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Permissions and Supported Actions
IMS provides system-defined policies. You can also create custom policies for more specific access control. Operations supported by policies are specific to APIs. The following are basic concepts related to policies:
- Permissions: allow or deny certain operations.
- APIs: APIs that can be called in a custom policy.
- Actions: specific operations that are allowed or denied in a custom policy.
- Dependencies: actions that a specific action depends on. When allowing an action for a user, you also need to allow its dependent actions for that user.
- IAM projects or enterprise projects: Applicable scope of custom policies. Policies that contain actions for both IAM and enterprise projects can be used and take effect for both IAM and Enterprise Management. Policies that contain actions only for IAM projects can be used and applied to IAM only. For details about the differences between IAM and enterprise projects, see What Are the Differences Between IAM and Enterprise Management?.
Action |
Supported Action |
Project |
Enterprise Project |
workspace:desktops:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops |
Create a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id} |
Update a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id} |
Delete a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id} |
Query desktop details |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops |
List desktops |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:listDetail |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/detail |
List desktop details |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:batchDelete |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/batch-delete |
Batch delete desktops |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:operate |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/action |
Perform operations on a desktop (power-on/off, restart, and hibernation) |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:reboot |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/reboot |
Restart a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:start |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/start |
Start a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:stop |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/stop |
Stop a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:getLastDeleteTime |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/last-desktop-delete-time |
Query the time of deleting the last computer of a tenant |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:resize |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/resize |
Change specifications |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:rebuild |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/rebuild |
Rebuild a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:getActions |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/actions |
Query desktop power-on/off information |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:getMonitor |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktop-monitor/{desktop_id} |
Query desktop monitoring information |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:createConsole |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/remote-consoles |
Obtain the URL for remote login to the console |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:updateSids |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/desktops/sids |
Update a desktop SID |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:rejoinDomain |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/rejoin-domain |
Rejoin the AD domain |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:createImage |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/desktop-to-image |
Convert a desktop to an image |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:export |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/export |
Export a desktop list |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:detach |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/detach |
Unbind a user |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:attach |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/attach |
Assign desktops to a user |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:getSysprepVersion |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/sysprep |
Query Sysprep version information |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:getConnectStatus |
GET /v2/{project_id}/connections/status |
Query desktop login status statistics |
√ |
x |
workspace:agencies:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/agencies |
Create an agency |
√ |
x |
workspace:agencies:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/agencies |
Query an agency |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:verifyDesktopName |
POST /v2/{project_id}/verification/desktop-name |
Verify the desktop name |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:getAdStatus |
GET /v2/{project_id}/ad/status |
Query the AD network status |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktopPools:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools |
Create a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id} |
Modify desktop pool attributes |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id} |
Delete a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id} |
Query desktop pool details |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools |
List desktop pools |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:expand |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/expand |
Expand the disk capacity of a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:resize |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/resize |
Modify desktop pool specifications |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:rebuild |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/rebuild |
Recompose system disks in a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:batchAddVolumes |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/volumes/batch-add |
Batch add disks to a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:batchDeleteVolumes |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/volumes/batch-delete |
Batch delete disks from a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:batchExpandVolumes |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/volumes/batch-expand |
Batch expand the disk capacity of a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:operate |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/action |
Perform operations on a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:authorizeUsers |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/users |
Authorize users and user groups to use a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktopPools:listUsers |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktop-pools/{pool_id}/users |
Query authorized users and user groups of a desktop pool |
√ |
√ |
workspace:desktops:tag |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/tags |
Create a desktop label |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:listTags |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/tags |
Query desktop labels |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:untag |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/tags/{key} |
Delete a desktop label |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:listProjectTags |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/tags |
Query project labels |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:operateTags |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/tags/action |
Batch add or delete labels |
√ |
x |
workspace:desktops:listByTags |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/resource_instances/action |
Filter desktops by label |
√ |
x |
workspace:jobs:list |
POST /v2/{project_id}/workspace-jobs |
List jobs |
√ |
x |
workspace:jobs:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/workspace-jobs/{job_id} |
Query job details |
√ |
x |
workspace:jobs:listSubJobs |
GET /v2/{project_id}/workspace-sub-jobs |
List subjobs |
√ |
x |
workspace:jobs:retry |
POST /v2/{project_id}/workspace-jobs/{job_id}/actions |
Retry a job |
√ |
x |
workspace:jobs:deleteSubJobRecords |
POST /v2/{project_id}/workspace-sub-jobs/batch-delete |
Delete subjob records |
√ |
x |
workspace:networks:createNat |
POST /v2/{project_id}/internet |
Enable network access of the NAT Gateway |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:listNats |
GET /v2/{project_id}/internet |
Query network access of the NAT Gateway |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:createEips |
POST /v2/{project_id}/eips |
Create an EIP |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:listEips |
GET /v2/{project_id}/eips |
List EIPs |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:bindEips |
POST /v2/{project_id}/eips/binding |
Bind an EIP |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:unbindEips |
POST /v2/{project_id}/eips/unbinding |
Unbind an EIP |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:getEipQuota |
GET /v2/{project_id}/eips/quotas |
Query the EIP quota |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:listVpcs |
GET /v2/{project_id}/vpcs |
Query VPCs |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:listSubnets |
GET /v2/{project_id}/subnets |
Query subnets |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:listSecurityGroups |
GET /v2/{project_id}/security-groups |
List security groups |
√ |
√ |
workspace:networks:getAvailableIp |
GET /v2/{project_id}/subnets/{subnet_id}/available-ip |
Query available IP addresses of a subnet by subnet ID |
√ |
√ |
workspace:orders:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/periodic/subscribe/order |
Subscribe to a yearly/monthly order |
√ |
√ |
workspace:orders:change |
POST /v2/{project_id}/periodic/{desktop_id}/change/order |
Create a request for changing the subscription |
√ |
√ |
workspace:renderDesktops:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/render-desktops |
Create a rendering desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:renderDesktops:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/render-desktops |
Delete a rendering desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:renderDesktops:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/render-desktops |
List rendering desktops |
√ |
√ |
workspace:renderDesktops:action |
POST /v2/{project_id}/render-desktops/action |
Perform operations on a rendering desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:renderDesktops:createConsole |
GET /v2/{project_id}/render-desktops/{desktop_id}/remote-consoles |
Obtain the URL for remote login to the console |
√ |
√ |
workspace:renderDesktops:resize |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/render-desktops/resize |
Change rendering desktop specifications |
√ |
√ |
workspace:scheduledTasks:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks |
Create a scheduled task |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks |
List scheduled tasks |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/{task_id} |
Update a scheduled task |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/{task_id} |
Delete a scheduled task |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/{task_id} |
Query scheduled task details |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:getFuture |
POST /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/future-executions |
Query the future execution time of a scheduled task |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:batchDelete |
POST /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/batch-delete |
Batch delete scheduled tasks |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:listRecords |
GET /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/{task_id}/records |
Query the execution records of a scheduled task |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:getRecord |
GET /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/{task_id}/records/{record_id} |
Query details about the execution records of a scheduled task |
√ |
x |
workspace:scheduledTasks:exportRecords |
POST /v2/{project_id}/scheduled-tasks/{task_id}/records/export |
Export details about the execution records of a scheduled task |
√ |
x |
workspace:statistics:getRunState |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/statistics/run-state |
Collect operating status statistics |
√ |
x |
workspace:statistics:getLoginState |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/statistics/login-state |
Collect login status statistics |
√ |
x |
workspace:statistics:getUnused |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/statistics/unused |
Query desktops not used in a specified period |
√ |
x |
workspace:statistics:getUsed |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/statistics/used |
Query the duration of using a desktop |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:getConfig |
GET /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops/config |
Query the configuration of terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:createConfig |
POST /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops/config |
Configure terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops |
List the configurations of terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:add |
POST /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops |
Add terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops |
Modify terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:delete |
POST /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops/batch-delete |
Delete terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:getTemplate |
GET /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops/template |
Download the template for terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:import |
POST /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops/template/import |
Batch import terminal-desktop binding |
√ |
x |
workspace:bindingPolicies:export |
GET /v2/{project_id}/terminals/binding-desktops/template/export |
Export information about terminal-desktop binding to an Excel file |
√ |
x |
workspace:volumes:add |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/volumes |
Add a desktop disk |
√ |
√ |
workspace:volumes:delete |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/volumes/batch-delete |
Delete a data disk |
√ |
√ |
workspace:volumes:batchAdd |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/volumes |
Add disks to multiple desktops |
√ |
√ |
workspace:volumes:batchAdd |
POST /v2/{project_id}/volumes |
Add a desktop disk |
√ |
√ |
workspace:volumes:expand |
POST /v2/{project_id}/desktops/{desktop_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/expand |
Expand disk capacity |
√ |
√ |
workspace:volumes:batchExpand |
POST /v2/{project_id}/volumes/expand |
Expand the disk capacity of a desktop |
√ |
√ |
workspace:volumes:listDssPoolsDetail |
GET /v2/{project_id}/dss-pools/detail |
List details of dedicated distributed storage pools |
√ |
√ |
workspace:wdh:listDesktops |
GET /v2/{project_id}/hosts/{host_id}/servers |
Query desktops of a workspace host |
√ |
√ |
workspace:wdh:getType |
GET /v2/{project_id}/hosts/types |
Query workspace host types |
√ |
√ |
workspace:wdh:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/hosts |
Buy a workspace host |
√ |
√ |
workspace:wdh:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/hosts |
List workspace hosts |
√ |
√ |
workspace:wdh:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/hosts |
Update a workspace host |
√ |
√ |
workspace:tenants:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/workspaces |
Query details about the workspace service |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:open |
POST /v2/{project_id}/workspaces |
Subscribe to the workspace service |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/workspaces |
Modify the attributes of the workspace service |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/workspaces |
Deregister the workspace service |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:checkEnterpriseIds |
POST /v2/{project_id}/workspaces/enterprise-ids/check |
Check whether the enterprise ID has been used |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:updateEnterpriseId |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/workspaces/enterprise-id |
Modify an enterprise ID |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:getRealms |
GET /v2/{project_id}/workspaces/realms |
Query tenant domain information |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:getLockStatus |
GET /v2/{project_id}/workspaces/lock-status |
Check whether the workspace service has been locked |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:unlock |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/workspaces/lock-status |
Unlock the workspace service |
√ |
x |
workspace:tenants:getRoles |
GET /v2/{project_id}/tenants/roles |
Query tenant roles |
√ |
x |
workspace:natMappings:getConfig |
GET /v2/{project_id}/nat-mapping-configs |
Query NAT mapping configuration items of a tenant |
√ |
x |
workspace:natMappings:updateConfig |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/nat-mapping-configs |
Modify NAT mapping configuration items of a tenant |
√ |
x |
workspace:sites:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/sites |
Query site information |
√ |
x |
workspace:sites:add |
POST /v2/{project_id}/sites |
Add a site |
√ |
x |
workspace:sites:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/sites/{site_id} |
Delete a site |
√ |
x |
workspace:sites:updateAccessMode |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/sites/{site_id}/access-mode |
Modify the site access mode |
√ |
x |
workspace:sites:updateSubnets |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/sites/{site_id}/subnet-ids |
Modify a site service subnet |
√ |
x |
workspace:privacystatements:sign |
POST /v2/{project_id}/privacystatement |
Sign the privacy statement |
√ |
x |
workspace:quotas:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/quotas |
Query tenant quota |
√ |
x |
workspace:authConfigs:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/auth-config/method-config |
Query the configuration of the authentication login mode |
√ |
x |
workspace:authConfigs:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/auth-config/method-config |
Update the authentication policy configuration |
√ |
x |
workspace:assistAuthConfigs:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/assist-auth-config/method-config |
Query the configuration of auxiliary authentication |
√ |
x |
workspace:assistAuthConfigs:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/assist-auth-config/method-config |
Update the configuration of auxiliary authentication |
√ |
x |
workspace:accessPolicies:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/access-policy |
Create an access policy |
√ |
x |
workspace:accessPolicies:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/access-policy |
Delete a specified access policy |
√ |
x |
workspace:accessPolicies:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/access-policy |
Query access policies |
√ |
x |
workspace:accessPolicies:getTarget |
GET /v2/{project_id}/access-policy/{access_policy_id}/objects |
Query the target object of a specified access policy |
√ |
x |
workspace:accessPolicies:updateTarget |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/access-policy/{access_policy_id}/objects |
Update the target object of a specified access policy |
√ |
x |
workspace:availabilityZones:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/availability-zones |
Query supported AZs |
√ |
x |
workspace:availabilityZones:getSummary |
GET /v2/{project_id}/availability-zones/summary |
Query the summary of AZs |
√ |
x |
workspace:availabilityZones:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/availability-zones/detail |
Query AZ details |
√ |
x |
workspace:connections:securityList |
GET /v2/{project_id}/connections/desktops |
Query connection information |
√ |
x |
workspace:connections:securityExport |
GET /v2/{project_id}/connections/desktops/export |
Export connection records |
√ |
x |
workspace:connections:securityList |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/connections |
Query connection information |
√ |
x |
workspace:connections:securityExport |
GET /v2/{project_id}/desktops/connections/export |
Export connection records |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups |
Add a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/{policy_group_id} |
Delete a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/{policy_group_id} |
Modify a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups |
List policy groups |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/{policy_group_id} |
Query policy groups |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:export |
POST /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/export |
Export a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:import |
POST /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/import |
Import a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:listPolicies |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/{policy_group_id}/policies |
Query policy items in a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:updatePolicies |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/{policy_group_id}/policies |
Modify policy items in a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:listTargets |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/{policy_group_id}/targets |
Query the target object of a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:updateTargets |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/{policy_group_id}/targets |
Modify the target object of a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:listDetail |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/detail |
List policy group details |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:getQuotas |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/quotas |
Query the maximum number of policy groups |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:getMaxPriority |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/max-priority |
Query the maximum priority of a policy group |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:getOriginalPolicies |
GET /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/original-policies |
Query initial policy items |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:createTemplate |
POST /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/policy-template |
Create a policy template |
√ |
x |
workspace:policyGroups:updateTemplate |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/policy-groups/policy-template/{policy_group_id} |
Update a policy template |
√ |
x |
workspace:userGroups:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/groups |
Create a user group |
√ |
x |
workspace:userGroups:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/groups |
Query user groups |
√ |
x |
workspace:userGroups:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/groups/{group_id} |
Modify a user group |
√ |
x |
workspace:userGroups:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/groups/{group_id} |
Delete a desktop user group |
√ |
x |
workspace:userGroups:batchDelete |
POST /v2/{project_id}/groups/batch-delete |
Batch delete user groups |
√ |
x |
workspace:userGroups:operate |
POST /v2/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/actions |
Perform operations on a user group |
√ |
x |
workspace:userGroups:getUsers |
GET /v2/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/users |
Query users in a user group |
√ |
x |
workspace:ou:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/ous |
Add OU information |
√ |
x |
workspace:ou:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/ous/{ou_id} |
Delete OU information |
√ |
x |
workspace:ou:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/ous/{ou_id} |
Update OU information |
√ |
x |
workspace:ou:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/ous |
Query OU information |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:create |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users |
Create a user |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:delete |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id} |
Delete a specified user |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:update |
PUT /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id} |
Modify user information |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/users |
Query users |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:get |
GET /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id} |
Query user details |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:operate |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/actions |
Indicate operations (locking, unlocking, and resetting passwords) |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:resetPassword |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/password |
Reset a user password |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:resendEmail |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/resend-email |
Resend an email |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:batchDelete |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/batch-delete |
Batch delete users |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:uploadTemplate |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/template-upload |
Upload a user template file |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:getTemplate |
GET /v2/{project_id}/users/desktop-users/template |
Download a user template file |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:importUser |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/desktop-users/action/import |
Import users |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:checkExist |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/exist |
Check whether the user exists |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:listOtps |
GET /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/otp-devices |
Query OTP devices |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:deleteOtps |
DELETE /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/otp-devices |
Unbind an OTP device |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:getImportTemplate |
GET /v2/{project_id}/users/template/download |
Download a user template |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:import |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/import |
Import a user |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:export |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/export |
Export a user |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:batchCreate |
POST /v2/{project_id}/users/batch-create |
Batch create users |
√ |
x |
workspace:users:randomPassword |
GET /v2/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/random-password |
Reset a random password for a user |
√ |
x |
workspace:images:list |
GET /v2/{project_id}/images |
List product images |
√ |
√ |
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