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Help Center/ KooGallery/ Seller Guide/ Product Management/ Viewing Product Applications

Viewing Product Applications

Updated on 2022-12-02 GMT+08:00

You can view the information about product release applications, modification applications, and review statuses, modify the information of the last application that has failed the review and submit the application again, or withdraw applications pending approval.

  • Currently, only applications for licenses, consulting services, and professional services can be withdrawn.
  • You can use either of the following methods to withdraw a product application on the My Applications page:
    • Locate a product pending approval and click Withdraw in the Operation column.
    • Locate a product pending approval and click Details in the Operation column to access the product details page. In the Applications area at the bottom of the page, locate the application to withdraw, and click Withdraw in the Operation column.


  1. Go to the Seller Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Product Management > My Applications.

    The My Applications page is displayed.

  3. Set search criteria to filter products, and then view the application records of the products.

    According to the product status, you can perform the following operations:

    • Draft: modifying and deleting applications

      When releasing a new product or updating the information about a released product, you can save the entered information as a draft, and modify the draft or submit a product release application later.

    • Rejected: viewing product information and review details, and modifying and deleting applications
    • Approved: viewing product information and review details
    • Pending approval: viewing product information and withdrawing applications





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