Updated on 2023-07-04 GMT+08:00

Buying a Mesh

ASM allows you to create a Basic mesh, which is a standard mesh available for commercial use.


  1. Log in to the ASM console and click Buy Mesh.
  2. Configure the following parameters and retain the default value for other parameters.

    • Mesh Edition

      The default value is Basic edition.

    • Mesh Name

      Enter the mesh name.

    • Istio Version

      Istio version supported by the mesh.

    • Cluster

      Select the cluster created in Creating a Cluster.

    • Mesh Control Plane Node

      To achieve HA, select two or more nodes from different AZs.

  3. Review the mesh configuration in the Configuration List on the right of the page and click Submit.

    It takes about 1 to 3 minutes to create a mesh. If the mesh status changes from Installing to Running, the mesh is successfully created.