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Help Center/ Distributed Message Service for Kafka/ FAQs/ Kafka Manager/ How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?

How Do I Change a Partition Leader for a Topic in Kafka Manager?

Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00

Perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to Kafka Manager.
  2. Choose Topic > List.

  3. Click the topic name (for example, topic-test) for which a partition leader is to be modified.

  4. Click Manual Partition Assignments.
    Figure 1 Topic details
    Figure 2 Page for modifying partition leaders

    For example, in the preceding figure, the leader (Replica 0) of Partition 2 is on Broker 2.

  5. Change the leader and click Save Partition Assignment.

    If the modification is successful, the information shown in the following figure is displayed.

  6. Click Go to topic view.
  7. Click Reassign Partitions to save the change.

    After the change is saved, the information shown in the following figure is displayed.

  8. In the breadcrumb navigation, click the topic name. On the topic details page that is displayed, view the partition details.

    As shown in the preceding figure, the leader of partition 2 has been changed from 2 to 1.





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