Help Center/ Content Delivery Network/ Billing/ Billing Options/ Billing by 95th Percentile Bandwidth
Updated on 2023-03-29 GMT+08:00

Billing by 95th Percentile Bandwidth


Billing by 95th percentile bandwidth suits you if your monthly expenditure is greater than $15,000 USD. Contact your account manager and apply for this billing option.

Billing Details

Billing Rule

Billing Period


Billing item: peak bandwidth

Payment: post payment

Billing method: You are billed by peak bandwidth at the contract price.

Conversion rule: 1 Mbit/s = 1000 kbit/s

You are billed on a monthly basis. The usage for each month will be billed in the following month.

In each calendar month, the peak bandwidth is measured and recorded every 5 minutes on each valid day. At the end of the month, the records are sorted from the highest to the lowest, and the top 5% of the records are thrown away. Then the highest bandwidth value in the remaining records is the billable bandwidth of the month.

Valid day: Any day when traffic is consumed is considered a valid day.

Measurement point: The bandwidth used is sampled every 5 minutes. There are 288 data samples per day.


Company C's 95th percentile bandwidth billing took effect on October 1, 2020, and the contract price is M/Mbit/s per month.

Suppose that there are X valid days in October, so there are 288 x X measurement points. The top 5% of these bandwidth values are thrown away, and the highest bandwidth value in the remaining records is the billable bandwidth, which is marked as Max95. Therefore, the billable amount for company C in October is Max95 x M x (X/Total days in October).

Bill Run Time

The system generates a bill at about 20:00:00 (GMT+08:00) on the first day of the next month for fee deduction. The actual bill generation time may vary.