is enabled, the labels on the pie graph are displayed.

    Advanced Settings

    Legend Position

    Position of a legend in a graph. It can be on the top, bottom, left, or right.

    Outer Radius

    Outer radius of the pie graph.

    Inner Radius

    Inner radius of the pie graph. If the inner radius is not 0, the pie graph is displayed as a doughnut graph.

    Top Margin

    Distance between the axis and the upper boundary of the graph.

    Right Margin

    Distance between the axis and the right boundary of the graph.

    Left Margin

    Distance between the axis and the left boundary of the graph.

    Bottom Margin

    Distance between the axis and the lower boundary of the graph.

  • Number graph: used to highlight a single value. Use this type of graph to monitor the latest value of a metric in real time.

    As shown in the following figure, the CFW traffic log data is displayed in real time.

    Figure 11 Number graph
    Table 11 Number graph parameters





    Data Column

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, a number or string is selected.

    Add Comparison Data

    After this function is enabled, the comparison data will be displayed.

    Comparison Data

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, a number is selected.


    The description of related information can be displayed in the graph.

    Data Unit

    Enter a unit based on the selected data column.

    Comparison Data Unit

    Set a unit based on the selected comparison data.

    Advanced Settings

    Number Format

    The value of number format can be Number, Percent (%), or Value + KB, MB, or GB When a number is greater than or equal to 100,000,000, it will be written in scientific notation and rounded to two digits after the decimal point. For example, if the number is 100,000,000, it will be written as 10e8.

    Data Text Size

    Set the text size based on your requirements.

    Comparison Data Text Size

    Set the text size based on your requirements.

    Unit Text Size

    Set the text size based on your requirements.

    Comparison Data Unit Text Size

    Set the text size based on your requirements.

  • Digital line graph: used to analyze the data change trend in a certain period and intuitively display related data. Use this type of graph when you need to monitor the log data trend of one or more resources within a period.
    In the following figure, you can view the CPU usage in different periods in a graph.
    Figure 12 Digital line graph
    Table 12 Digital line graph parameters





    Data Unit

    Select a unit based on the data on the Y axis.

    Number Format

    The value of number format can be Number, Percent (%), or Value + KB, MB, or GB When a number is greater than or equal to 100,000,000, it will be written in scientific notation and rounded to two digits after the decimal point. For example, if the number is 100,000,000, it will be written as 10e8.

    Data Text Size

    Set the text size based on your requirements.

    Unit Text Size

    Set the text size based on your requirements.


    The background color can be dark or light.


    X Axis

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, a number or string is selected.

    Y Axis

    Select a value from the drop-down list. Generally, a number or string is selected.


    Line Shape

    Line type. Options: Straight and Curved.

  • Map: Log data is displayed by city, state/province, or country. You can compare the same type of logs of different countries, states/provinces, and cities on a map. The following figure shows the log statistics of users in different provinces.
    Figure 13 Map
    Table 13 Map graph parameters



    Map Type

    Select a value from the drop-down list. You can select a provincial map of China, municipal map of China, or world map.


    If the map type is set to the provincial map of China, you need to set province information.


    If the map type is set to the municipal map of China, you need to set city information.


    If the map type is set to the world map, you need to set country or region information.

    Data Column

    Data corresponding to the location information.





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