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Common Sqoop Commands and Parameters

Updated on 2022-09-15 GMT+08:00

Common Sqoop commands

Table 1 Common Sqoop commands




Imports data to a cluster.


Exports data of a cluster.


Obtains data from a table in the database to generate a Java file and compress the file.


Creates a Hive table.


Executes a SQL statement and view the result.


Imports all tables in a database to HDFS.


Generates a Sqoop job.


Lists database names.


List table names.


Merges data in different HDFS directories and saves the data to a specified directory.


Starts the metadata database to record the metadata of a Sqoop job.


Prints help information.


Prints the version information.

Common Parameters

Table 2 Common parameters




Parameters for database connection


Specifies the URL for connecting to a relational database.


Specifies the connection manager class.

--driver jdbc

Specifies the driver package for database connection.


Prints help information.


Specifies the password for connecting to a database.


Specifies the username for connecting to a database.


Prints detailed information on the console.

import parameters


Specifies the field delimiter, which must be the same as that in a Hive table or HDFS file.


Specifies the line delimiter, which must be the same as that in a Hive table or HDFS file.


Specifies the default delimiter settings of MySQL.

export parameters


Specifies the field delimiter.


Specifies the line delimiter.

Hive parameters


Replaces characters such as \r and \n in data with user-defined characters.


Removes characters such as \r and \n when data is imported to Hive.


Specifies the data type of fields during the generation of a Hive table.


Creates a partition.


Imports data to a specified partition of a database.


Specifies the installation directory for Hive.


Specifies that data is imported from a relational database to Hive.


Overwrites existing Hive data.


Creates a Hive table. The default value is false. A destination table will be created if it does not exist.


Specifies a Hive table to which data is to be imported.


Specifies the relational database table.


Specifies the fields of a relational data table to be imported.


Specifies the query statement for importing the query result.

HCatalog parameters


Specifies a Hive database and imports data to it using HCatalog.


Specifies a Hive table and imports data to it using HCatalog.


-m or --num-mappers

Specifies the number of map tasks used by a Sqoop job.


Specifies the column based on which Sqoop splits work units. This parameter is used together with -m.


Specifies the temporary directory of HDFS.

--null-string string

Specifies the string to be written for a null value for string columns.


Specifies the string to be written for a null value for non-string columns.


Specifies the column for determining incremental data import.

--incremental append or lastmodified

Incrementally imports data.

append: appends records, for example, appending records that are greater than the value specified by last-value.

lastmodified: appends data that is modified after the date specified by last-value.


Specifies the last value of the check column from the previous import.


Specifies the string to be interpreted as NULL for string columns.


Specifies the string to be interpreted as null for non-string columns. If this parameter is not specified, NULL will be used.





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