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Help Center/ KooGallery/ Seller Guide/ FAQs/ Product Release/ What Are the Requirements for a Product Name?

What Are the Requirements for a Product Name?

Updated on 2023-12-27 GMT+08:00
  • The product name must accurately denote the product content. If software is involved, the software name must be the same as that in the software copyright certificate.
  • The product must be named in compliance with standard naming conventions in the industry. Spelling mistakes are not allowed. For example, "wordpress" cannot be misspelled as "wordpess".
  • The product name must not exaggerate functions or imply an extended scope of usage. Products cannot be directly used in the name of Huawei Cloud. For example, a name similar to Huawei Cloud XXX Solution is not allowed.
  • The product name must not contain or convey product price, versions, phone numbers, or other descriptive information.
  • To release a professional service relevant to the software, specify such relationship in the product name, for example, xxxx Service.
  • To release a service as a SaaS product but this service has already been released as an image/license product, name the SaaS product as xxx SaaS.
  • To release a service as a license product but this service has already been released as an image/SaaS product, name the license product as xxx Independent Deployment.
  • Do not contain or convey any marketing-related words, such as Promotion and Free.
  • A product can be released only once.




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