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Help Center/ Distributed Message Service for Kafka/ FAQs/ Kafka Manager/ Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?

Which Topic Configurations Can Be Modified on Kafka Manager?

Updated on 2022-09-14 GMT+08:00

On Kafka Manager, the following topic configurations can be modified: max.message.bytes, segment.index.bytes, segment.jitter.ms, min.cleanable.dirty.ratio, retention.bytes, file.delete.delay.ms, compression.type, flush.ms, cleanup.policy, unclean.leader.election.enable, flush.messages, retention.ms, min.insync.replicas, delete.retention.ms, preallocate, index.interval.bytes, segment.bytes, and segment.ms.

Perform the following steps to modify the topic configurations:

  1. Log in to Kafka Manager.
  2. Click kafka_cluster.
  3. Choose Topic > List.

  4. Click a topic whose configurations you want to modify.
  5. Click Update Config.





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