When Will I Be Charged Handling Fees? How Is the Refund Calculated?
For details, see Unsubscribing from a Cloud Service.
Charging Handling Fees
If you unsubscribe from a renewal period that has not taken effect, from inactive resources, or from a resource that fails to be provisioned, no handling fees will be charged and used cash coupons will be returned.
If you unsubscribe from an in-use resource, handling fee will be charged and any cash coupon that was applied will not be returned.
If you wonder whether cash coupons will be returned during unsubscription, see Will Used Coupons Be Returned During My Resource Unsubscriptions?.
Calculating Refunds
- Unsubscribing from renewal periods or inactive resources
Refund amount = Actual payment. The cash coupons that were applied will be returned.
- Unsubscribing from in-use resources
Refund amount = Actual payment – Amount due – Handling fees. The used cash coupons will not be returned. See the unsubscription page for the final refund amount.
Actual payment refers to the payment in cash, excluding any payment in cash coupons.
Amount due = Actual payment x (Actual usage duration/Subscribed period)
Handling fee: There is a handling fee for unsubscription, unless the free handling fee is specified in the effective framework contract for the customer.
The table below shows the unsubscription handling fee details.
Subscription Term
Actual Usage Duration ≤ 1 Year
1 Year < Actual Usage Duration ≤ 2 Years
2 Years < Actual Usage Duration ≤ 3 Years
3-year subscription
Handling fee = 15% of your actual payment
Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment
Handling fee = 5% of your actual payment
2-year subscription
Handling fee = 15% of your actual payment
Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment
1-year subscription
Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment
Monthly subscription
Handling fee = 10% of your actual payment
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