Updated on 2024-03-05 GMT+08:00

Billing Examples

Unit prices in this example are used for reference only, and the prices calculated here are only estimates. As unit prices change from time to time, the prices shown here may differ from actual prices. For details, see the data released on the Huawei Cloud official website.

Billing Scenario

Assume that a user purchased a pay-per-use Enterprise Edition VPN gateway with the following configuration at 15:30:00 on March 18, 2023:

  • Billing mode: pay-per-use
  • Network type: public network
  • Associated with a VPC
  • Specification: Professional 1
  • Number of VPN connection groups: 10
  • HA mode: active-active
  • Bandwidth of the active EIP: 20 Mbit/s
  • Bandwidth of active EIP 2: 20 Mbit/s
  • Public network bandwidth: billed by bandwidth

The price of billing items is as follows:

  • Gateway:
  • VPN connection group:
  • Bandwidth fee (active EIP + active EIP 2):

The user purchased one VPN connection group at 16:30:00 on March 18, 2023. After a period of time, the user found that the VPN quotas no longer met service requirements, and increased the bandwidth to 30 Mbit/s at 09:00:00 on March 20, 2023. The new bandwidth price is . Since the VPN gateway was intended for long-term use, the user changed the VPN gateway to yearly/monthly billing with a one-month duration at 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023. So how much will the user be billed for this VPN gateway in March and April?

Billing Analysis

The total price of the VPN involves both pay-per-use and yearly/monthly usage:

  • Pay-per-use usage: 15:30:00 on March 18, 2023 to 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023
  • Yearly/Monthly usage: 10:30:00 on March 20, 2023 to 23:59:59 on April 20, 2023

From March to April, the total price of the VPN gateway is .