Updated on 2023-03-21 GMT+08:00

Listing Failure Result Files


This command is used to list the last-modified failure result files generated by the cp or sync commands in a specified folder.

Command Line Structure

  • In Windows
    obsutil ls -failed [-limit=1000] [-o=xxx]
  • In Linux or macOS
    ./obsutil ls -failed [-limit=1000] [-o=xxx]


The following example is based on a Windows OS:

obsutil ls -failed

FileName                                                             ModTime                                 TaskId                                  
cp_failed_report_xxx_ccb9f044-7768-4948-ae6d-4628ae9659a5.txt        2019-05-26 19:33:13.516813 +0800 CST    ccb9f044-7768-4948-ae6d-4628ae9659a5    

sync_failed_report_xxx_59104460-d10e-42a1-9f76-03f7bd3eaeb4.txt      2019-05-27 14:30:19.91126 +0800 CST     59104460-d10e-42a1-9f76-03f7bd3eaeb4    

Get 2 last modified failed report files.

Parameter Description


Optional or Mandatory




This command is used to list the last-modified failure result files generated by the cp or sync commands in a specified folder.

  • This command does not support recursive scanning of all files in a specified folder. It can only list failure result files in the root directory of a specified path.


Optional (additional parameter)

Maximum number of objects that can be queried. If the value is less than or equal to 0, all objects are listed. If it is left blank, 1000 objects are listed by default.


Optional (additional parameter)

Specifies the folder where the result files are located. If this parameter is not specified, the .obsutil_output subfolder in the user directory for running obsutil commands is used by default.