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Creating an MRS Cluster

Updated on 2022-11-18 GMT+08:00


This section describes how to create an MRS analysis cluster using APIs. For details on how to call APIs, see Making an API Request.


  • A VPC and subnet have been created using the VPC service in the region where the cluster is to be created. For details about how to create a VPC, see Querying VPCs and Creating a VPC. For details about how to create a subnet, see Querying Subnets and Creating a Subnet.
  • You have obtained the region and AZ information of the cluster to be created. For details, see Endpoints.
  • You have obtained the project ID of the region where the cluster is to be created. For details, see Obtaining a Project ID.
  • You have determined the version of the cluster to be created and the components supported by the version.
  • In this example, an analysis cluster is created based on the pay-per-use billing mode.


  • API

    URI format: POST /v2/{project_id}/clusters

    For details, see Creating a Cluster.

  • Example request

    POST: https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/clusters

    • For details about {endpoint}, see Endpoints.
    • For details about {project_id}, see Obtaining a Project ID.
    • Obtain the value of node_size from the cluster creation page on the MRS console.
    Request body:
      "cluster_version": "MRS 3.1.0",
      "cluster_name": "mrs_Demo",
      "cluster_type": "ANALYSIS",
      "charge_info": {
    	  "charge_mode": "postPaid"
      "region": "",
      "availability_zone": "",
      "vpc_name": "vpc-37cd",
      "subnet_name": "subnet-ed99",
      "components": "Hadoop,Spark2x,HBase,Hive,Hue,Flink,Oozie,Ranger,Tez",
      "safe_mode": "KERBEROS",
      "manager_admin_password": "Mrs@1234",
      "login_mode": "PASSWORD",
      "node_root_password": "Mrs@1234",
      "log_collection": 1,
      "mrs_ecs_default_agency": "MRS_ECS_DEFAULT_AGENCY",
      "tags": [
          "key": "tag1",
          "value": "111"
          "key": "tag2",
          "value": "222"
      "node_groups": [
          "group_name": "master_node_default_group",
          "node_num": 2,
          "node_size": "rc3.4xlarge.4.linux.bigdata",
          "root_volume": {
            "type": "SAS",
            "size": 480
          "data_volume": {
            "type": "SAS",
            "size": 600
          "data_volume_count": 1
          "group_name": "core_node_analysis_group",
          "node_num": 3,
          "node_size": "rc3.4xlarge.4.linux.bigdata",
          "root_volume": {
            "type": "SAS",
            "size": 480
          "data_volume": {
            "type": "SAS",
            "size": 600
          "data_volume_count": 1
          "group_name": "task_node_analysis_group",
          "node_num": 3,
          "node_size": "rc3.4xlarge.4.linux.bigdata",
          "root_volume": {
            "type": "SAS",
            "size": 480
          "data_volume": {
            "type": "SAS",
            "size": 600
          "data_volume_count": 1,
    	 "auto_scaling_policy": {
                    "auto_scaling_enable": true,
                    "min_capacity": 0,
                    "max_capacity": 1,
                    "resources_plans": [],
                    "exec_scripts": [],
                    "rules": [
                            "name": "default-expand-1",
                            "description": "",
                            "adjustment_type": "scale_out",
                            "cool_down_minutes": 5,
                            "scaling_adjustment": "1",
                            "trigger": {
                                "metric_id": 2003,
                                "metric_name": "StormSlotAvailablePercentage",
                                "metric_value": 100,
                                "comparison_operator_id": 2003,
                                "comparison_operator": "LTOE",
                                "evaluation_periods": "1"

    For details about the parameters, see Creating a Cluster.

  • Example response
    	"cluster_id": "da1592c2-bb7e-468d-9ac9-83246e95447a"




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