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Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ Troubleshooting/ Common Exceptions in Logging In to the Cluster Manager/ Accessing the Web Pages/ Error "502 Bad Gateway" Is Reported During the Access to MRS Manager

Error "502 Bad Gateway" Is Reported During the Access to MRS Manager

Updated on 2023-09-05 GMT+08:00


Error 502 Bad Gateway is reported when a user attempts to access MRS Manager.


In an MRS cluster with Kerberos authentication disabled, an error message is displayed when you access the MRS Manager page.

Figure 1 Error message

Cause Analysis

The MRS domain name is changed from console-emr to mrs. As a result, the link between the common cluster and MRS Manager is incorrect.


  1. Log in to each Master node as user root.
  2. Go to the /opt/knox/conf/ directory and find the ext.properties file.

  3. Change the value of console-emr in the ext.properties file on all Master nodes to mrs.

  4. Go to the /opt/knox/bin/ directory and run the su - omm command to switch to user omm.
  5. Run the restart-knox.sh script to restart the knox service.
  6. Try to access MRS Manager again.




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