Help Center/ ModelArts/ FAQs/ Notebook (New Version)/ Environment Configurations/ How Can I Resolve Abnormal Font Display on a ModelArts Notebook Accessed from iOS?
Updated on 2024-06-11 GMT+08:00

How Can I Resolve Abnormal Font Display on a ModelArts Notebook Accessed from iOS?


When a ModelArts notebook is accessed from iOS, the font is displayed abnormally.


Set fontFamily of Terminal to Menlo.


  1. Log in to the ModelArts management console and choose DevEnviron > Notebook.
  2. Locate the row containing the target notebook instance and click Open in the Operation column. The JupyterLab page is displayed.
  3. On the JupyterLab page, choose Settings > Advanced Settings Editor. The Settings tab page is displayed.

  4. Choose Terminal in the navigation pane on the left and set fontFamily to Menlo.