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Help Center/ CodeArts Artifact/ Getting Started/ Releasing/Obtaining a Maven Component via a Build Task

Releasing/Obtaining a Maven Component via a Build Task

Updated on 2023-12-11 GMT+08:00

This section describes how to release a Maven component to a self-hosted repo via a build task and obtain the component from the repository for deployment.


  1. You already have a project. If no project is available, create one.
  2. You have permissions for the current self-hosted repo. For details, see Managing User Permissions.
  3. You have created a self-hosted Maven repo and associated it with the project.

Releasing a Maven Component to a Self-hosted Repo

  1. Configure a code repository.

    1. Log in to CodeArts and go to a created project. Choose Services > Repo on the top navigation bar.
    2. Create a Maven repository. For details, see Creating a Repository Using a Template. This procedure uses the Java Maven Demo template.
    3. Go to the code repository and view the component configuration in the pom.xml file.

  2. Configure and execute a build task.

    1. On the code repository page, click Create Build Task in the upper right. The Create Build Task page is displayed.

      Select Blank Template and click Next.

    2. Add the Build with Maven action.

    3. Edit the Build with Maven action.
      • Select the desired tool version. In this example, maven3.5.3-jdk8-open is used.
      • Find the following command and delete # in front of this command:
        #mvn deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true -U -e -X -B
        Find the following command and add # in front of this command:
        mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -U -e -X -B
      • Select Configure all POMs under Release to Self-hosted Repos, and select the Maven repository associated with the project.

        If no option is available in the drop-down list, associate the Maven repository with the project of the build task by referring to Managing the Association Between Repositories and Projects.

  3. Click Create and Run to start the build task.

    After the task is successfully executed, go to the self-hosted repo and find the uploaded Maven component.

Obtaining a Maven Component from a Self-hosted Repo

The following procedure uses the Maven component released in Releasing a Maven Component to a Self-hosted Repo as an example to describe how to obtain the component from a self-hosted repo as a dependency.

  1. Configure a code repository.

    1. Go to the self-hosted Maven repo and find the Maven component. Click the .pom file with the same name as the component and click Download on the right.
    2. Open the downloaded file and locate the <groupId>, <artifactId>, and <version> lines.

    3. Go to CodeArts Repo. Create a Maven repository. For details, see Creating a Repository Using a Template. This procedure uses the Java Maven Demo template.
    4. Go to the code repository and edit the pom.xml file. Copy the dependency code segment to the dependencies code segment and modify the version number (for example, 2.0).

  2. Configure and execute a build task.

    1. On the code repository page, click Create Build Task in the upper right. The Create Build Task page is displayed.

      Select Blank Template and click Next.

    2. Add the Build with Maven action.

    3. Click Create and Run to start the build task.

      After the task is successfully executed, view the task details. If information similar to the following is found in the log, the dependency has been downloaded from the self-hosted repo.





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