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Why Am I Seeing a Message Indicating an Unsupported Service?

Updated on 2023-02-27 GMT+08:00


During a cloud service API call, KooCLI verifies the validity of your input parameters. If the cloud service name in the command is incorrect, or the cloud service is not released on KooCLI, an error message is displayed:

[USE_ERROR] Unsupported service: *


  1. Run the hcloud --help command to view all supported cloud services and check whether the service name is correct.
  2. If the service name is correct but the service is not in the Available services list output by the hcloud --help command, check either of the following reasons:
    1. Using the online mode: The cloud service has not been launched on KooCLI.
    2. Using the offline mode: The offline data package you used may not be the latest version, resulting in a parameter verification failure. In this case, run the hcloud meta download command to update the offline data package, and then run the command in 1 again. If the cloud service still does not exist in the result, it is unavailable for KooCLI offline mode. Try again when the offline data package is updated, or use the online mode instead.
  3. Determine your current language environment based on the language setting on KooCLI or your system time zone. Currently, the cloud services released in the English environment are different from those released in the Chinese environment. To switch the language, run the hcloud configure set --cli-lang=en command.




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