Updated on 2023-07-04 GMT+08:00

Grayscale Release

Creating a Grayscale Release Task

  1. Log in to the ASM console, click in the asmtest mesh.
  2. Set Task Name to test, configure the basic information and grayscale version information, and set Service to the servicetest service created in Creating a Workload and a Service. Workload is automatically set to deptest. Click Release.

    Figure 1 Creating a grayscale release task

    If you cannot select servicetest, check whether the service is normal. If the service status is abnormal, fix the issues and try again.

  3. Click Configure Traffic Policy, set policy type to Based on traffic ratio, and set the traffic ratio of v2 to 80%.

    Figure 2 Configuring a traffic policy

  4. Click Deliver Policy.

    It takes several seconds for the traffic policy to take effect. You can view the running status of the grayscale version on the View Status page.

Switching All Traffic to the Grayscale Version

Check whether the number of resources in v2 matches that in v1. After confirming that v2 is able to serve all the traffic of v1, switch all the traffic from v1 to v2.

  1. On the Grayscale Release page, click test and then click Monitor and Manage Traffic.
  2. Click Take Over All Traffic next to v2.

    Figure 3 Taking over all traffic

  3. Click OK. A message is displayed in the upper right corner, indicating that the traffic is taken over successfully.

Bringing the Original Version Offline

After v2 takes over all the traffic of v1, bring v1 offline to release its resources.

  1. On the Grayscale Release page, click test and then click Monitor and Manage Traffic.
  2. On the displayed page, when the traffic ratio of v2 is 100%, v2 has taken over all traffic of v1. Click Terminate Task.
  3. Click OK.

    After the grayscale task is terminated, the v1 version is brought offline and the test grayscale task is deleted.