Connection Failure Message: Authentication failed
An error is reported when you run the following command to connect to a DDS DB instance:
mongo --host --port 8635 -u rwuser -p xxxxxxxxx --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --sslCAFile /root/ca.crt --sslAllowInvalidHostnames
Error message:
MongoDB shell version v3.4.17 connecting to: mongodb:// 2019-09-19T09:39:24.306+0800 W NETWORK [thread1] The server certificate does not match the host name. Hostname: does not match CN: MongoDB server version: 4.0.3 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match 2019-09-19T09:39:24.329+0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: Authentication failed. : DB.prototype._authOrThrow@src/mongo/shell/db.js:1461:20 @(auth):6:1 @(auth):1:2 exception: login failed
Possible Cause
When connecting to a DDS instance, you need to enter the administrator password. If the entered password is incorrect, the message "Authentication failed" is displayed.
Fault Locating
Check whether the administrator password in the command for connecting to the DDS instance is correct.
- Enter the correct administrator password.
- If you forget your password, click the DB instance. On the displayed Basic Information page, click Reset Password in the Administrator field to reset the password.
Figure 1 Resetting a password
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