Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00

Checking the Commissioning Result


After an HDFS application is run, you can learn the application running conditions by viewing the running result or HDFS logs.


  • Learn the application running conditions by viewing the running result.
    • The running result of the HDFS windows example application is shown as follows:
      1654 [main] WARN  org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.shortcircuit.DomainSocketFactory  - The short-circuit local reads feature cannot be used because UNIX Domain sockets are not available on Windows.
      2013 [main] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to create path /user/hdfs-examples
      2137 [main] WARN  org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader  - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
      2590 [main] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to write.
      3245 [main] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to append.
      4447 [main] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - result is : hi, I am bigdata. It is successful if you can see me.I append this content.
      4447 [main] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to read.
      4509 [main] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to delete the file /user/hdfs-examples\test.txt
      4618 [main] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to delete path /user/hdfs-examples
      4743 [hdfs_example_1] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to create path /user/hdfs-examples/hdfs_example_1
      4743 [hdfs_example_0] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to create path /user/hdfs-examples/hdfs_example_0
      5087 [hdfs_example_0] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to write.
      5087 [hdfs_example_1] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to write.
      6507 [hdfs_example_1] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to append.
      6553 [hdfs_example_0] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to append.
      7505 [hdfs_example_1] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - result is : hi, I am bigdata. It is successful if you can see me.I append this content.
      7505 [hdfs_example_1] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to read.
      7568 [hdfs_example_1] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to delete the file /user/hdfs-examples/hdfs_example_1\test.txt
      7583 [hdfs_example_0] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - result is : hi, I am bigdata. It is successful if you can see me.I append this content.
      7583 [hdfs_example_0] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to read.
      7630 [hdfs_example_0] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to delete the file /user/hdfs-examples/hdfs_example_0\test.txt
      7677 [hdfs_example_1] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to delete path /user/hdfs-examples/hdfs_example_1
      7739 [hdfs_example_0] INFO  com.huawei.bigdata.hdfs.examples.HdfsExample  - success to delete path /user/hdfs-examples/hdfs_example_0

      In the Windows environment, the following exception occurs but does not affect services.

      java.io.IOException: Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.

    • The running result of the Colocation windows example application is shown as follows:
      1623 [main] WARN  org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.shortcircuit.DomainSocketFactory  - The short-circuit local reads feature cannot be used because UNIX Domain sockets are not available on Windows.
      1670 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper  - Client environment:zookeeper.version=***, built on 10/19/2017 04:21 GMT
      1670 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper  - Client environment:host.name=siay7user1.china.huawei.com
      1670 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper  - Client environment:java.version=***
      1670 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper  - Client environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
      1670 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper  - Client environment:java.home=D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131
      Create Group has finished.
      Put file is running...
      5930 [main] WARN  org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader  - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
      Put file has finished.
      Delete file is running...
      Delete file has finished.
      Delete Group is running...
      Delete Group has finished.
      6866 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper  - Session: 0x13000074b7e464b7 closed
      6866 [main-EventThread] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn  - EventThread shut down for session: 0x13000074b7e464b7
      6928 [main-EventThread] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn  - EventThread shut down for session: 0x14000073f13b657b
      6928 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper  - Session: 0x14000073f13b657b closed
  • Learn the application running conditions by viewing HDFS logs.

    The NameNode logs of HDFS offer immediate visibility into application running conditions. You can adjust application programs based on the logs.