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Help Center/ Koo Command Line Interface/ FAQs/ Parameters/ How Do I Leave a Body Parameter Empty for Cloud Service APIs?

How Do I Leave a Body Parameter Empty for Cloud Service APIs?

Updated on 2023-02-27 GMT+08:00

KooCLI allows you to leave the body parameters of cloud service APIs empty at any level.

  • A map parameter can be left empty as {} at the corresponding level.
  • An array parameter can be left empty as [] at the corresponding level.
Take the BatchStopServers operation of ECS as an example. There are two parameters in the body: os-stop.servers.[N].id and os-stop.type.
hcloud ECS BatchStopServers --cli-region=eu-west-101 --help

KooCLI(Koo Command Line Interface) Version 3.3.6 Copyright(C) 2023-2023 www.huaweicloud.com


This API is used to stop ECSs in a batch based on the specified ECS ID list. A maximum of 1000 ECSs can be stopped at a time.


    required    string  Region where the API can be called. If no region is specified in the command, cli-region in the current profile is used.
    required    string  body    ECS Instance ID. Format: --os-stop.servers.1.id=value1 ...
    required    string  path    Specifies the project ID. If no project ID is specified in the command, either the parent project ID of the specified region in the authentication information or cli-project-id in the current profile is used.
    optional    string  body    Specifies an ECS stop type. The default value is SOFT. [SOFT|HARD]
    - SOFT: normal ECS stop (default)
    - HARD: forcible ECS stop
  • No parameters left empty
    Pass the values of os-stop.servers.[N].id and os-stop.type, and run --dryrun to view the request body:
    hcloud ECS BatchStopServers --cli-region=eu-west-101 --os-stop.servers.1.id="test" --os-stop.type="SOFT" --dryrun
    -------- The execution is eliminated in dry-run mode. Current request: --------
    POST https://ecs.eu-west-101.myhuaweicloud.eu/v1/0a152ab****************262d035e8/cloudservers/action
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    X-Project-Id: 0a152ab****************262d035e8
    X-Sdk-Date: 20221116T121721Z
    Authorization: ****
      "os-stop": {
        "servers": [
            "id": "test"
        "type": "SOFT"
  • Array parameter left empty
    Pass --os-stop.servers="[]" for the array parameter os-stop.servers of os-stop.servers.[N].id to leave [N] and the remaining part empty. Then run --dryrun to view the request body:
    hcloud ECS BatchStopServers --cli-region=eu-west-101 --os-stop.servers="[]" --os-stop.type="SOFT" --dryrun
    -------- The execution is eliminated in dry-run mode. Current request: --------
    POST https://ecs.eu-west-101.myhuaweicloud.eu/v1/0a152ab****************262d035e8/cloudservers/action
    X-Project-Id: 0a152ab****************262d035e8
    X-Sdk-Date: 20221116T122841Z
    Authorization: ****
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
      "os-stop": {
        "servers": [],
        "type": "SOFT"
  • Map parameter left empty
    Pass --os-stop="{}" for the common parent os-stop of os-stop.servers.[N].id and os-stop.type to leave the map parameter empty. Then run --dryrun to view the request body:
    hcloud ECS BatchStopServers --cli-region=eu-west-101 --os-stop="{}" --dryrun
    -------- The execution is eliminated in dry-run mode. Current request: --------
    POST https://ecs.eu-west-101.myhuaweicloud.eu/v1/0a152ab****************262d035e8/cloudservers/action
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    X-Project-Id: 0a152ab****************262d035e8
    X-Sdk-Date: 20221117T013616Z
    Authorization: ****
      "os-stop": {}

KooCLI checks the parameter values during command execution. It displays an error message if an empty value does not match the parameter type. For example, if the empty value [] for an array parameter is assigned to the map parameter os-stop, the following error message is displayed:

[USE_ERROR] The value of map parameter os-stop is invalid.





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