Help Center> Data Replication Service> Troubleshooting> Solutions to Failed Check Items> Database Parameters> Checking Whether the Specified Replication Slot Exists in the Source Database
Updated on 2022-09-21 GMT+08:00

Checking Whether the Specified Replication Slot Exists in the Source Database

PostgreSQL to Kafka and GaussDB(for openGauss) to Kafka Synchronization

Table 1 Checking whether the specified replication slot exists in the source database

Check Item

Whether the specified replication slot exists in the source database


The replication slot with the specified name is automatically created after the task is started and cannot be the same as an existing replication slot in the source database.

Failure Cause and Handling Suggestion

Failure cause: The specified replication slot already exists in source database.

Handling suggestion:

  • Delete the replication slot from the source database.
  • Alternatively, change the replication slot name to a name that does not exist in the source replication slots.