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Help Center/ KooGallery/ Seller Guide/ Delivery Methods/ Product Release Description

Product Release Description

Updated on 2024-12-09 GMT+08:00

Adhere to the descriptions in this section to release your products on KooGallery. Huawei will review your products based on the following requirements.

Your requests for releasing or modifying products in KooGallery will be reviewed within three business days.

If your products have any problems, KooGallery will notify you through your customer service email address and after-sales email address. Ensure that the two email accounts are available and you can respond within 24 hours. Otherwise, KooGallery will remove your products.

Table 1 describes the product release parameters on Huawei Cloud KooGallery.

Table 1 Product release description



Delivery Method

  • Select a delivery method, which can be a license or professional service. For details about each delivery method, see Delivery Methods.
  • The delivery method must match the product. If they do not match, for example, the delivery method of a license is set to Professional Services, the application will be rejected.

Product Name

  • The product name must accurately denote the product content. If software is involved, the software name must be the same as that in the software copyright certificate.
  • The product must be named in compliance with standard naming conventions in the industry. Spelling mistakes are not allowed. For example, "wordpress" cannot be misspelled as "wordpess".
  • The product name must not exaggerate functions or imply an extended scope of usage. Products cannot be directly used in the name of Huawei Cloud. For example, a name similar to Huawei Cloud XXX Solution is not allowed.
  • The product name must not contain or convey product price, versions, phone numbers, or other descriptive information.
  • To release a professional service relevant to the software, specify such relationship in the product name, for example, xxxx Service.
  • To release a service as a SaaS product but this service has already been released as an image/license product, name the SaaS product as xxx SaaS.
  • To release a service as a license product but this service has already been released as an image/SaaS product, name the license product as xxx Independent Deployment.
  • Do not contain or convey any marketing-related words, such as Promotion and Free.
  • A product can be released only once.


The product version must be named in compliance with standard version naming conventions, for example, "V1.0" or "V2.0". They cannot be named using a non-standard format, such as "v0.1", "First Version", or "Initial Version".


  • Logos must be PNG files, must be 120 x 120 pixels, and cannot exceed 5 MB.
  • You are advised to upload your rectangle-shaped logo. If you want to use your square-shaped logo, ensure that the logo shape of your choice is perfectly fit into the box.
  • Ensure that the uploaded logo is properly designed. Do not use screenshots of product introduction as the logo.
  • Ensure that the uploaded logo is clearly visible. Any incomplete, deformed, or blurry image will not be approved.
  • You are advised to use PNG images with a transparent background. If your logo has a background, resize the canvas to 120 x 120 pixels and set 4-pixel rounded corners.
  • Do not modify the extension of the logo file, for example, changing .png to .jpg. Otherwise, the logo file cannot be uploaded.
  • Do not use the Huawei logo or words such as Huawei.
  • If the logo image is too large, you can compress it at tinypng.com.


  • Provide a brief introduction of your product. The product overview is displayed on the KooGallery catalog and the product details page.
  • The product name in the overview must be the same as Product Name.
  • Do not include redirection information such as phone numbers, activity details, and links of non-Huawei Cloud websites.


  • Provide details about your product, including core functions and services.
  • Enter at least 1000 characters. Ensure consistent usage of fonts, and keep the layout standardized, neat, and user-friendly.
  • Do not include images and links redirecting to non-Huawei Cloud websites.
  • Do not advise customers to obtain commercial information otherwise, for example, "To submit a commercial application or for pricing details, contact xxx."
  • Do not use the information about competitors.
  • If the uploaded information contains privacy data, such as the name, ID number, detailed address, phone number, bank account, and email address, pseudonymize or anonymize the data. Add mosaic effect to the personal image in the certificate information before upload.
  • Do not include information related to Huawei or competitors.


A maximum of five highlights can be added.

Customer Case

If a customer case is provided, describe it in detail rather than enter only a case name.

End User License Agreement

  • Upload a complete End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA is an agreement entered into between you and customers and must contain the privacy data statement. It takes effect when customers select it during order placement.
  • The name, definition, billing, and other details of the product defined in the EULA must be consistent with the product details.
  • The EULA is an online agreement that takes effect since customers select it when placing an order. It cannot contain any content that needs to be filled in or stamped.
  • The EULA must be within the validity period and not conflict with other agreements with Huawei Cloud.
  • Do not include payment accounts or description about offline payment.

After-Sales Support

Enter the after-sales support of the product according to the example.

  • Time: Add the time zone to the end of the service time, for example, (GMT+08:00).
  • Services: Describe the after-sales services that your company will provide.
  • Hotline: Provide a valid hotline number.
  • Email Address: Enter an email address that can receive emails and reply to customers in a timely manner.

    Ensure that your hotline and email address can be contacted and you can provide after-sales services as soon as possible. If customers purchasing this product complain that the hotline cannot be connected or they do not receive any reply after sending emails for multiple times, KooGallery will remove the product from the catalog.

User Guide

  • Provide operation guidance and other product manuals.
  • Describe how to log in to the management platform and use the product after the product is purchased in the user guide.
  • Do not include links of servers that are not deployed in the Huawei Cloud infrastructure, such as addresses for login and management of products.
  • Ensure consistent usage of fonts, and keep the layout standardized, neat, and user-friendly.
  • For an image product, specify the ports to be opened and how to log in to the management platform and use the image after customers purchase this product and deploy it on a Huawei Cloud ECS.
  • Supported file types: RAR, ZIP, DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX
  • Maximum file size: 20 MB
  • For a professional service product, describe how to use it after it is purchased, for example, specify the service content and process.

Software Copyright Certificate

  • Upload your software copyright certificate or other qualification certificate (if available). The operations team will review the certificate to confirm whether the product meets the product release requirements. The uploaded qualification certificate is not displayed on the product details page.
  • Supported file types: RAR, ZIP, DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX
  • Maximum file size: 20 MB

Open-Source Software Notice

  • Declare the open-source software usage of the product. For details about the open-source software terms, see Huawei Cloud KooGallery Seller Agreement.
  • Supported file types: RAR, ZIP, DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX
  • Maximum file size: 20 MB


  • Specify the product categories (the level-1 and level-2 categories of products on KooGallery).
  • For a professional service product, select Professional Services as the level-1 category.

Business Letter

To request a flexible platform fee proportion for a product, upload a business letter when releasing the product. Download the business letter template, fill in the template, and upload it.


To request a non-standard revenue sharing ratio for a released product, modify the product details and upload the business letter on the Seller Console.

Product Specifications

  • The specifications provided must be complete.
  • Specifications must be named in compliance with certain rules. You are advised not to use vague names such as "Specifications 1" or "Specifications 2", or to use billing modes like "Yearly" or "Monthly", or measurement units such as "Sets" or "1 Set".
  • Select a suitable billing mode and set appropriate pricing.
  • If there are different versions of the product, differentiate one specification from another instead of releasing all the versions of that product on KooGallery.
  • The specification name, quantity attribute name, and enumeration attribute name must be unique.
  • The specification name cannot include commercial description, such as the contact information and phone number.
  • When releasing a professional service product, if it contains services billed by person-day, release the services as multi-SKU specifications. For details, see Releasing Multi-SKU Product Specifications.
  • For a license or professional service product, a specification cannot be billed by uses or by year/month at the same time. In this case, add two specifications and name them as xxx Permanent Authorization and xxx Subscription separately.
  • Avoid free trial specifications which can be purchased unlimited times.
  • Do not use the name of Huawei Cloud, for example, Huawei Cloud XXX.

More Tax Info

Enter the tax information of the product.

SEO Information

Optimize product information so that Baidu and other third-party search engines acquire it. Fill in the information strictly according to the instructions. If the information does not meet the requirements, the application will be rejected.





Selected Content

Submit selected content with the feedback