Updated on 2024-11-26 GMT+08:00

Renewal Rules

You can renew your yearly/monthly subscribed resources to prolong their validity periods. If a resource is renewed when it is in a grace period or retention period, the renewal for this resource starts from when the resource expired instead of the time when the renewal is operated. .


Renewal restrictions

  1. Reserved instances are not renewable.
  2. Pay-per-use resources and spot instances are not renewable.
  3. Orders being processed are not renewable.
  4. If an order for changing the specifications of a yearly/monthly resource has been submitted but has not been completed, such a resource is not renewable.
  5. Yearly/monthly resources that have been changed or are being changed to pay-per-use billing mode are not renewable.
  6. If a yearly/monthly resource has supplemented resources, the yearly/monthly resource is not renewable until the supplemented resources have been provisioned successfully, ensuring that the yearly/monthly resource and the supplemented resources expire at the same time.
  7. If a partner's customer accounts in the reseller model is frozen by the partner, the renewals are not allowed for these accounts. Contact the partner to handle it.
  8. Unsubscribed or released resources are not renewable.
  9. Resources no longer available are not renewable.

Rules for a consolidated renewal

  1. Associated resources must be renewed as a whole. Attached resources can be renewed as a whole or separately.


    Suppose that you purchased a yearly/monthly ECS with the flavor s6.small.1 and with a VPC network configured, and a 40 GB general-purpose SSD was attached as the system disk. When renewing the ECS, you need to renew it together with the 40 GB general-purpose SSD. The VPC network can be renewed separately.

  2. Solution product portfolios and DevCloud packages must be renewed as a whole and it is not allowed to renew only some resources in the portfolios or packages.
  3. If there are applicable discounts for a combined purchase package renewal, you can only renew all resources in the package. If no discounts can be applied for the package renewal, you can renew specific resources in the package separately.


    Assume that you have purchased a promotional package of a yearly/monthly ECS (specifications: s6.small.1 ECS + VPC network). You must renew the whole package to use an applicable discount. Only when no discount can be applied for renewing the package, you can renew the yearly/monthly ECS and VPC separately.

  4. For any other package, you can renew it as a whole or specific resources in the package. However, after you renew specific resources in a package, the package cannot be renewed as a whole any longer and discounts for a whole package renewal cannot be used.
  5. The resources in a combined service need to be renewed as a whole, for example, the ECS.

Rules for a batch renewal

  1. Resources in commercial use cannot be renewed together with those pending commercial use.
  2. Offline Dedicated Cloud cannot be renewed in batches.
  3. KooGallery resources managed by different sales persons cannot be renewed in batches.
  4. Orders being processed cannot be renewed in batches.
  5. Trial products cannot be renewed in batches.
  6. Portfolio products cannot be renewed in batches.
  7. Resources no longer available cannot be renewed in batches.