Updated on 2023-11-21 GMT+08:00

Binding and Unbinding an EIP


After you create a GeminiDB Redis instance, you can bind an EIP to it to allow external access. If later you want to prohibit external access, you can also unbind the EIP from the DB instance.


  • To change the EIP that has been bound to a node, unbind it from the node first.
  • You need to estimate the bandwidth required by services and purchase an EIP with sufficient bandwidth resources. Client access exceptions caused by poor public network performance will not be included in the SLA.

Binding an EIP

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the service list, choose Databases > GeminiDB.
  3. On the Instances page, locate the instance that you want to bind an EIP to and click its name.
  4. In the Node Information area, locate the target node and click Bind EIP in the Operation column.

    Figure 1 Binding an EIP

  5. In the displayed dialog box, view all available EIPs, select the required EIP, and click OK. If no available EIPs are displayed, click View EIP and create an EIP on the VPC console.

    Figure 2 Selecting an EIP

  6. In the EIP column, view the EIP that is successfully bound.

    To unbind the EIP from the DB instance, see Unbinding an EIP.

Unbinding an EIP

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the service list, choose Databases > GeminiDB.
  3. On the Instances page, click the instance that you want to unbind an EIP from.
  4. On the Basic Information page, in the Node Information area, locate the target node and click Unbind EIP in the Operation column.

    Figure 3 Unbinding an EIP

  5. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes to unbind the EIP.

    To bind an EIP to the DB instance again, see Binding an EIP.