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Specifications for Importing a Manifest File
The manifest file defines the mapping between labeled objects and content. The manifest file import mode means that the manifest file is used for dataset import. The manifest file can be imported from OBS. When importing a manifest file from OBS, ensure that you have the permissions to access the directory where the manifest file is stored.
There are many requirements on the manifest file compilation. Import new data from OBS. Generally, manifest file import is used for data migration of ModelArts in different regions or using different accounts. If you have labeled data in a region using ModelArts, you can obtain the manifest file of the published dataset from the output path. Then you can import the dataset using the manifest file to ModelArts of other regions or accounts. The imported data carries the labeling information and does not need to be labeled again, improving development efficiency.
The manifest file that contains information about the original file and labeling can be used in labeling, training, and inference scenarios. The manifest file that contains only information about the original file can be used in inference scenarios or used to generate an unlabeled dataset. The manifest file must meet the following requirements:
- The manifest file uses the UTF-8 encoding format.
- The manifest file uses the JSON Lines format ( A line contains one JSON object.
{"source": "/path/to/image1.jpg", "annotation": ... } {"source": "/path/to/image2.jpg", "annotation": ... } {"source": "/path/to/image3.jpg", "annotation": ... }
In the preceding example, the manifest file contains multiple lines of JSON object.
- The manifest file can be generated by you, third-party tools, or ModelArts Data Labeling. The file name can be any valid file name. To facilitate the internal use of the ModelArts system, the file name generated by the ModelArts data labeling function consists of the following strings: DatasetName-VersionName.manifest. For example, animal-v201901231130304123.manifest.
Image Classification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 |
{ "source":"s3://path/to/image1.jpg", "usage":"TRAIN", "id":"0162005993f8065ef47eefb59d1e4970", "annotation": [ { "type": "modelarts/image_classification", "name": "cat", "property": { "color":"white", "kind":"Persian cat" }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }, { "type": "modelarts/image_classification", "name":"animal", "annotated-by":"modelarts/active-learning", "confidence": 0.8, "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }], "inference-loc":"/path/to/inference-output" } |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Description |
source |
Yes |
URI of an object to be labeled. For details about data source types and examples, see Table 2. |
usage |
No |
By default, the parameter value is left blank. Possible values are as follows:
If the parameter value is left blank, you decide how to use the object. |
id |
No |
Sample ID exported from the system. You do not need to set this parameter when importing the sample. |
annotation |
No |
If the parameter value is left blank, the object is not labeled. The value of annotation consists of an object list. For details about the parameters, see Table 3. |
inference-loc |
No |
This parameter is available when the file is generated by the inference service, indicating the location of the inference result file. |
Type |
Example |
"source":"s3://path-to-jpg" |
Content |
"source":"content://I love machine learning" |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Description |
type |
Yes |
Label type. Possible values are as follows:
name |
Yes/No |
This parameter is mandatory for the classification type but optional for other types. This example uses the image classification type. |
id |
Yes/No |
Label ID. This parameter is mandatory for triplets but optional for other types. The entity label ID of a triplet is in E+number format, for example, E1 and E2. The relationship label ID of a triplet is in R+number format, for example, R1 and R2. |
property |
No |
Labeling property. In this example, the cat has two properties: color and kind. |
annotated-by |
No |
The default value is human, indicating manual labeling.
creation-time |
No |
Time when the labeling job was created. It is the time when labeling information was written, not the time when the manifest file was generated. |
confidence |
No |
Confidence score of machine labeling. The value ranges from 0 to 1. |
Text Classification
{ "source": "content://I like this product ", "id":"XGDVGS", "annotation": [ { "type": "modelarts/text_classification", "name": " positive", "annotated-by": "human", "creation-time": "2019-01-23 11:30:30" } ] }
The content parameter indicates the text to be labeled. The other parameters are the same as those described in Image Classification. For details, see Table 1.
Named Entity Recognition
{ "source":"content://Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world.", "usage":"TRAIN", "annotation":[ { "type":"modelarts/text_entity", "name":"Person", "property":{ "@modelarts:start_index":0, "@modelarts:end_index":14 }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }, { "type":"modelarts/text_entity", "name":"Category", "property":{ "@modelarts:start_index":34, "@modelarts:end_index":44 }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" } ] }
The parameters such as source, usage, and annotation are the same as those described in Image Classification. For details, see Table 1.
Table 4 describes the property parameters. For example, if you want to extract Michael from "source":"content://Michael Jordan", the value of start_index is 0 and that of end_index is 7.
Text Triplet
{ "source":"content://"Three Body" is a series of long science fiction novels created by Liu Cix.", "usage":"TRAIN", "annotation":[ { "type":"modelarts/text_entity", "name":"Person", "id":"E1", "property":{ "@modelarts:start_index":67, "@modelarts:end_index":74 }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }, { "type":"modelarts/text_entity", "name":"Book", "id":"E2", "property":{ "@modelarts:start_index":0, "@modelarts:end_index":12 }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }, { "type":"modelarts/text_triplet", "name":"Author", "id":"R1", "property":{ "@modelarts:from":"E1", "@modelarts:to":"E2" }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }, { "type":"modelarts/text_triplet", "name":"Works", "id":"R2", "property":{ "@modelarts:from":"E2", "@modelarts:to":"E1" }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" } ] }
The parameters such as source, usage, and annotation are the same as those described in Image Classification. For details, see Table 1.
Table 5 property parameters describes the property parameters. @modelarts:start_index and @modelarts:end_index are the same as those of named entity recognition. For example, when source is set to content://"Three Body" is a series of long science fiction novels created by Liu Cix., Liu Cix is an entity person, Three Body is an entity book, the person is the author of the book, and the book is works of the person.
Parameter |
Data type |
Description |
@modelarts:start_index |
Integer |
Start position of the triplet entities. The value starts from 0, including the characters specified by start_index. |
@modelarts:end_index |
Integer |
End position of the triplet entities, excluding the characters specified by end_index. |
@modelarts:from |
String |
Start entity ID of the triplet relationship |
@modelarts:to |
String |
Entity ID pointed to in the triplet relationship |
Object Detection
{ "source":"s3://path/to/image1.jpg", "usage":"TRAIN", "annotation": [ { "type":"modelarts/object_detection", "annotation-loc": "s3://path/to/annotation1.xml", "annotation-format":"PASCAL VOC", "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }] }
- The parameters such as source, usage, and annotation are the same as those described in Image Classification. For details, see Table 1.
- annotation-loc indicates the path for saving the label file. This parameter is mandatory for object detection and image segmentation but optional for other labeling types.
- annotation-format indicates the format of the label file. This parameter is optional. The default value is PASCAL VOC. Only PASCAL VOC is supported.
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Description |
folder |
Yes |
Directory where the data source is located |
filename |
Yes |
Name of the file to be labeled |
size |
Yes |
Image pixel
segmented |
Yes |
Segmented or not |
object |
Yes |
Object detection information. Multiple object{} functions are generated for multiple objects.
Parameter |
Shape |
Labeling information |
point |
Point |
Coordinates of a point <x>100<x> <y>100<y> |
line |
Line |
Coordinates of points <x1>100<x1> <y1>100<y1> <x2>200<x2> <y2>200<y2> |
bndbox |
Rectangle |
Coordinates of the upper left and lower right points <xmin>100<xmin> <ymin>100<ymin> <xmax>200<xmax> <ymax>200<ymax> |
polygon |
Polygon |
Coordinates of points <x1>100<x1> <y1>100<y1> <x2>200<x2> <y2>100<y2> <x3>250<x3> <y3>150<y3> <x4>200<x4> <y4>200<y4> <x5>100<x5> <y5>200<y5> <x6>50<x6> <y6>150<y6> |
circle |
Circle |
Center coordinates and radius <cx>100<cx> <cy>100<cy> <r>50<r> |
<annotation> <folder>test_data</folder> <filename>260730932.jpg</filename> <size> <width>767</width> <height>959</height> <depth>3</depth> </size> <segmented>0</segmented> <object> <name>point</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated>0</truncated> <occluded>0</occluded> <difficult>0</difficult> <point> <x1>456</x1> <y1>596</y1> </point> </object> <object> <name>line</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated>0</truncated> <occluded>0</occluded> <difficult>0</difficult> <line> <x1>133</x1> <y1>651</y1> <x2>229</x2> <y2>561</y2> </line> </object> <object> <name>bag</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated>0</truncated> <occluded>0</occluded> <difficult>0</difficult> <bndbox> <xmin>108</xmin> <ymin>101</ymin> <xmax>251</xmax> <ymax>238</ymax> </bndbox> </object> <object> <name>boots</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated>0</truncated> <occluded>0</occluded> <difficult>0</difficult> <polygon> <x1>373</x1> <y1>264</y1> <x2>500</x2> <y2>198</y2> <x3>437</x3> <y3>76</y3> <x4>310</x4> <y4>142</y4> </polygon> </object> <object> <name>circle</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated>0</truncated> <occluded>0</occluded> <difficult>0</difficult> <circle> <cx>405</cx> <cy>170</cy> <r>100<r> </circle> </object> </annotation>
Sound Classification
{ "source": "s3://path/to/pets.wav", "annotation": [ { "type": "modelarts/audio_classification", "name":"cat", "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" } ] }
The parameters such as source, usage, and annotation are the same as those described in Image Classification. For details, see Table 1.
Speech Labeling
{ "source":"s3://path/to/audio1.wav", "annotation":[ { "type":"modelarts/audio_content", "property":{ "@modelarts:content":"Today is a good day." }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" } ] }
- The parameters such as source, usage, and annotation are the same as those described in Image Classification. For details, see Table 1.
- The @modelarts:content parameter in property indicates speech content. The data type is String.
Speech Paragraph Labeling
{ "source":"s3://path/to/audio1.wav", "usage":"TRAIN", "annotation":[ { "type":"modelarts/audio_segmentation", "property":{ "@modelarts:start_time":"00:01:10.123", "@modelarts:end_time":"00:01:15.456", "@modelarts:source":"Tom", "@modelarts:content":"How are you?" }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" }, { "type":"modelarts/audio_segmentation", "property":{ "@modelarts:start_time":"00:01:22.754", "@modelarts:end_time":"00:01:24.145", "@modelarts:source":"Jerry", "@modelarts:content":"I'm fine, thank you." }, "annotated-by":"human", "creation-time":"2019-01-23 11:30:30" } ] }
- The parameters such as source, usage, and annotation are the same as those described in Image Classification. For details, see Table 1.
- Table 8 describes the property parameters.
Table 8 property parameters Parameter
Data type
Start time of the sound. The format is hh:mm:ss.SSS.
hh indicates the hour, mm indicates the minute, ss indicates the second, and SSS indicates the millisecond.
End time of the sound. The format is hh:mm:ss.SSS.
hh indicates the hour, mm indicates the minute, ss indicates the second, and SSS indicates the millisecond.
Sound source
Sound content
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